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2017-09-07 04:23:01 +00:00
module Affection.Util
2017-07-29 19:45:40 +00:00
import Affection.Types
import qualified SDL
import System.Clock
import Control.Monad.State
-- Prehandle SDL events in case any window events occur
preHandleEvents :: [SDL.Event] -> Affection us [SDL.EventPayload]
preHandleEvents evs =
return $ map SDL.eventPayload evs
-- | Return the userstate to the user
getAffection :: Affection us us
getAffection = do
ad <- get
return $ userState ad
-- | Put altered user state back
:: us -- User state
-> Affection us ()
putAffection us = do
ad <- get
put $ ad
{ userState = us }
-- | block a thread for a specified amount of time
:: Int -- ^ Number of seconds
-> IO ()
delaySec dur = SDL.delay (fromIntegral $ dur * 1000)
-- | Get time since start but always the same in the current tick.
getElapsedTime :: Affection us Double
getElapsedTime =
elapsedTime <$> get
getDelta :: Affection us Double
getDelta =
deltaTime <$> get
quit :: Affection us ()
quit = do
ad <- get
put $ ad { quitEvent = True }
toggleScreen :: Affection us ()
toggleScreen = do
ad <- get
newMode <- case screenMode ad of
SDL.Windowed -> do
SDL.setWindowMode (drawWindow ad) SDL.Fullscreen
return SDL.Fullscreen
SDL.Fullscreen -> do
SDL.setWindowMode (drawWindow ad) SDL.Windowed
return SDL.Windowed
now <- liftIO $ getTime Monotonic
put ad
{ sysTime = now
, screenMode = newMode