
450 lines
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* skel.js vx.x | (c) n33 | n33.co | MIT licensed */
var skel = function() {
var e = "config", t = "breakpoints", n = "iterate", r = "elements", i = "getCachedElement", s = "stateId", o = "getElementsByClassName", u = !1, a = "stateElements", f = "cacheElement", l = "deviceType", c = "length", h = "getElementsByTagName", p = "config_breakpoint", d = "parentNode", v = null, m = "height", g = "vars", y = "match", b = "insertBefore", w = "newInline", E = "orientationChange", S = "width", x = "object", T = "cache", N = "lockState", C = "!important", k = "head", L = "containers", A = "createElement", O = "_skel_isReversed", M = "location", _ = "className", D = "locations", P = "}", H = "extend", B = " 0 0 ", j = "onorientationchange", F = !0, I = "indexOf", q = "isArray", R = "replace", U = "DOMReady", z = "devicePixelRatio", W = "defaults", X = "IEVersion", V = "substring", $ = "push", J = "addEventListener", K = "documentElement", Q = "{display:none!important}", G = "padding-top:0!important", Y = "parseMeasurement", Z = "registerLocation", et = "events", tt = "^head", nt = "hasOwnProperty", rt = "android", it = "viewportWidth", st = "string", ot = "DOMContentLoaded", ut = "getDevicePixelRatio", at = "_skel_attach", ft = "getViewportDimensions", lt = "states", ct = "matchMedia", ht = "ios", pt = "ignoreOrientation", dt = "removeEventListener", vt = "placeholder", mt = "padding-top:", gt = "resize", yt = ".row", bt = "attached", wt = "stateChange", Et = "firstChild", St = "_skel_placeholder", xt = "href", Tt = "querySelectorAll", Nt = "windows", Ct = "previousSibling", kt = "prototype", Lt = "innerHTML", At = "gutters", Ot = "attachElements", Mt = "text/css", _t = "html", Dt = "domready", Pt = "padding:", Ht = "readyState", Bt = "onresize", jt = ".\\3$1 ", Ft = "split", It = "collapse", qt = "priority", Rt = "attachElement", Ut = {config: {containers: 960,pollOnce: u,pollOnLock: u,prefix: v,preload: u,reset: u,perpetualLock: F,domainLock: F,ignoreOrientation: u,RTL: u,grid: {collapse: u,gutters: 40},breakpoints: {global: {href: u,width: "*",height: "*"}},events: {}},isInit: u,lockState: v,stateId: "",me: v,breakpoints: [],breakpointList: [],events: [],plugins: {},cache: {elements: {},states: {},stateElements: {}},locations: {html: v,head: v,body: v},vars: {},lsc: "_skel_lock",sd: " ",css: {n: 'article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,main,nav,section,summary{display:block}audio,canvas,video{display:inline-block}audio:not([controls]){display:none;height:0}[hidden],template{display:none}html{font-family:sans-serif;-ms-text-size-adjust:100%;-webkit-text-size-adjust:100%}body{margin:0}a{background:transparent}a:focus{outline:thin dotted}a:active,a:hover{outline:0}h1{font-size:2em;margin:.67em 0}abbr[title]{border-bottom:1px dotted}b,strong{font-weight:bold}dfn{font-style:italic}hr{-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;height:0}mark{background:#ff0;color:#000}code,kbd,pre,samp{font-family:monospace,serif;font-size:1em}pre{white-space:pre-wrap}q{quotes:"C" "D" "8" "9"}small{font-size:80%}sub,sup{font-size:75%;line-height:0;position:relative;vertical-align:baseline}sup{top:-0.5em}sub{bottom:-0.25em}img{border:0}svg:not(:root){overflow:hidden}figure{margin:0}fieldset{border:1px solid silver;margin:0 2px;padding:.35em .625em .75em}legend{border:0;padding:0}button,input,select,textarea{font-family:inherit;font-size:100%;margin:0}button,input{line-height:normal}button,select{text-transform:none}button,html input[type="button"],input[type="reset"],input[type="submit"]{-webkit-appearance:button;cursor:pointer}button[disabled],html input[disabled]{cursor:default}input[type="checkbox"],input[type="radio"]{box-sizing:border-box;padding:0}input[type="search"]{-webkit-appearance:textfield;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box}input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration{-webkit-appearance:none}button::-moz-focus-inner,input::-moz-focus-inner{border:0;padding:0}textarea{overflow:auto;vertical-align:top}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}',r: "html,body,div,span,applet,object,iframe,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,p,blockquote,pre,a,abbr,acronym,address,big,cite,code,del,dfn,em,img,ins,kbd,q,s,samp,small,strike,strong,sub,sup,tt,var,b,u,i,center,dl,dt,dd,ol,ul,li,fieldset,form,label,legend,table,caption,tbody,tfoot,thead,tr,th,td,article,aside,canvas,details,embed,figure,figcaption,footer,header,hgroup,menu,nav,output,ruby,section,summary,time,mark,audio,video{margin:0;padding:0;border:0;font-size:100%;font:inherit;vertical-align:baseline}article,aside,details,figcaption,figure,footer,header,hgroup,menu,nav,section{display:block}body{line-height:1}ol,ul{list-style:none}blockquote,q{quotes:none}blockquote:before,blockquote:after,q:before,q:after{content:'';content:none}table{border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0}body{-webkit-text-size-adjust:none}",bm: "*,*:before,*:after{-moz-box-sizing:border-box;-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box}"},defaults: {breakpoint: {config: v,elements: v,test: {width: v,height: v}},config_breakpoint: {containers: "100%",grid: {},href: "",width: "*",height: "*",viewport: "",lockViewport: u,viewportWidth: u}},DOMReady: v,getElementsByClassName: v,indexOf: v,isArray: v,iterate: v,extend: function(e, t) {
var r;
Ut[n](t, function(n) {
Ut[q](t[n]) ? (Ut[q](e[n]) || (e[n] = []), Ut[H](e[n], t[n])) : typeof t[n] == x ? (typeof e[n] != x && (e[n] = {}), Ut[H](e[n], t[n])) : e[n] = t[n]
},parseMeasurement: function(e) {
var t, n;
if (typeof e !== st)
t = [e, "px"];
else if (e == "fluid")
t = [100, "%"];
else {
var n;
n = e[y](/([0-9\.]+)([^\s]*)/), n[c] < 3 || !n[2] ? t = [parseFloat(e), "px"] : t = [parseFloat(n[1]), n[2]]
return t
},getArray: function(e) {
return Ut[q](e) ? e : [e]
},getDevicePixelRatio: function() {
var e = navigator.userAgent;
if (Ut[g][l] == ht || Ut[g][l] == "mac" || Ut[g][l] == Nt || Ut[g][l] == rt && e[y](/Safari\/([0-9]+)/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1) >= 537)
return 1;
if (window[z] !== undefined && !e[y](/(Firefox; Mobile)/))
return window[z];
if (window[ct]) {
if (window[ct]("(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 2),(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 2/1),(min-resolution: 2dppx)").matches)
return 2;
if (window[ct]("(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),(min-resolution: 1.5dppx)").matches)
return 1.5
return 1
},getLevel: function(e) {
return typeof e == "boolean" ? e ? 1 : 0 : parseInt(e)
},getViewportDimensions: function() {
var t, n, r, i;
return t = window.orientation !== undefined ? Math.abs(window.orientation) : u, n = Ut[ut](), r = document[K].clientWidth, i = document[K].clientHeight, screen[S] < r && (r = screen[S], i = screen[m]), t !== u && (Ut[e][pt] ? (r = Math.min(screen[S], screen[m]), i = Math.max(screen[S], screen[m])) : t === 90 ? (r = Math.max(screen[S], screen[m]), i = Math.min(screen[S], screen[m])) : (r = Math.min(screen[S], screen[m]), i = Math.max(screen[S], screen[m]))), r /= n, i /= n, {width: r,height: i}
},unlock: function() {
Ut[N] = v, document.cookie = Ut.lsc + "=;expires=Thu, 1 Jan 1970 12:00:00 UTC; path=" + (Ut[e].domainLock ? "/" : window[M].pathname), Ut[e].pollOnLock ? Ut.poll() : window[M].reload()
},lock: function(t) {
Ut[N] = t, document.cookie = Ut.lsc + "=" + t + ";expires=" + (Ut[e].perpetualLock ? "Thu, 1 Jan 2077 12:00:00 UTC" : 0) + "; path=" + (Ut[e].domainLock ? "/" : window[M].pathname), Ut[e].pollOnLock ? Ut.poll() : window[M].reload()
},getLock: function() {
return Ut[N]
},isLocked: function() {
return !!Ut[N]
},hasActive: function(e) {
var t = u;
return Ut[n](e, function(n) {
t = t || Ut.isActive(e[n])
}), t
},isActive: function(e) {
return Ut[I](Ut[s], Ut.sd + e) !== -1
},wasActive: function(e) {
return Ut[I](Ut[g].lastStateId, Ut.sd + e) !== -1
},canUse: function(e) {
var n = Ut[ft]();
return Ut[t][e] && Ut[t][e].test[S](n[S]) && Ut[t][e].test[m](n[m])
},useActive: function(e) {
if (typeof e !== x)
return e;
var t = v;
return Ut[n](e, function(n) {
if (t !== v)
Ut.isActive(n) && (t = e[n])
}), t
},unreverseRows: function() {
var e = Ut[o]("row");
Ut[n](e, function(t) {
if (t === c)
var n = e[t];
if (!n[O])
var r = n.children, i;
for (i = 1; i < r[c]; i++)
n[b](r[i], r[0]);
n[O] = u
},reverseRows: function(e) {
var t = Ut[o]("row");
Ut[n](t, function(n) {
if (n === c)
var r = t[n];
if (r[O] || e > 0 && r[_][y](/\bno-collapse-([0-9])\b/) && parseInt(RegExp.$1) >= e)
var i = r.children, s;
for (s = 1; s < i[c]; s++)
r[b](i[s], i[0]);
r[O] = F
},bind: function(e, t) {
Ut[et][e] || (Ut[et][e] = []), Ut[et][e][$](t)
},trigger: function(e) {
if (!Ut[et][e] || Ut[et][e][c] == 0)
var t;
Ut[n](Ut[et][e], function(t) {
},onStateChange: function(e) {
Ut.bind(wt, e), Ut.isInit && e()
},registerLocation: function(e, t) {
e == k ? t[at] = function(e, t) {
t ? this[b](e, this[Et]) : this === Ut.me[d] ? this[b](e, Ut.me) : this.appendChild(e)
} : t[at] = function(e, t) {
t ? this[b](e, this[Et]) : this.appendChild(e)
}, Ut[D][e] = t
},addCachedElementToBreakpoint: function(e, n) {
Ut[t][e] && Ut[t][e][r][$](n)
},addCachedElementToState: function(e, t) {
Ut[T][a][e] ? Ut[T][a][e][$](t) : Ut[T][a][e] = [t]
},cacheElement: function(e, t, n, i) {
return t[d] && t[d].removeChild(t), Ut[T][r][e] = {id: e,object: t,location: n,priority: i,attached: u}
},getCachedElement: function(e) {
return Ut[T][r][e] ? Ut[T][r][e] : v
},detachElement: function(e) {
var t = Ut[T][r][e], n;
if (!t[bt])
n = t[x];
if (!n[d] || n[d] && !n[d].tagName)
n[d].removeChild(n), t[bt] = u, t.onDetach && t.onDetach()
},detachAllElements: function(e) {
var t, i, s = {};
Ut[n](e, function(t) {
s[e[t].id] = F
}), Ut[n](Ut[T][r], function(e) {
if (e in s)
},attachElement: function(e) {
var t, n = e[M], r = u;
return e[bt] ? F : (n[0] == "^" && (n = n[V](1), r = F), n in Ut[D] ? (t = Ut[D][n], t[at](e[x], r), e[bt] = F, e.onAttach && e.onAttach(), F) : u)
},attachElements: function(e) {
var t = [], r = [], i, s, o;
Ut[n](e, function(n) {
t[e[n][qt]] || (t[e[n][qt]] = []), t[e[n][qt]][$](e[n])
}), Ut[n](t, function(e) {
if (t[e][c] == 0)
Ut[n](t[e], function(n) {
Ut[Rt](t[e][n]) || r[$](t[e][n])
}), r[c] > 0 && Ut[U](function() {
Ut[n](r, function(e) {
},poll: function() {
var e, r, i, o, u = "";
r = Ut[ft](), Ut[N] ? i = Ut[N] : i = r[S], o = r[m], Ut[g][it] = i, Ut[g].viewportHeight = o, Ut[g][z] = Ut[ut](), Ut[n](Ut[t], function(e) {
Ut[t][e].test[S](i) && Ut[t][e].test[m](o) && (u += Ut.sd + e)
}), u === "" && (u = Ut.sd), u !== Ut[s] && (Ut[D][_t][_] = Ut[D][_t][_][R](Ut[s], ""), Ut.changeState(u), Ut[D][_t][_] = Ut[D][_t][_] + Ut[s])
},updateState: function() {
var e, i, o, u, f = [];
if (Ut[s] == Ut.sd)
e = Ut[s][V](1)[Ft](Ut.sd), Ut[n](e, function(o) {
i = Ut[t][e[o]];
if (i[r][c] == 0)
Ut[n](i[r], function(e) {
Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]][r][$](i[r][e]), f[$](i[r][e])
}), Ut[T][a][Ut[s]] && (Ut[n](Ut[T][a][Ut[s]], function(e) {
Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]][r][$](Ut[T][a][Ut[s]][e]), f[$](Ut[T][a][Ut[s]][e])
}), Ut[T][a][Ut[s]] = []), f[c] > 0 && Ut[Ot](f)
},changeState: function(l) {
var h, v, m, E, S, x, N, A;
Ut[g].lastStateId = Ut[s], Ut[s] = l;
if (!Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]]) {
Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]] = {config: {},elements: [],values: {}}, m = Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]], Ut[s] === Ut.sd ? h = [] : h = Ut[s][V](1)[Ft](Ut.sd), Ut[H](m[e], Ut[W][p]), Ut[n](h, function(n) {
Ut[H](m[e], Ut[t][h[n]][e])
switch (Ut[e].reset) {
case "full":
x = "iR", (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](Ut.css.r), tt, 2)), m[r][$](S);
case "normalize":
x = "iN", (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](Ut.css.n), tt, 2)), m[r][$](S)
x = "iBM", (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](Ut.css.bm), tt, 1)), m[r][$](S), N = m[e].viewport, m[e][it] ? N += (N != "" ? "," : "") + "width=" + m[e][it] : m[e].lockViewport && (N += (N != "" ? "," : "") + "width=device-width"), m[e].lockViewport && (N += (N != "" ? "," : "") + "initial-scale=1.0,minimum-scale=1.0,maximum-scale=1.0"), N != "" && (x = "mV" + Ut[s], (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut.newMeta("viewport", N), tt, 4)), m[r][$](S)), Ut[g][X] >= 10 && (x = "mVIE" + Ut[s], (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w]("@-ms-viewport{width: device-width}"), tt, 3)), m[r][$](S));
var O, M;
E = Ut[Y](m[e][L]), O = E[0], M = E[1], m.values[L] = O + M, x = "iC" + m.values[L];
if (!(S = Ut[i](x))) {
var D, j, F;
D = O * .75 + M, j = O + M, F = O * 1.25 + M, S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w]("body{min-width:" + j + P + ".container{margin-left:auto;margin-right:auto;width:" + j + P + ".container.small{width:" + D + P + ".container.big{width:100%;max-width:" + F + ";min-width:" + j + P), k, 3)
m[r][$](S), x = "iG", (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](".\\31 2u{width:100%}.\\31 1u{width:91.6666666667%}.\\31 0u{width:83.3333333333%}.\\39 u{width:75%}.\\38 u{width:66.6666666667%}.\\37 u{width:58.3333333333%}.\\36 u{width:50%}.\\35 u{width:41.6666666667%}.\\34 u{width:33.3333333333%}.\\33 u{width:25%}.\\32 u{width:16.6666666667%}.\\31 u{width:8.3333333333%}.\\-11u{margin-left:91.6666666667%}.\\-10u{margin-left:83.3333333333%}.\\-9u{margin-left:75%}.\\-8u{margin-left:66.6666666667%}.\\-7u{margin-left:58.3333333333%}.\\-6u{margin-left:50%}.\\-5u{margin-left:41.6666666667%}.\\-4u{margin-left:33.3333333333%}.\\-3u{margin-left:25%}.\\-2u{margin-left:16.6666666667%}.\\-1u{margin-left:8.3333333333%}"), k, 3)), m[r][$](S), x = "iGR", (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](".row>*{float:left}.row:after{content:'';display:block;clear:both;height:0}.row:first-child>*{padding-top:0!important}"), k, 3)), m[r][$](S), x = "iGG" + m[e].grid[At];
if (!(S = Ut[i](x))) {
var q, z, J, K, Z, et, rt;
E = Ut[Y](m[e].grid[At]), q = E[0], z = E[1], J = q + z, K = q / 2 + z, Z = q / 4 + z, et = q * 1.5 + z, rt = q * 2 + z, S = Ut[f]("iGG" + m[e].grid[At], Ut[w](".row>*{padding-left:" + J + P + ".row+.row>*{padding:" + J + B + J + P + ".row{margin-left:-" + J + P + ".row.flush>*{padding-left:0}" + ".row+.row.flush>*{padding:0}" + ".row.flush{margin-left:0}" + ".row.half>*{padding-left:" + K + P + ".row+.row.half>*{padding:" + K + B + K + P + ".row.half{margin-left:-" + K + P + ".row.quarter>*{padding-left:" + Z + P + ".row+.row.quarter>*{padding:" + Z + B + Z + P + ".row.quarter{margin-left:-" + Z + P + ".row.oneandhalf>*{padding-left:" + et + P + ".row+.row.oneandhalf>*{padding:" + et + B + et + P + ".row.oneandhalf{margin-left:-" + et + P + ".row.double>*{padding-left:" + rt + P + ".row+.row.double>*{padding:" + rt + B + rt + P + ".row.double{margin-left:-" + rt + P), k, 3)
if (m[e].grid[It]) {
var st = Ut.getLevel(m[e].grid[It]);
x = "iGC" + st + "-" + m.values[L];
if (!(S = Ut[i](x))) {
N = ":not(.no-collapse)";
switch (st) {
case 4:
case 3:
N += ":not(.no-collapse-3)";
case 2:
N += ":not(.no-collapse-2):not(.no-collapse-3)";
case 1:
N += ":not(.no-collapse-1):not(.no-collapse-2):not(.no-collapse-3)"
E = Ut[Y](m[e].grid[At]), A = E[0] + E[1], S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](".row>*{padding-left:" + A + C + P + ".row>*:first-child{" + G + P + ".row+.row>*{" + Pt + A + B + A + C + P + ".row{" + "margin-left:-" + A + C + P + yt + N + ">*{" + "float:none!important;" + "width:100%!important;" + "margin-left:0!important" + P + ".row:not(.flush)" + N + ":first-child>*{" + mt + A + C + P + yt + N + ":first-child>:first-child {" + G + P + yt + N + ">*{" + mt + A + P + yt + N + ">*:first-child{" + "padding-top:0" + P + ".row+.row" + N + ">*{" + Pt + A + B + A + P + ".row.flush>*{" + "padding:0!important" + P + ".row.flush{" + "margin-left:0px!important" + P + ".container{" + "max-width:none!important;" + "min-width:0!important;" + "width:" + m[e][L] + C + P), k, 3)
x = "iCd" + Ut[s];
if (!(S = Ut[i](x))) {
N = [], A = [], Ut[n](Ut[t], function(e) {
Ut[I](h, e) !== -1 ? N[$](".not-" + e) : A[$](".only-" + e)
var ot = (N[c] > 0 ? N.join(",") + Q : "") + (A[c] > 0 ? A.join(",") + Q : "");
S = Ut[f](x, Ut[w](ot[R](/\.([0-9])/, jt)), k, 3), m[r][$](S)
Ut[n](h, function(s) {
Ut[t][h[s]][e][xt] && (x = "ss" + h[s], (S = Ut[i](x)) || (S = Ut[f](x, Ut.newStyleSheet(Ut[t][h[s]][e][xt]), k, 5)), m[r][$](S)), Ut[t][h[s]][r][c] > 0 && Ut[n](Ut[t][h[s]][r], function(e) {
}), Ut[T][a][Ut[s]] && (Ut[n](Ut[T][a][Ut[s]], function(e) {
}), Ut[T][a][Ut[s]] = [])
} else
m = Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]];
Ut.detachAllElements(m[r]), Ut[Ot](m[r]), Ut[U](function() {
var t, r, i, s = Ut.getLevel(m[e].grid[It]);
Ut[e].RTL && (Ut.unreverseRows(), s > 0 && Ut.reverseRows(s)), Ut[g][X] > 8 && (r = "_skel_cell_important_placeholder", t = Ut[o]("skel-cell-important"), t && t[c] > 0 && Ut[n](t, function(e) {
if (e === c)
var n = t[e], i = n[d], o;
if (!i)
i[_][y](/no-collapse-([0-9])/) ? o = parseInt(RegExp.$1) : i[_][y](/no-collapse/) ? o = 100 : o = 0;
if (o < s) {
if (n[nt](r) && n[r] !== u)
i = n[Ct];
while (i && i.nodeName == "#text")
i = i[Ct];
if (!i)
n[d][b](n, n[d][Et]), n[r] = i
} else
n[nt](r) || (n[r] = u), i = n[r], i !== u && (n[d][b](n, i.nextSibling), n[r] = u)
}), Ut[g].state = Ut[T][lt][Ut[s]], Ut[g][s] = Ut[s], Ut.trigger(wt)
},newMeta: function(e, t) {
var n = document[A]("meta");
return n.name = e, n.content = t, n
},newStyleSheet: function(e) {
var t = document[A]("link");
return t.rel = "stylesheet", t.type = Mt, t[xt] = e, t
},newInline: function(e) {
var t;
return Ut[g][X] <= 8 ? (t = document[A]("span"), t[Lt] = '&nbsp;<style type="text/css">' + e + "</style>") : (t = document[A]("style"), t.type = Mt, t[Lt] = e), t
},newDiv: function(e) {
var t = document[A]("div");
return t[Lt] = e, t
},registerPlugin: function(e, t) {
if (!t)
return u;
Ut.plugins[e] = t, t._ = this
},initPlugin: function(t, n) {
typeof n == x && Ut[H](t[e], n), t.init()
},initConfig: function(i) {
function a(e, t) {
var n;
return typeof t != st && (n = function(e) {
return u
}), t == "*" ? n = function(e) {
return F
} : t.charAt(0) == "-" ? (s[e] = parseInt(t[V](1)), n = function(t) {
return t <= s[e]
}) : t.charAt(t[c] - 1) == "-" ? (s[e] = parseInt(t[V](0, t[c] - 1)), n = function(t) {
return t >= s[e]
}) : Ut[I](t, "-") != -1 ? (t = t[Ft]("-"), s[e] = [parseInt(t[0]), parseInt(t[1])], n = function(t) {
return t >= s[e][0] && t <= s[e][1]
}) : (s[e] = parseInt(t), n = function(t) {
return t == s[e]
}), n
var s = [], o = [];
typeof i == x && (i[t] && (Ut[e][t] = {}), Ut[H](Ut[e], i)), Ut[H](Ut[W][p].grid, Ut[e].grid), Ut[W][p][L] = Ut[e][L], Ut[n](Ut[e][t], function(n) {
var i, s = {};
Ut[H](s, Ut[e][t][n]), xt in s || (s[xt] = Ut[W][p][xt]), m in s || (s[m] = Ut[W][p][m]), "range" in s ? s[S] = s.range : S in s || (s[S] = Ut[W][p][S]), Ut[e][t][n] = s, i = {}, Ut[H](i, Ut[W].breakpoint), i[e] = Ut[e][t][n], i.test = {width: a(n + "w", i[e][S]),height: a(n + "h", i[e][m])}, i[r] = [], Ut[e].prefix && i[e][xt] !== u && (i[e][xt] = Ut[e].prefix + "-" + n + ".css"), i[e][xt] === "" && (i[e][xt] = u), Ut[e].preload && i[e][xt] && o[$](i[e][xt]), Ut[t][n] = i, Ut.breakpointList[$](n)
}), Ut[n](Ut[e][et], function(t) {
Ut.bind(t, Ut[e][et][t])
}), o[c] > 0 && window[M].protocol != "file:" && Ut[U](function() {
var e, t = document[h](k)[0], r = new XMLHttpRequest;
Ut[n](o, function(e) {
r.open("GET", o[e], u), r.send("")
},initEvents: function() {
var t;
Ut[e].pollOnce || (Ut.bind(gt, function() {
}), Ut[e][pt] || Ut.bind(E, function() {
})), Ut[g][l] == ht && Ut[U](function() {
Ut.bind(E, function() {
var e = document[h]("input");
Ut[n](e, function(t) {
e[t][St] = e[t][vt], e[t][vt] = ""
}), window.setTimeout(function() {
Ut[n](e, function(t) {
e[t][vt] = e[t][St]
}, 100)
}), window[Bt] && Ut.bind(gt, window[Bt]), window[Bt] = function() {
}, window[j] && Ut.bind(E, window[j]), window[j] = function() {
},initUtilityMethods: function() {
document[J] ? !function(e, t) {
Ut[U] = t()
}(Dt, function() {
function e(e) {
s = 1;
while (e = t.shift())
var t = [], n, r = document, i = ot, s = /^loaded|^c/.test(r[Ht]);
return r[J](i, n = function() {
r[dt](i, n), e()
}), function(e) {
s ? e() : t[$](e)
}) : !function(e, t) {
Ut[U] = t()
}(Dt, function(e) {
function t(e) {
p = 1;
while (e = n.shift())
var n = [], r, i = !1, s = document, o = s[K], u = o.doScroll, a = ot, f = J, l = "onreadystatechange", c = Ht, h = u ? /^loaded|^c/ : /^loaded|c/, p = h.test(s[c]);
return s[f] && s[f](a, r = function() {
s[dt](a, r, i), t()
}, i), u && s.attachEvent(l, r = function() {
/^c/.test(s[c]) && (s.detachEvent(l, r), t())
}), e = u ? function(t) {
self != top ? p ? t() : n[$](t) : function() {
try {
} catch (n) {
return setTimeout(function() {
}, 50)
} : function(e) {
p ? e() : n[$](e)
}), document[o] ? Ut[o] = function(e) {
return document[o](e)
} : Ut[o] = function(e) {
var t = document;
return t[Tt] ? t[Tt](("." + e[R](" ", " ."))[R](/\.([0-9])/, jt)) : []
}, Array[kt][I] ? Ut[I] = function(e, t) {
return e[I](t)
} : Ut[I] = function(e, t) {
if (typeof e == st)
return e[I](t);
var n, r = t ? t : 0, i;
if (!this)
throw new TypeError;
i = this[c];
if (i === 0 || r >= i)
return -1;
r < 0 && (r = i - Math.abs(r));
for (n = r; n < i; n++)
if (this[n] === e)
return n;
return -1
}, Array[q] ? Ut[q] = function(e) {
return Array[q](e)
} : Ut[q] = function(e) {
return Object[kt].toString.call(e) === "[object Array]"
}, Object.keys ? Ut[n] = function(e, t) {
if (!e)
return [];
var n, r = Object.keys(e);
for (n = 0; r[n]; n++)
} : Ut[n] = function(e, t) {
if (!e)
return [];
var n;
for (n in e)
Object[kt][nt].call(e, n) && t(n)
},initAPI: function() {
var e, t, r = navigator.userAgent;
Ut[g][X] = 99, e = "other", r[y](/Firefox/) ? e = "firefox" : r[y](/Chrome/) ? e = "chrome" : r[y](/Safari/) && !r[y](/Chrome/) ? e = "safari" : r[y](/(OPR|Opera)/) ? e = "opera" : r[y](/MSIE ([0-9]+)/) ? (e = "ie", Ut[g][X] = RegExp.$1) : r[y](/Trident\/.+rv:([0-9]+)/) && (e = "ie", Ut[g][X] = RegExp.$1), Ut[g].browser = e, Ut[g][l] = "other", t = {ios: "(iPad|iPhone|iPod)",android: "Android",mac: "Macintosh",wp: "Windows Phone",windows: "Windows NT"}, Ut[n](t, function(e) {
r[y](new RegExp(t[e], "g")) && (Ut[g][l] = e)
switch (Ut[g][l]) {
case ht:
r[y](/([0-9_]+) like Mac OS X/), e = parseFloat(RegExp.$1[R]("_", ".")[R]("_", ""));
case rt:
r[y](/Android ([0-9\.]+)/), e = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
case "mac":
r[y](/Mac OS X ([0-9_]+)/), e = parseFloat(RegExp.$1[R]("_", ".")[R]("_", ""));
case "wp":
r[y](/IEMobile\/([0-9\.]+)/), e = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
case Nt:
r[y](/Windows NT ([0-9\.]+)/), e = parseFloat(RegExp.$1);
e = 99
Ut[g].deviceVersion = e, Ut[g].isTouch = Ut[g][l] == "wp" ? navigator.msMaxTouchPoints > 0 : "ontouchstart" in window, Ut[g].isMobile = Ut[g][l] == "wp" || Ut[g][l] == rt || Ut[g][l] == ht, e = document.cookie[Ft](";"), e = e.concat(window[M].search[V](1)[Ft]("&")), Ut[n](e, function(t) {
var n = e[t][Ft]("=");
if (n[0][R](/^\s+|\s+$/g, "") == Ut.lsc) {
Ut[N] = n[1];
},init: function(e, t) {
Ut.initUtilityMethods(), Ut.initAPI(), Ut.initConfig(e), Ut[Z](_t, document[h](_t)[0]), Ut[Z](k, document[h](k)[0]), Ut[U](function() {
Ut[Z]("body", document[h]("body")[0])
}), Ut.initEvents(), Ut.poll(), Ut[n](Ut.plugins, function(e) {
Ut.initPlugin(Ut.plugins[e], typeof t == x && e in t ? t[e] : v)
}), Ut.isInit = F
}}, zt = document[h]("script");
return Ut.me = zt[zt[c] - 1], Ut