starting out with elasticsearch. not working for now
This commit is contained in:
15 changed files with 211 additions and 7 deletions
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ import Handler.AdminMediumSettings
import Handler.AdminComments
import Handler.AdminComments
import Handler.Tag
import Handler.Tag
import Handler.RootFeed
import Handler.RootFeed
import Handler.Search
-- This line actually creates our YesodDispatch instance. It is the second half
-- This line actually creates our YesodDispatch instance. It is the second half
-- of the call to mkYesodData which occurs in Foundation.hs. Please see the
-- of the call to mkYesodData which occurs in Foundation.hs. Please see the
@ -73,6 +73,8 @@ postActivateR token = do
-- create user directory
-- create user directory
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $
liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $
"static" </> "data" </> unpack (extractKey uId)
"static" </> "data" </> unpack (extractKey uId)
-- input user to elasticsearch
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESUser uId $ activatorUser activ)
-- cleanup
-- cleanup
runDB $ delete aId
runDB $ delete aId
runDB $ delete uTokenId
runDB $ delete uTokenId
@ -110,6 +110,7 @@ postAlbumSettingsR albumId = do
, AlbumSamplePic =. albumSamplePic temp
, AlbumSamplePic =. albumSamplePic temp
, AlbumSampleWidth =. width
, AlbumSampleWidth =. width
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESAlbum albumId temp)
setMessage "Album settings changed succesfully"
setMessage "Album settings changed succesfully"
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
_ -> do
_ -> do
@ -203,6 +204,8 @@ postAlbumDeleteR albumId = do
runDB $ delete albumId
runDB $ delete albumId
-- delete files
-- delete files
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ "static" </> "data" </> T.unpack (extractKey userId) </> T.unpack (extractKey albumId)
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ "static" </> "data" </> T.unpack (extractKey userId) </> T.unpack (extractKey albumId)
-- delete from elasticsearch
liftIO $ deleteIndexES (ESAlbum albumId album)
-- outro
-- outro
setMessage "Album deleted succesfully"
setMessage "Album deleted succesfully"
redirect HomeR
redirect HomeR
@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ postMediumR mediumId = do
((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ commentForm userId userSl mediumId Nothing
((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ commentForm userId userSl mediumId Nothing
case res of
case res of
FormSuccess temp -> do
FormSuccess temp -> do
_ <- runDB $ insert temp
cId <- runDB $ insert temp
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESComment cId temp)
--send mail to medium owner
--send mail to medium owner
owner <- runDB $ getJust $ mediumOwner medium
owner <- runDB $ getJust $ mediumOwner medium
link <- ($ MediumR (commentOrigin temp)) <$> getUrlRender
link <- ($ MediumR (commentOrigin temp)) <$> getUrlRender
@ -158,7 +159,8 @@ postCommentReplyR commentId = do
((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ commentForm userId userSl mediumId (Just commentId)
((res, _), _) <- runFormPost $ commentForm userId userSl mediumId (Just commentId)
case res of
case res of
FormSuccess temp -> do
FormSuccess temp -> do
_ <- runDB $ insert temp
cId <- runDB $ insert temp
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESComment cId temp)
--send mail to parent author
--send mail to parent author
parent <- runDB $ getJust $ fromJust $ commentParent temp
parent <- runDB $ getJust $ fromJust $ commentParent temp
parAuth <- runDB $ getJust $ commentAuthor parent
parAuth <- runDB $ getJust $ commentAuthor parent
@ -243,6 +245,8 @@ postCommentDeleteR commentId = do
_ <- mapM (\ent -> runDB $ delete $ entityKey ent) childEnts
_ <- mapM (\ent -> runDB $ delete $ entityKey ent) childEnts
-- delete comment itself
-- delete comment itself
runDB $ delete commentId
runDB $ delete commentId
-- delete from elasticsearch
liftIO $ deleteIndexES (ESComment commentId comment)
-- outro
-- outro
setMessage "Your comment has been deleted"
setMessage "Your comment has been deleted"
redirect $ MediumR $ commentOrigin comment
redirect $ MediumR $ commentOrigin comment
@ -49,6 +49,7 @@ postMediumSettingsR mediumId = do
, MediumDescription =. mediumDescription temp
, MediumDescription =. mediumDescription temp
, MediumTags =. mediumTags temp
, MediumTags =. mediumTags temp
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESMedium mediumId temp)
setMessage "Medium settings changed succesfully"
setMessage "Medium settings changed succesfully"
redirect $ MediumR mediumId
redirect $ MediumR mediumId
_ -> do
_ -> do
@ -107,6 +108,8 @@ postMediumDeleteR mediumId = do
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ tail $ mediumPath medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ tail $ mediumPath medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ tail $ mediumThumb medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ tail $ mediumThumb medium)
runDB $ delete mediumId
runDB $ delete mediumId
-- delete form elasticsearch
liftIO $ deleteIndexES (ESMedium mediumId medium)
setMessage "Medium succesfully deleted"
setMessage "Medium succesfully deleted"
redirect HomeR
redirect HomeR
_ -> do
_ -> do
@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ postNewAlbumR = do
runDB $ update userId [UserAlbums =. newAlbumList]
runDB $ update userId [UserAlbums =. newAlbumList]
-- create folder
-- create folder
liftIO $ createDirectory $ "static" </> "data" </> unpack (extractKey userId) </> unpack (extractKey albumId)
liftIO $ createDirectory $ "static" </> "data" </> unpack (extractKey userId) </> unpack (extractKey albumId)
-- update elasticsearch
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESAlbum albumId album)
-- outro
-- outro
setMessage "Album successfully created"
setMessage "Album successfully created"
redirect $ ProfileR userId
redirect $ ProfileR userId
@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ postProfileDeleteR userId = do
commEnts <- runDB $ selectList [CommentOrigin ==. med] []
commEnts <- runDB $ selectList [CommentOrigin ==. med] []
_ <- mapM (runDB . delete . entityKey) commEnts
_ <- mapM (runDB . delete . entityKey) commEnts
medium <- runDB $ getJust med
medium <- runDB $ getJust med
liftIO $ deleteIndexES (ESMedium med medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ L.tail $ mediumPath medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ L.tail $ mediumPath medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ L.tail $ mediumThumb medium)
liftIO $ removeFile (normalise $ L.tail $ mediumThumb medium)
runDB $ delete med
runDB $ delete med
@ -61,6 +62,7 @@ postProfileDeleteR userId = do
) albumList
) albumList
runDB $ delete userId
runDB $ delete userId
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ "static" </> "data" </> T.unpack (extractKey userId)
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ "static" </> "data" </> T.unpack (extractKey userId)
liftIO $ deleteIndexES (ESUser userId user)
deleteSession "userId"
deleteSession "userId"
setMessage "User deleted successfully"
setMessage "User deleted successfully"
redirect HomeR
redirect HomeR
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ postProfileSettingsR userId = do
, UserSlug =. userSlug temp
, UserSlug =. userSlug temp
, UserEmail =. userEmail temp
, UserEmail =. userEmail temp
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESUser userId temp)
setMessage "Profile settings changed successfully"
setMessage "Profile settings changed successfully"
redirect $ UserR $ userName user
redirect $ UserR $ userName user
_ -> do
_ -> do
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
module Handler.Search where
import Import
import Helper
import Data.Aeson
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
import Database.Bloodhound
import Database.Bloodhound.Client
import Network.HTTP.Client (defaultManagerSettings, responseBody)
getSearchR :: Handler Html
getSearchR = do
((res, widget), _) <- runFormGet searchForm
searchResults <-
case res of
FormSuccess query -> do
res <- getResults query
return $ L.toStrict $ responseBody res
_ -> return $ C.empty
-- error $ C.unpack searchResults
defaultLayout $
$(widgetFile "search")
searchForm :: Form Text
searchForm = renderDivs $ areq (searchField True) "Search" Nothing
getResults query = do
let esQuery = QuerySimpleQueryStringQuery (SimpleQueryStringQuery (QueryString query) Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing)
liftIO $ runBH' $ searchAll $ mkSearch (Just esQuery) Nothing
@ -90,6 +90,7 @@ postDirectUploadR albumId = do
inALbum <- runDB $ getJust albumId
inALbum <- runDB $ getJust albumId
let newMediaList = mId : albumContent inALbum
let newMediaList = mId : albumContent inALbum
runDB $ update albumId [AlbumContent =. newMediaList]
runDB $ update albumId [AlbumContent =. newMediaList]
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESMedium mId medium)
return Nothing
return Nothing
return $ Just $ fileName file
return $ Just $ fileName file
@ -189,13 +190,13 @@ getUploadR = do
I.null albums
I.null albums
then do
then do
setMessage "Please create an album first"
redirect NewAlbumR
else do
(uploadWidget, enctype) <- generateFormPost (bulkUploadForm userId)
(uploadWidget, enctype) <- generateFormPost (bulkUploadForm userId)
formLayout $ do
formLayout $ do
setTitle "Eidolon :: Upload Medium"
setTitle "Eidolon :: Upload Medium"
$(widgetFile "bulkUpload")
$(widgetFile "bulkUpload")
else do
setMessage "Please create an album first"
redirect NewAlbumR
Nothing -> do
Nothing -> do
setMessage "You need to be logged in"
setMessage "You need to be logged in"
redirect LoginR
redirect LoginR
@ -251,6 +252,7 @@ postUploadR = do
inALbum <- runDB $ getJust inAlbumId
inALbum <- runDB $ getJust inAlbumId
let newMediaList = mId : albumContent inALbum
let newMediaList = mId : albumContent inALbum
runDB $ update inAlbumId [AlbumContent =. newMediaList]
runDB $ update inAlbumId [AlbumContent =. newMediaList]
liftIO $ putIndexES (ESMedium mId medium)
return Nothing
return Nothing
return $ Just $ fileName file
return $ Just $ fileName file
@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ import Model
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Maybe
import Data.List as L
import Data.List as L
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Time
import Data.Time
@ -35,6 +36,10 @@ import Network.Mail.Mime
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8
import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8
import Graphics.ImageMagick.MagickWand
import Graphics.ImageMagick.MagickWand
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import Database.Bloodhound
import Network.HTTP.Client
import Network.HTTP.Types.Status as S
import Control.Monad (when)
getUserIdFromText :: T.Text -> UserId
getUserIdFromText :: T.Text -> UserId
getUserIdFromText tempUserId =
getUserIdFromText tempUserId =
@ -195,3 +200,48 @@ multiFileField = Field
, fieldEnctype = Multipart
, fieldEnctype = Multipart
-- <putIndexES :: ESInput -> Handler ()
putIndexES input = do
resp <- case input of
ESUser uId user -> do
_ <- runBH' $ createIndex defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "user")
_ <- runBH' $ openIndex (IndexName "user")
runBH' $ indexDocument (IndexName "user") (MappingName "object") defaultIndexDocumentSettings user (DocId $ extractKey uId)
ESAlbum aId album -> do
_ <- runBH' $ createIndex defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "album")
_ <- runBH' $ openIndex (IndexName "album")
runBH' $ indexDocument (IndexName "album") (MappingName "object") defaultIndexDocumentSettings album (DocId $ extractKey aId)
ESMedium mId medium -> do
_ <- runBH' $ createIndex defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "medium")
_ <- runBH' $ openIndex (IndexName "medium")
runBH' $ indexDocument (IndexName "medium") (MappingName "object") defaultIndexDocumentSettings medium (DocId $ extractKey mId)
ESComment cId comment -> do
_ <- runBH' $ createIndex defaultIndexSettings (IndexName "comment")
_ <- runBH' $ openIndex (IndexName "comment")
runBH' $ indexDocument (IndexName "comment") (MappingName "object") defaultIndexDocumentSettings comment (DocId $ extractKey cId)
case statusCode (responseStatus resp) of
201 -> return ()
-- 200 -> return ()
_ -> error $ C.unpack $ BL.toStrict $ responseBody resp
-- deleteIndexES :: ESInput -> Handler ()
deleteIndexES input = do
resp <- case input of
ESUser uId user ->
runBH' $ deleteDocument (IndexName "user") (MappingName "") (DocId $ extractKey uId)
ESAlbum aId album ->
runBH' $ deleteDocument (IndexName "album") (MappingName "") (DocId $ extractKey aId)
ESMedium mId medium ->
runBH' $ deleteDocument (IndexName "medium") (MappingName "") (DocId $ extractKey mId)
ESComment cId comment ->
runBH' $ deleteDocument (IndexName "comment") (MappingName "") (DocId $ extractKey cId)
case statusCode (responseStatus resp) of
201 -> return ()
-- 200 -> return ()
_ -> error $ C.unpack $ BL.toStrict $ responseBody resp
runBH' action = do
let server = Server "http://localhost:9200"
manager <- newManager defaultManagerSettings
runBH (BHEnv server manager) action
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
module Model where
module Model where
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import ClassyPrelude.Yesod
import Yesod.Markdown (Markdown)
import Yesod.Markdown (Markdown, unMarkdown)
import Database.Persist.Quasi
import Database.Persist.Quasi
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
import qualified System.FilePath as FP
@ -27,3 +27,88 @@ import qualified System.FilePath as FP
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"]
share [mkPersist sqlSettings, mkMigrate "migrateAll"]
$(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "config/models")
$(persistFileWith lowerCaseSettings "config/models")
data ESInput = ESUser UserId User
| ESAlbum AlbumId Album
| ESMedium MediumId Medium
| ESComment CommentId Comment
data FullUser = FullUser
{userRep :: User}
instance ToJSON User where
toJSON (User name slug _ _ _ _ _) =
[ "name" .= name
, "slug" .= slug
instance ToJSON FullUser where
toJSON (FullUser user) =
[ "name" .= (userName user)
, "slug" .= (userSlug user)
, "albums" .= (userAlbums user)
data FullAlbum = FullAlbum
{albumRep :: Album}
instance ToJSON Album where
toJSON (Album title _ _ _ _ _) =
[ "name" .= title ]
instance ToJSON FullAlbum where
toJSON (FullAlbum album) =
[ "name" .= (albumTitle album)
, "owner" .= (albumOwner album)
, "shares" .= (albumShares album)
, "content" .= (albumContent album)
data FullMedium = FullMedium
{mediumRep :: Medium}
instance ToJSON Medium where
toJSON (Medium title _ _ _ time _ desc tags _ _ _ _ _) =
[ "name" .= title
, "time" .= time
, "description" .= desc
, "tags" .= tags
instance ToJSON FullMedium where
toJSON (FullMedium medium) =
[ "name" .= (mediumTitle medium)
, "time" .= (mediumTime medium)
, "owner" .= (mediumOwner medium)
, "description" .= (mediumDescription medium)
, "tage" .= (mediumTags medium)
, "album" .= (mediumAlbum medium)
data FullComment = FullComment
{commentRep :: Comment}
instance ToJSON Comment where
toJSON (Comment _ slug _ _ time cont) =
[ "author" .= slug
, "time" .= time
, "content" .= (unMarkdown cont)
instance ToJSON FullComment where
toJSON (FullComment comment) =
[ "author_id" .= (commentAuthor comment)
, "author" .= (commentAuthorSlug comment)
, "origin" .= (commentOrigin comment)
, "parent" .= (commentParent comment)
, "time" .= (commentTime comment)
, "content" .= (unMarkdown $ commentContent comment)
@ -70,3 +70,5 @@
/feed/user/#UserId/rss.xml UserFeedRssR GET
/feed/user/#UserId/rss.xml UserFeedRssR GET
!/feed/user/#Text/atom.xml NameFeedAtomR GET
!/feed/user/#Text/atom.xml NameFeedAtomR GET
!/feed/user/#Text/rss.xml NameFeedRssR GET
!/feed/user/#Text/rss.xml NameFeedRssR GET
/search SearchR GET
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: eidolon
name: eidolon
version: 0.0.4
version: 0.0.5
synopsis: Image gallery in Yesod
synopsis: Image gallery in Yesod
license: AGPL-3
license: AGPL-3
@ -50,6 +50,7 @@ library
if flag(dev) || flag(library-only)
if flag(dev) || flag(library-only)
cpp-options: -DDEVELOPMENT
cpp-options: -DDEVELOPMENT
@ -114,6 +115,8 @@ library
, wai >= 3.0
, wai >= 3.0
, yesod-newsfeed >= 1.5
, yesod-newsfeed >= 1.5
, unix >= 2.7
, unix >= 2.7
, bloodhound >= 0.8
, http-types
-- for Migrations
-- for Migrations
, HDBC-postgresql
, HDBC-postgresql
@ -122,6 +125,7 @@ library
, filepath
, filepath
, system-filepath
, system-filepath
, bytestring
, bytestring
, http-client
executable eidolon
executable eidolon
if flag(library-only)
if flag(library-only)
Executable file
Executable file
@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<div #header .item data-width="400">
<div .inner>
<form method=GET action=@{SearchR}>
<input type="submit" value="Search">
$if not $ C.null searchResults
<div #header .item data-width="400">
<div .inner>
#{C.unpack searchResults}
Add table
Reference in a new issue