--- title: "Devlog: Making a game" author: nek0 tags: english, programming, devlog description: What I've been up to in the past month --- Hi folks. I have good news. I am making a game. After tinkering a lot on my game engine i thought it would be nice to have some "real result", to be able to present the product of my endeavours. I plan to make a talk at our local hacker symposium "[Datenspuren](https://datenspuren.de)" and maybe even at 35C3. As a showcase I want to present a game that is more than just a simple clone of an existing game. I already have that. No. I want an original game. What I came up with is a game, where you play as an intruder infiltrating a company with your main task being getting a copy of their database. But you have to path your way through their multi-floor building seeking clues and data traces how to access the next floor and ultimately the server room. For this I am starting a devlog, to show my progress as I keep on developing the game. So far I have my engine [affection](https://github.com/nek0/affection) as my foundation, for drawing I use [NanoVG-bindings](https://github.com/cocreature/nanovg-hs) and as something new to me, I am using an entity-component-system called [ecstasy](https://github.com/isovector/ecstasy). For now I have spent the last month or so figuring out, how to procedurally generate sane floors for the building and how to use the entity-component-system. So far, the whole thing looks like this: ![](/images/2018-02-27_preview.png) Pretty neat, isn't it? That's all for now. See you soon!