2015-10-18 05:03:12 +02:00

176 lines
5.6 KiB
Executable file

{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Migrate2 where
import Prelude
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.Aeson as A
import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Yaml as Y
import Data.Time.LocalTime
import Database.Bloodhound
import Network.HTTP.Client
data ESSettings = ESSettings
{ esHost :: T.Text
, esShards :: Int
, esReplicas :: Int
instance A.FromJSON ESSettings where
parseJSON = withObject "AppSettings" $ \o -> do
esHost <- o .: "searchhost"
esShards <- o .: "shards"
esReplicas <- o .: "replicas"
return ESSettings {..}
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter database host"
dbHost <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database port"
dbPort <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database user"
dbUser <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database name"
dbName <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database password"
dbPasswd <- getPasswd
putStrLn "Enter location of eidolon settings.yml file"
settingsFP <- getLine
let dbString = "host=" ++ dbHost ++ " port=" ++ dbPort ++ " user=" ++ dbUser ++ " dbname=" ++ dbName ++ " password=" ++ dbPasswd
conn <- connectPostgreSQL dbString
settingsY <- decodeFile settingsFP :: IO (Maybe ESSettings)
elastic <- case settingsY of
Just el -> return el
Nothing -> error $ "Could not read settings from " ++ settingsFP
let server = Server $ esHost elastic
let indexSettings = IndexSettings (ShardCount $ esShards elastic) (ReplicaCount $ esReplicas elastic)
userStmt <- prepare conn "select * from \"user\""
_ <- execute userStmt []
userRows <- fetchAllRowsAL userStmt
albumStmt <- prepare conn "select * from \"album\""
_ <- execute albumStmt []
albumRows <- fetchAllRowsAL albumStmt
mediumStmt <- prepare conn "select * from \"medium\""
_ <- execute mediumStmt []
mediumRows <- fetchAllRowsAL mediumStmt
commentStmt <- prepare conn "select * from \"comment\""
_ <- execute commentStmt []
commentRows <- fetchAllRowsAL commentStmt
_ <- withBH defaultManagerSettings server $ do
_ <- createIndex indexSettings (IndexName "user")
_ <- createIndex indexSettings (IndexName "album")
_ <- createIndex indexSettings (IndexName "medium")
_ <- createIndex indexSettings (IndexName "comment")
_ <- sequence $ map (\entry ->
case entry of
[("id", SqlInteger theId), ("name", SqlByteString name), ("slug", SqlByteString slug), _, _, _, _, _] -> do
let u = SUser (bToT name) (bToT slug)
let dId = DocId $ T.pack $ show theId
indexDocument (IndexName "user") (MappingName "user") defaultIndexDocumentSettings u dId
bla ->
error $ "malformed entry" ++ show bla
) userRows
_ <- sequence $ map (\entry ->
case entry of
[("id", SqlInteger theId), ("title", SqlByteString title), _, _, _, _, _] -> do
let a = SAlbum (bToT title)
let dId = DocId $ T.pack $ show theId
indexDocument (IndexName "album") (MappingName "album") defaultIndexDocumentSettings a dId
bla ->
error $ "malformed entry: " ++ show bla
) albumRows
_ <- sequence $ map (\entry ->
case entry of
[("id", SqlInteger theId), ("title", SqlByteString title), _, _, _, ("time", SqlZonedTime time), _, ("description", SqlByteString desc), ("tags", SqlByteString tags), _, _, _, _, _] -> do
let m = SMedium (bToT title) (zonedTimeToUTC time) (bToT desc) (parseTags tags)
let dId = DocId $ T.pack $ show theId
indexDocument (IndexName "medium") (MappingName "medium") defaultIndexDocumentSettings m dId
bla ->
error $ "malformed entry" ++ show bla
) mediumRows
_ <- sequence $ map (\entry ->
case entry of
[("id", SqlInteger theId), _, ("author_slug", SqlByteString author), _, _, ("time", SqlZonedTime time), ("content", SqlByteString content)] -> do
let c = SComment (bToT author) (zonedTimeToUTC time) (bToT content)
let dId = DocId $ T.pack $ show theId
indexDocument (IndexName "medium") (MappingName "medium") defaultIndexDocumentSettings c dId
bla ->
error $ "malformed entry" ++ show bla
) commentRows
return ()
putStrLn "Migration successful!!"
data SUser = SUser
{ suName :: T.Text
, suSlug :: T.Text
instance A.ToJSON SUser where
toJSON (SUser n s) = object
[ "name" .= n
, "slug" .= s
data SAlbum = SAlbum
{ saName :: T.Text }
instance A.ToJSON SAlbum where
toJSON (SAlbum n) = object
[ "name" .= n ]
data SMedium = SMedium
{ smName :: T.Text
, smTime :: UTCTime
, smDesc :: T.Text
, smTags :: [T.Text]
instance A.ToJSON SMedium where
toJSON (SMedium n t d g) = object
[ "name" .= n
, "time" .= t
, "description" .= d
, "tags" .= g
data SComment = SComment
{ scAuthor :: T.Text
, scTime :: UTCTime
, scContent :: T.Text
instance A.ToJSON SComment where
toJSON (SComment a t c) = object
[ "author" .= a
, "time" .= t
, "content" .= c
parseTags :: B.ByteString -> [T.Text]
parseTags bs = map handle' inner
inner = T.splitOn "," $ T.pack $ B.unpack $ B.init $ B.tail bs
handle' = T.dropEnd 2 . T.drop 3
bToT :: B.ByteString -> T.Text
bToT = T.pack . B.unpack
getPasswd :: IO String
getPasswd = do
putStr "Password: "
hFlush stdout
pass <- withEcho False getLine
putChar '\n'
return pass
withEcho :: Bool -> IO a -> IO a
withEcho echo action = do
old <- hGetEcho stdin
bracket_ (hSetEcho stdin echo) (hSetEcho stdin old) action