This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 460 additions and 90 deletions
@ -43,6 +43,7 @@ library
, Affection.MouseInteractable
, Affection.MouseInteractable
, Affection.Property
, Affection.Property
, Affection.Actor
, Affection.Actor
, Affection.Animation
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
default-extensions: OverloadedStrings
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
-- Modules included in this library but not exported.
@ -191,6 +192,7 @@ executable example05
, gegl
, gegl
, babl
, babl
, containers
, containers
, unordered-containers
, mtl
, mtl
, random
, random
, matrix
, matrix
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards, BangPatterns #-}
import Affection
import qualified SDL
import qualified GEGL as G
import qualified BABL as B
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Matrix as X
import Data.List as L
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes)
-- import Data.Vector as V
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Monad as CM (when, unless, foldM)
import qualified Control.Monad.Parallel as MP
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils
import Debug.Trace
dimension :: Int
dimension = 60
resolution :: Int
resolution = 600
main :: IO ()
main = do
conf <- return AffectionConfig
{ initComponents = All
, windowTitle = "Affection: example00"
, windowConfig = SDL.defaultWindow
{ windowInitialSize = SDL.V2
(CInt $ fromIntegral resolution)
(CInt $ fromIntegral resolution)
, canvasSize = Nothing
, preLoop = loadList
, eventLoop = handle
, updateLoop = Main.update
, drawLoop = draw
, loadState = load
, cleanUp = clean
withAffection conf
data UserData = UserData
{ nodeGraph :: M.Map String G.GeglNode
, foreground :: G.GeglBuffer
, keysDown :: [SDL.Keycode]
, liveIndices :: [(Int, Int)]
, indices :: [(Int, Int)]
-- , cells :: [((Int, Int), Actor String)]
-- , updateActors :: [Actor String]
load :: IO UserData
load = do
traceM "loading"
root <- G.gegl_node_new
traceM "new root node"
let bgProps = props $ do
prop "x" (0 :: Double)
prop "y" (0 :: Double)
prop "width" (fromIntegral resolution :: Double)
prop "height" (fromIntegral resolution :: Double)
prop "color" $ G.RGB 0 0 0
bg <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.Operation "gegl:rectangle" bgProps
traceM "background"
over <- G.gegl_node_new_child root G.defaultOverOperation
traceM "over"
buffer <- G.gegl_buffer_new (Just $ G.GeglRectangle 0 0 resolution resolution) =<<
B.babl_format (B.PixelFormat B.RGBA B.CFfloat)
sink <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.Operation "gegl:copy-buffer" $
props $
prop "buffer" buffer
traceM "buffer-sink"
crop <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.Operation "gegl:crop" $
props $ do
prop "width" (fromIntegral resolution :: Double)
prop "height" (fromIntegral resolution :: Double)
G.gegl_node_link_many [bg, over, crop, sink]
nop <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.Operation "gegl:nop" []
_ <- G.gegl_node_connect_to nop "output" over "aux"
traceM "connections made"
myMap <- return $ M.fromList
[ ("root" , root)
, ("over" , over)
, ("background" , bg)
, ("sink" , sink)
, ("nop" , nop)
, ("crop" , crop)
traceM "building matrix"
let !emptyMatrix = X.matrix dimension dimension (const False)
!indices = [(row, col) | row <- [1..dimension], col <- [1..dimension]]
-- traceM "building cells"
-- cells <- foldM (\acc index@(row, col) -> do
-- tempOver <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.defaultOverOperation
-- let !scale = (fromIntegral resolution) / (fromIntegral dimension)
-- tempProps =
-- props $ do
-- prop "x" (((fromIntegral col) - 1) * scale :: Double)
-- prop "y" (((fromIntegral row) - 1) * scale :: Double)
-- prop "width" (scale :: Double)
-- prop "height" (scale :: Double)
-- prop "color" $ G.RGB 1 1 1
-- tempRect <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.Operation "gegl:rectangle"
-- tempProps
-- G.gegl_node_connect_to tempRect "output" tempOver "aux"
-- let tempMap = M.fromList
-- [ ("over", tempOver)
-- , ("rect", tempRect)
-- ]
-- tempAProps =
-- map (\p -> ActorProperty
-- { apName = G.propertyName p
-- , apValue = G.propertyValue p
-- , apMapping = Just "rect"
-- }) tempProps
-- traceIO $ show index
-- return $ (index, Actor
-- { actorProperties = tempAProps
-- , actorNodes = tempMap
-- }) : acc
-- )
-- ([] :: [((Int, Int), Actor String)])
-- indices
-- :: IO [((Int, Int), Actor String)]
traceM "loading complete"
return UserData
{ nodeGraph = myMap
, foreground = buffer
, keysDown = []
, indices = indices
, liveIndices = []
-- , cells = cells
-- , updateActors = []
loadList :: Affection UserData ()
loadList = do
ud@UserData{..} <- getAffection
init <- foldM (\acc coord -> do
trig <- liftIO $ randomRIO (True, False)
if trig then return (coord : acc) else return acc
) [] indices
putAffection ud
{ liveIndices = init
getNeighbors :: (Int, Int) -> Affection UserData [(Int, Int)]
getNeighbors (row, col) =
UserData{..} <- getAffection
mapM (\(pr, pc) ->
return (overflow(row + pr), overflow(col + pc))
) lcs
overflow x
| x < 1 = dimension
| x > dimension = 1
| otherwise = x
lcs :: [(Int, Int)]
lcs =
[ (-1, -1)
, (-1, 0)
, (-1, 1)
, (0, -1)
-- , (0, 0)
, (0, 1)
, (1, -1)
, (1, 0)
, (1, 1)
draw :: Affection UserData ()
draw = do
traceM "drawing"
ad <- get
ud@UserData{..} <- getAffection
SDL.rendererDrawColor (windowRenderer ad) SDL.$= (SDL.V4 0 0 0 255)
SDL.clear (windowRenderer ad)
SDL.rendererDrawColor (windowRenderer ad) SDL.$= (SDL.V4 255 255 255 255)
MP.mapM_ (\(row, col) ->
let scale = floor (fromIntegral resolution / fromIntegral dimension)
(windowRenderer ad)
(Just ( SDL.Rectangle
(CInt $ fromIntegral $ (col - 1) * scale)
(CInt $ fromIntegral $ (row - 1) * scale)
(CInt $ fromIntegral $ scale)
(CInt $ fromIntegral $ scale)
) liveIndices
-- render Nothing Nothing
-- let livingActors = catMaybes $ parMap rpar (\i -> lookup i cells) liveIndices
-- unless (null livingActors) $ do
-- liftIO $ G.gegl_node_link_many $
-- parMap rpar (\a -> (actorNodes a) M.! "over") livingActors
-- _ <- liftIO $ G.gegl_node_link ((actorNodes $ last livingActors) M.! "over")
-- (nodeGraph M.! "nop")
-- return ()
-- process (nodeGraph M.! "sink")
-- present (G.GeglRectangle 0 0 resolution resolution) foreground True
-- render
-- Nothing
-- Nothing
-- _ <- liftIO $ MP.mapM
-- (\a -> G.gegl_node_disconnect (actorNodes a M.! "over") "input"
-- ) livingActors
-- putAffection ud
-- { updateActors = []
-- }
update :: Double -> Affection UserData ()
update dt = do
traceM "updating"
ud <- getAffection
elapsed <- getElapsedTime
traceM $ show (1 / dt) ++ " FPS"
traceM $ show $ keysDown ud
relevant <- getRelevant (liveIndices ud)
new <- catMaybes <$> MP.mapM (\coord@(row, col) -> do
neighs <-
foldl (\acc n -> if n `elem` liveIndices ud then acc + 1 else acc) 0 <$>
getNeighbors coord
let ret
| coord `elem` liveIndices ud && (neighs == 2 || neighs == 3) =
Just coord
| neighs == 3 =
Just coord
| otherwise =
return ret
) relevant
ud2 <- getAffection
putAffection ud2
{ liveIndices = new
mapM_ (\code ->
when (code == SDL.KeycodeR) loadList
) (keysDown ud)
getRelevant :: [(Int, Int)] -> Affection UserData [(Int, Int)]
getRelevant ls =
getRelevant' ls
getRelevant' xs = foldM (\acc x -> do
neighs <- getNeighbors x
let slice = (x : neighs)
rels = foldl (\a y ->
if y `elem` acc then a else y : a
) [] slice
return (acc ++ rels)
) [] xs
handle :: SDL.EventPayload -> Affection UserData ()
handle (SDL.KeyboardEvent dat) =
when (not (SDL.keyboardEventRepeat dat)) $ do
ud <- getAffection
if (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed)
putAffection ud
{ keysDown =
SDL.keysymKeycode (SDL.keyboardEventKeysym dat) : keysDown ud
putAffection ud
{ keysDown =
delete (SDL.keysymKeycode $ SDL.keyboardEventKeysym dat) (keysDown ud)
handle (SDL.WindowClosedEvent _) = do
traceM "seeya!"
handle _ =
return ()
clean :: UserData -> IO ()
clean _ = return ()
@ -5,12 +5,15 @@ import qualified SDL
import qualified GEGL as G
import qualified GEGL as G
import qualified BABL as B
import qualified BABL as B
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
import qualified Data.HashSet as HS
import qualified Data.Matrix as X
import qualified Data.Matrix as X
import Data.List as L
import Data.List as L
import Data.Foldable (foldrM, foldlM)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust, catMaybes)
-- import Data.Vector as V
-- import Data.Vector as V
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Control.Monad as CM (when, unless, foldM)
import Control.Monad as CM (when, unless)
import qualified Control.Monad.Parallel as MP
import qualified Control.Monad.Parallel as MP
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import Foreign.C.Types
import Foreign.C.Types
@ -48,9 +51,9 @@ data UserData = UserData
{ nodeGraph :: M.Map String G.GeglNode
{ nodeGraph :: M.Map String G.GeglNode
, foreground :: G.GeglBuffer
, foreground :: G.GeglBuffer
, keysDown :: [SDL.Keycode]
, keysDown :: [SDL.Keycode]
, liveIndices :: [(Int, Int)]
, liveIndices :: HS.HashSet (Int, Int)
, indices :: [(Int, Int)]
, indices :: [(Int, Int)]
, cells :: [((Int, Int), Actor String)]
, cells :: HM.HashMap (Int, Int) (Actor String)
, updateActors :: [Actor String]
, updateActors :: [Actor String]
@ -95,7 +98,7 @@ load = do
let !emptyMatrix = X.matrix dimension dimension (const False)
let !emptyMatrix = X.matrix dimension dimension (const False)
!indices = [(row, col) | row <- [1..dimension], col <- [1..dimension]]
!indices = [(row, col) | row <- [1..dimension], col <- [1..dimension]]
traceM "building cells"
traceM "building cells"
cells <- foldM (\acc index@(row, col) -> do
cells <- foldrM (\index@(row, col) acc -> do
tempOver <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.defaultOverOperation
tempOver <- G.gegl_node_new_child root $ G.defaultOverOperation
let !scale = (fromIntegral resolution) / (fromIntegral dimension)
let !scale = (fromIntegral resolution) / (fromIntegral dimension)
tempProps =
tempProps =
@ -119,21 +122,21 @@ load = do
, apMapping = Just "rect"
, apMapping = Just "rect"
}) tempProps
}) tempProps
traceIO $ show index
traceIO $ show index
return $ (index, Actor
return $ HM.insert index Actor
{ actorProperties = tempAProps
{ actorProperties = tempAProps
, actorNodes = tempMap
, actorNodes = tempMap
}) : acc
([] :: [((Int, Int), Actor String)])
:: IO [((Int, Int), Actor String)]
traceM "loading complete"
traceM "loading complete"
return UserData
return UserData
{ nodeGraph = myMap
{ nodeGraph = myMap
, foreground = buffer
, foreground = buffer
, keysDown = []
, keysDown = []
, indices = indices
, indices = indices
, liveIndices = []
, liveIndices = HS.empty
, cells = cells
, cells = cells
, updateActors = []
, updateActors = []
@ -141,21 +144,18 @@ load = do
loadList :: Affection UserData ()
loadList :: Affection UserData ()
loadList = do
loadList = do
ud@UserData{..} <- getAffection
ud@UserData{..} <- getAffection
init <- foldM (\acc coord -> do
-- init <- foldrM (\coord acc -> do
init <- foldlM (\acc coord -> do
trig <- liftIO $ randomRIO (True, False)
trig <- liftIO $ randomRIO (True, False)
if trig then return (coord : acc) else return acc
if trig then return (HS.insert coord acc) else return acc
) [] indices
) HS.empty indices
putAffection ud
putAffection ud
{ liveIndices = init
{ liveIndices = init
getNeighbors :: (Int, Int) -> Affection UserData [(Int, Int)]
getNeighbors :: (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
getNeighbors (row, col) =
getNeighbors (row, col) =
map (\(pr, pc) -> (overflow(row + pr), overflow(col + pc))) lcs
UserData{..} <- getAffection
mapM (\(pr, pc) ->
return (overflow(row + pr), overflow(col + pc))
) lcs
overflow x
overflow x
| x < 1 = dimension
| x < 1 = dimension
@ -179,7 +179,7 @@ draw :: Affection UserData ()
draw = do
draw = do
traceM "drawing"
traceM "drawing"
ud@UserData{..} <- getAffection
ud@UserData{..} <- getAffection
let livingActors = catMaybes $ parMap rpar (\i -> lookup i cells) liveIndices
let livingActors = parMap rpar (cells HM.!) $ HS.toList liveIndices
unless (null livingActors) $ do
unless (null livingActors) $ do
liftIO $ G.gegl_node_link_many $
liftIO $ G.gegl_node_link_many $
parMap rpar (\a -> (actorNodes a) M.! "over") livingActors
parMap rpar (\a -> (actorNodes a) M.! "over") livingActors
@ -191,9 +191,9 @@ draw = do
_ <- liftIO $ MP.mapM
-- _ <- liftIO $ MP.mapM
(\a -> G.gegl_node_disconnect (actorNodes a M.! "over") "input"
-- (\a -> G.gegl_node_disconnect (actorNodes a M.! "over") "input"
) livingActors
-- ) livingActors
putAffection ud
putAffection ud
{ updateActors = []
{ updateActors = []
@ -210,19 +210,48 @@ update dt = do
relevant <- getRelevant (liveIndices ud)
relevant <- getRelevant (liveIndices ud)
new <- catMaybes <$> MP.mapM (\coord@(row, col) -> do
-- let new = HS.fromList $ catMaybes $ parMap rpar (\coord@(row, col) ->
neighs <-
-- let neighs =
foldl (\acc n -> if n `elem` liveIndices ud then acc + 1 else acc) 0 <$>
-- foldl (\acc n -> if n `elem` liveIndices ud then acc + 1 else acc) 0 $
-- getNeighbors coord
-- ret
-- | coord `elem` liveIndices ud && (neighs == 2 || neighs == 3) =
-- Just coord
-- | neighs == 3 =
-- Just coord
-- | otherwise =
-- Nothing
-- in ret
-- ) (HS.toList relevant)
new <- foldrM (\coord@(row, col) acc -> do
-- new <- foldlM (\acc coord@(row, col) -> do
let !neighs = sum $
map (\n -> if n `elem` liveIndices ud then 1 else 0)$
getNeighbors coord
getNeighbors coord
let ret
| coord `elem` liveIndices ud && (neighs == 2 || neighs == 3) =
| coord `elem` liveIndices ud && (neighs == 2 || neighs == 3) =
Just coord
HS.insert coord acc
| neighs == 3 =
| neighs == 3 =
Just coord
HS.insert coord acc
| otherwise =
| otherwise =
return ret
return ret
) relevant
) HS.empty relevant
-- new <- catMaybes <$> MP.mapM (\coord@(row, col) -> do
-- neighs <-
-- foldl (\acc n -> if n `elem` liveIndices ud then acc + 1 else acc) 0 <$>
-- getNeighbors coord
-- let ret
-- | coord `elem` liveIndices ud && (neighs == 2 || neighs == 3) =
-- Just coord
-- | neighs == 3 =
-- Just coord
-- | otherwise =
-- Nothing
-- return ret
-- ) relevant
ud2 <- getAffection
ud2 <- getAffection
putAffection ud2
putAffection ud2
@ -233,18 +262,19 @@ update dt = do
when (code == SDL.KeycodeR) loadList
when (code == SDL.KeycodeR) loadList
) (keysDown ud)
) (keysDown ud)
getRelevant :: [(Int, Int)] -> Affection UserData [(Int, Int)]
getRelevant :: HS.HashSet (Int, Int) -> Affection UserData (HS.HashSet (Int, Int))
getRelevant ls =
getRelevant ls = do
getRelevant' ls
getRelevant' ls
getRelevant' xs = foldM (\acc x -> do
getRelevant' xs = foldlM (\acc x ->
neighs <- getNeighbors x
let neighs = getNeighbors x
let slice = (x : neighs)
slice = (x : neighs)
rels = foldl (\a y ->
rels = foldr (\y a ->
if y `elem` acc then a else y : a
-- rels = foldl (\a y ->
) [] slice
if y `elem` acc then a else HS.insert y a
return (acc ++ rels)
) HS.empty slice
) [] xs
in return (acc `HS.union` rels)
) HS.empty xs
handle :: SDL.EventPayload -> Affection UserData ()
handle :: SDL.EventPayload -> Affection UserData ()
handle (SDL.KeyboardEvent dat) =
handle (SDL.KeyboardEvent dat) =
@ -271,3 +301,12 @@ handle _ =
clean :: UserData -> IO ()
clean :: UserData -> IO ()
clean _ = return ()
clean _ = return ()
parHSMap f = (`using` parTraversable rpar) . f
-- catHSMaybe =
-- foldr (\x acc ->
-- case x of
-- Just a -> a `HS.insert` acc
-- Nothing -> acc
-- ) HS.empty
@ -41,6 +41,7 @@ import Affection.StateMachine as A
import Affection.MouseInteractable as A
import Affection.MouseInteractable as A
import Affection.Property as A
import Affection.Property as A
import Affection.Actor as A
import Affection.Actor as A
import Affection.Animation as A
import qualified BABL as B
import qualified BABL as B
@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module Affection.Actor
, ActorProperty(..)
, ActorProperty(..)
, updateProperties
, updateProperties
, applyProperties
, applyProperties
, getProperty
) where
) where
import qualified GEGL as G
import qualified GEGL as G
@ -20,13 +21,14 @@ import Affection.Types
data Ord a => Actor a = Actor
data Ord a => Actor a = Actor
{ actorProperties :: [ActorProperty a]
{ actorProperties :: [ActorProperty a]
, actorNodes :: M.Map a G.GeglNode
, actorNodes :: M.Map a G.GeglNode
, actorFlange :: G.GeglNode
} deriving (Eq)
data Ord a => ActorProperty a = ActorProperty
data Ord a => ActorProperty a = ActorProperty
{ apName :: String
{ apName :: String
, apValue :: G.PropertyValue
, apValue :: G.PropertyValue
, apMapping :: Maybe a
, apMapping :: Maybe (a, String)
} deriving (Eq)
updateProperties :: Ord a => [G.Property] -> Actor a -> Actor a
updateProperties :: Ord a => [G.Property] -> Actor a -> Actor a
updateProperties ps act@Actor{..} =
updateProperties ps act@Actor{..} =
@ -48,7 +50,13 @@ applyProperties :: Ord a => Actor a -> Affection us ()
applyProperties Actor{..} =
applyProperties Actor{..} =
MP.mapM_ (\(ActorProperty{..}) ->
MP.mapM_ (\(ActorProperty{..}) ->
maybe (return ()) (\m ->
maybe (return ()) (\m ->
liftIO $ G.gegl_node_set (actorNodes M.! m) $ G.Operation "" $
liftIO $ G.gegl_node_set (actorNodes M.! fst m) $ G.Operation "" $
(G.Property apName apValue) : []
(G.Property (snd m) apValue) : []
) apMapping
) apMapping
) actorProperties
) actorProperties
getProperty :: Ord a => String -> Actor a -> Maybe G.PropertyValue
getProperty name act =
case find (\a -> name == apName a) $ actorProperties act of
Just p -> Just $ apValue p
Nothing -> Nothing
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
module Affection.Animation
( SpriteAnimation(..)
, runAnimation
) where
import Affection.Actor
import Affection.Types
import Affection.Property
import qualified GEGL as G
import Control.Monad.State
data SpriteAnimation = SpriteAnimation
{ sanimCurrentFrame :: Int
, sanimSprites :: [FilePath]
, sanimFrameDuration :: Double
, sanimLoop :: Bool
, sanimLastChange :: Double
, sanimPropName :: String
:: Ord a
=> Actor a
-> SpriteAnimation
-> Affection us (SpriteAnimation, Actor a)
runAnimation act anim@SpriteAnimation{..} = do
ad <- get
let elapsed = elapsedTime ad
if elapsed - sanimLastChange > sanimFrameDuration
then do
let nframe =
if sanimCurrentFrame + 1 > length sanimSprites
if sanimLoop then 1 else sanimCurrentFrame
else sanimCurrentFrame + 1
nact =
(props $ prop sanimPropName $ sanimSprites !! (nframe - 1))
return (anim
{ sanimCurrentFrame = nframe
, sanimLastChange = elapsed
}, nact)
return (anim, act)
@ -101,27 +101,6 @@ render msrc mtgt =
src = maybe Nothing (Just . toSdlRect) msrc
src = maybe Nothing (Just . toSdlRect) msrc
tgt = maybe Nothing (Just . toSdlRect) mtgt
tgt = maybe Nothing (Just . toSdlRect) mtgt
-- putToSurface
-- :: Ptr a
-- -> G.GeglRectangle
-- -> Int
-- -> Int
-- -> DrawRequest
-- -> Affection us ()
-- putToSurface pixels realRect stride cpp DrawRequest{..} = do
-- ad <- get
-- liftIO $ SDL.lockSurface $ drawSurface ad
-- liftIO $ G.gegl_buffer_get
-- requestBuffer
-- (Just realRect)
-- 1
-- (Just $ drawFormat ad)
-- (pixels `plusPtr`
-- (rectangleX realRect * cpp + rectangleY realRect * stride))
-- stride
-- G.GeglAbyssNone
-- liftIO $ SDL.unlockSurface $ drawSurface ad
:: G.GeglRectangle
:: G.GeglRectangle
-> Int
-> Int
@ -143,7 +122,6 @@ putToTexture realRect stride cpp DrawRequest{..} = do
(destPtr, destStride) <- SDL.lockTexture
(destPtr, destStride) <- SDL.lockTexture
(drawTexture ad)
(drawTexture ad)
(Just destRect)
(Just destRect)
-- destPtr <- liftIO $ malloc :: (Ptr ByteString)
liftIO $ G.gegl_buffer_get
liftIO $ G.gegl_buffer_get
(Just realRect)
(Just realRect)
@ -152,17 +130,6 @@ putToTexture realRect stride cpp DrawRequest{..} = do
-- pixelData <- liftIO $ peekArray
-- (rectangleWidth realRect * rectangleHeight realRect)
-- destPtr
-- SDL.updateTexture
-- (drawTexture ad)
-- (Just $ SDL.Rectangle
-- (SDL.P $ SDL.V2 (rectangleX realRect) (rectangleY realRect))
-- (SDL.V2 (rectangleWidth realRect) (rectangleHeight realRect))
-- )
-- pixelData
-- (CInt $ fromIntegral stride)
SDL.unlockTexture $ drawTexture ad
SDL.unlockTexture $ drawTexture ad
-- | function for handling 'DrawRequest's and updating the output
-- | function for handling 'DrawRequest's and updating the output
@ -23,11 +23,11 @@ class MouseClickable a us where
-- This function does not consume provided events, but passes them on.
-- This function does not consume provided events, but passes them on.
:: (Foldable t, MouseClickable clickable us)
:: (Foldable t, MouseClickable clickable us)
=> SDL.Event -- ^ Piped event in
=> SDL.EventPayload -- ^ Piped event in
-> t clickable -- ^ 'MouseClickable' elemt to be checked
-> t clickable -- ^ 'MouseClickable' elemt to be checked
-> Affection us SDL.Event -- ^ Unaltered event
-> Affection us SDL.EventPayload -- ^ Unaltered event
handleMouseClicks e clickables =
handleMouseClicks e clickables =
case SDL.eventPayload e of
case e of
SDL.MouseButtonEvent dat -> do
SDL.MouseButtonEvent dat -> do
mapM_ (\clickable -> do
mapM_ (\clickable -> do
let SDL.P (SDL.V2 x y) = SDL.mouseButtonEventPos dat
let SDL.P (SDL.V2 x y) = SDL.mouseButtonEventPos dat
@ -34,7 +34,17 @@ updateParticle
-> Affection us [Particle]
-> Affection us [Particle]
-- ^ processed 'Particle's
-- ^ processed 'Particle's
updateParticle time func l =
updateParticle time func l =
updateParticle' time func l
catMaybes <$> MP.mapM (\p -> do
now <- elapsedTime <$> get
if particleCreation p + particleTimeToLive p < now
then do
dropParticle p
return Nothing
else do
np <- func time p
return $ Just np
) l
-- updateParticle' time func l
updateParticle' _ _ [] = return []
updateParticle' _ _ [] = return []
updateParticle' dt fun [p] = do
updateParticle' dt fun [p] = do
@ -9,6 +9,6 @@ import qualified SDL
class StateMachine a us where
class StateMachine a us where
smLoad :: a -> Affection us ()
smLoad :: a -> Affection us ()
smUpdate :: a -> Double -> Affection us ()
smUpdate :: a -> Double -> Affection us ()
smEvent :: a -> Double -> SDL.Event -> Affection us ()
smEvent :: a -> SDL.EventPayload -> Affection us ()
smDraw :: a -> Affection us ()
smDraw :: a -> Affection us ()
smClean :: a -> Affection us ()
smClean :: a -> Affection us ()
Add table
Reference in a new issue