fix joystick disconnect crash

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nek0 2018-10-10 14:13:21 +02:00
parent f822b5cabb
commit fa2501021c
1 changed files with 12 additions and 7 deletions

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@ -101,11 +101,16 @@ joystickAutoDisconnect js (MsgJoystickDevice _ which SDL.JoyDeviceRemoved) =
liftIO $ do
joyIds <- mapM SDL.getJoystickID js
logIO Verbose $ "These are the Joysticks connected: " ++ show joyIds
[d] <- filterM (\j -> fmap (== which) (SDL.getJoystickID j)) js
logIO Verbose $ "disconnected joysticks: " ++ show d
logIO Verbose $ "Disconnecting Joystick " ++ show which
SDL.closeJoystick d
njoys <- filterM (\j -> return $ d /= j) js
logIO Verbose $ "returning joysticks: " ++ show njoys
return njoys
d <- filterM (\j -> fmap (== which) (SDL.getJoystickID j)) js
if not (null d)
then do
logIO Verbose $ "disconnected joysticks: " ++ show (head d)
logIO Verbose $ "Disconnecting Joystick " ++ show which
SDL.closeJoystick (head d)
njoys <- filterM (\j -> return $ head d /= j) js
logIO Verbose $ "returning joysticks: " ++ show njoys
return njoys
else do
logIO Error $ "Error while disconnecting Joystick"
return js
joystickAutoDisconnect js _ = return js