$if null userAlbs This user has no albums yet $else Albums Albums of this user: $if not (null userAlbs) $forall (Entity albumId album) <- userAlbs $if (albumSamplePic album) == Nothing $else #{albumTitle album} $if not (null sharedAlbs) Shared Albums Albums shared with this user: $forall Just (Entity albumId album) <- sharedAlbs $if (albumSamplePic album) == Nothing $else #{albumTitle album} $if not (null recentMedia) Newest images recent uploads of #{ownerSlug} $forall (Entity mediumId medium) <- take 10 recentMedia #{mediumTitle medium}
$if (albumSamplePic album) == Nothing $else #{albumTitle album} $if not (null sharedAlbs) Shared Albums Albums shared with this user: $forall Just (Entity albumId album) <- sharedAlbs $if (albumSamplePic album) == Nothing $else #{albumTitle album} $if not (null recentMedia) Newest images recent uploads of #{ownerSlug} $forall (Entity mediumId medium) <- take 10 recentMedia #{mediumTitle medium}
Shared Albums Albums shared with this user: $forall Just (Entity albumId album) <- sharedAlbs $if (albumSamplePic album) == Nothing $else #{albumTitle album} $if not (null recentMedia) Newest images recent uploads of #{ownerSlug} $forall (Entity mediumId medium) <- take 10 recentMedia #{mediumTitle medium}
$if (albumSamplePic album) == Nothing $else #{albumTitle album} $if not (null recentMedia) Newest images recent uploads of #{ownerSlug} $forall (Entity mediumId medium) <- take 10 recentMedia #{mediumTitle medium}
Newest images recent uploads of #{ownerSlug} $forall (Entity mediumId medium) <- take 10 recentMedia #{mediumTitle medium}