module Helper ( getUserIdFromText , extractKey -- , getUserNameById , fromHex , fromHex' , toHex , makeRandomToken , generateSalt , tagField , userField , sendMail , generateString , removeItem , acceptedTypes , iso8601 , localTimeToZonedTime , rfc822 , mediumStaticImageRoute , mediumStaticThumbRoute ) where import Prelude import Yesod.Static import Model import Control.Applicative import Control.Monad.Trans.Class import Data.Maybe import Data.Either import Data.List import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Time import Data.Char import Database.Persist import Database.Persist.Types import System.FilePath import System.Random import System.Locale import Yesod.Persist.Core import Yesod.Core.Types import Yesod import Numeric (readHex, showHex) import Network.Mail.Mime import Text.Blaze.Html.Renderer.Utf8 getUserIdFromText :: T.Text -> UserId getUserIdFromText tempUserId = Key $ PersistInt64 $ fromIntegral $ read $ T.unpack tempUserId extractKey :: KeyBackend backend entity -> T.Text extractKey = extractKey' . unKey where extractKey' (PersistInt64 k) = T.pack $ show k extractKey' _ = "" --getUserNameById :: UserId -> Text --getUserNameById userId = -- let -- user = runDB $ getJust $ userId -- in -- userName user fromHex :: String -> BL.ByteString fromHex = BL.pack . hexToWords where hexToWords (c:c':text) = let hex = [c, c'] (word, _):_ = readHex hex in word : hexToWords text hexToWords _ = [] -- strict variant fromHex' :: String -> B.ByteString fromHex' = B.concat . BL.toChunks . fromHex toHex :: B.ByteString -> T.Text toHex = T.pack . concatMap mapByte . B.unpack where mapByte = pad 2 '0' . flip showHex "" pad len padding s | length s < len = pad len padding $ padding:s | otherwise = s makeRandomToken :: IO T.Text makeRandomToken = (T.pack . take 16 . randoms) `fmap` newStdGen generateSalt :: IO B.ByteString generateSalt = (B.pack . take 8 . randoms) <$> getStdGen tagField :: Monad m => Field m [T.Text] tagField = Field { fieldParse = \rawVals _ -> do case rawVals of [x] -> case null [x] of False -> return $ Right $ Just $ removeItem "" $ T.splitOn " " x True -> return $ Right $ Nothing _ -> return $ Left $ error "unexpected tag list" , fieldView = \idAttr nameAttr val eResult isReq -> [whamlet||] , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded } userField :: Monad m => [(T.Text, UserId)] -> Field m [UserId] userField users = Field { fieldParse = \rawVals _ -> do case rawVals of [x] -> case x == "" of False -> -- clean = removeItem "" $ T.splitOn " " x let ids = map (\u -> lookup u users) (removeItem "" $ T.splitOn " " x) in case Nothing `elem` ids of False -> return $ Right $ Just $ nub $ map fromJust ids True -> return $ Left $ error "Invalid username list" True -> return $ Right $ Just $ [] _ -> return $ Left $ error "unexpected username list" , fieldView = \idAttr nameAttr val eResult isReq -> [whamlet||] , fieldEnctype = UrlEncoded } getUsersFromResult users res = T.intercalate " " $ map (\x -> fromMaybe "" $ reverseLookup x users) res sendMail :: MonadIO m => T.Text -> T.Text -> Html -> m () sendMail toEmail subject body = liftIO $ renderSendMail Mail { mailFrom = Address Nothing "noreply" -- TODO: set sender Address , mailTo = [Address Nothing toEmail] , mailCc = [] , mailBcc = [] , mailHeaders = [("Subject", subject)] , mailParts = [[Part { partType = "text/html; charset=utf-8" , partEncoding = None , partFilename = Nothing , partHeaders = [] , partContent = renderHtml body }]] } generateString :: IO T.Text generateString = (toHex . B.pack . take 16 . randoms) <$> newStdGen removeItem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> [a] removeItem _ [] = [] removeItem x (y:ys) | x == y = removeItem x ys | otherwise = y : removeItem x ys reverseLookup :: Eq b => b -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe a reverseLookup s ((x, y):zs) | s == y = Just x | s /= y = reverseLookup s zs | otherwise = Nothing acceptedTypes :: [T.Text] acceptedTypes = ["image/jpeg", "image/jpg", "image/png", "image/x-ms-bmp", "image/x-bmp", "image/bmp", "image/tiff", "image/tiff-fx"] iso8601 :: FormatTime t => t -> String iso8601 time = formatTime defaultTimeLocale (iso8601DateFormat $ Just "%H:%M:%S") time ++ zone where zone = case formatTime defaultTimeLocale "%z" time of (sig:digits@(h1:h2:m1:m2)) | sig `elem` "+-" && all isDigit digits -> sig:h1:h2:':':m1:m2 _ -> "Z" localTimeToZonedTime :: TimeZone -> LocalTime -> ZonedTime localTimeToZonedTime tz = utcToZonedTime tz . localTimeToUTC tz --rfc822 :: LocalTime -> String rfc822 = formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat mediumStaticImageRoute :: Medium -> Route Static mediumStaticImageRoute medium = StaticRoute (drop 2 $ T.splitOn "/" $ T.pack $ mediumPath medium) [] mediumStaticThumbRoute :: Medium -> Route Static mediumStaticThumbRoute medium = StaticRoute (drop 2 $ T.splitOn "/" $ T.pack $ mediumThumb medium) []