module Handler.Album where import Import import qualified Data.Text as T getAlbumR :: AlbumId -> Handler Html getAlbumR albumId = do tempAlbum <- runDB $ get albumId case tempAlbum of Just album -> do ownerId <- return $ albumOwner album owner <- runDB $ getJust ownerId ownerName <- return $ userName owner msu <- lookupSession "userId" presence <- case msu of Just tempUserId -> do userId <- return $ getUserIdFromText tempUserId return (userId == ownerId) Nothing -> return False -- media <- mapM (\a -> runDB $ getJust a) (albumContent album) media <- runDB $ selectList [MediumAlbum ==. albumId] [Desc MediumTime] defaultLayout $ do setTitle $ toHtml ("Eidolon :: Album " `T.append` (albumTitle album)) $(widgetFile "album") Nothing -> do setMessage "This album does not exist" redirect $ HomeR