title: DN42
author: nek0
tags: english, meta
description: Now serving my site in DN42

Good news everyone! ^^

The server I maintain with a few friends is Member of the [DN42][DN42] network and we decided to make some of our services also available there.

This means, when you come from within DN42 you can resolve the address [nek0.dn42][here] and will be led here to my blog. I also pushed my gallery into DN42, so it is now available on [eidolon.nek0.dn42][eidolon].

There is not much to say on other news. I'm still working, so my free time is a bit limited.

[DN42]: https://dn42.net/Home
[here]: http://nek0.dn42
[eidolon]: http://eidolon.nek0.dn42