fix dt computation
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 33 additions and 25 deletions
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import qualified SDL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Concurrent.MVar
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Control.Monad (when)
import Control.DeepSeq (deepseq)
@ -28,6 +29,15 @@ import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..))
import Types
instance Affectionate UserData where
loadState = load
preLoop = pre
handleEvents = handle
update = Main.update
draw = Main.draw
cleanUp = clean
hasNextStep = liftIO . readMVar . doNextStep
foreign import ccall unsafe "glewInit"
glewInit :: IO CInt
@ -47,16 +57,9 @@ main = do
, SDL.windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 600 600
, SDL.windowResizable = True
, SDL.Windowed
, initScreenMode = SDL.Windowed
, canvasSize = Nothing
, loadState = load
, preLoop = pre
, eventLoop = handle
, updateLoop = update
, drawLoop = draw
, cleanUp = clean
withAffection conf
@ -71,23 +74,28 @@ load = do
nanoCtx <- createGL3 (S.fromList [Antialias, StencilStrokes, NanoVG.Debug])
let fullMatrix = fromList 60 60 randList
-- logIO A.Debug $ prettyMatrix fullMatrix
empty1 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, WindowMessage -> Affection UserData ())])
empty3 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, KeyboardMessage -> Affection UserData ())])
return $ UserData
empty1 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, WindowMessage -> Affection ())])
empty3 <- newTVarIO [] -- ([] :: [(UUID, KeyboardMessage -> Affection ())])
step <- NewMVar True
(\life food time -> UserData
{ subsystems = Subsystems
(Window empty1)
(Keyboard empty3)
, lifeMat = fullMatrix
, foodMat = fromList 60 60 (repeat 10)
, timeMat = 60 60
, lifeMat = life
, foodMat = food
, timeMat = time
, nano = nanoCtx
, doNextStep = step
<$> newMVar fullMatrix
<*> (newMVar (fromList 60 60 (repeat 10)))
<*> (newMVar ( 60 60))
pre :: Affection UserData ()
pre = do
sd <- getAffection
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ subsystems sd) exitOnEsc
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ subsystems sd) reloadOnR
pre :: UserData -> Affection ()
pre ud = do
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ subsystems sd) (exitOnEsc (doNextStep ud))
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ subsystems sd) (reloadOnR ud)
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ subsystems sd) showFPS
_ <- partSubscribe (subKeyboard $ subsystems sd) toggleFullScreen
_ <- partSubscribe (subWindow $ subsystems sd) exitOnWindowClose
@ -127,12 +127,12 @@ withAffection AffectionConfig{..} = do
-- actual displaying of newly drawn frame
mapM_ (SDL.glSwapWindow . (\(_,y,_) -> y)) windows
-- -- save new time
-- ad3 <- get
-- when (sysTime ad == sysTime ad3) (
-- put ad3
-- { sysTime = now
-- }
-- )
ad3 <- get
when (sysTime ad == sysTime ad3) (
put ad3
{ sysTime = now
) initContainer
Add table
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