107 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file
107 lines
4.1 KiB
Executable file
import Database.HDBC
import Database.HDBC.PostgreSQL
import System.IO
import System.Directory
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as B
import Data.List.Split
import System.FilePath as FP
import Filesystem.Path.CurrentOS
import Codec.Picture as P
import Codec.Picture.ScaleDCT
import qualified Codec.Picture.Metadata as PM
import Graphics.Svg as SVG
import Graphics.Rasterific.Svg
import Graphics.Text.TrueType
import Magic
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "Enter database host"
dbHost <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database port"
dbPort <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database user"
dbUser <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database name"
dbName <- getLine
putStrLn "Enter database password"
dbPasswd <- getPasswd
let dbString = "host=" ++ dbHost ++ " port=" ++ dbPort ++ " user=" ++ dbUser ++ " dbname=" ++ dbName ++ " password=" ++ dbPasswd
conn <- connectPostgreSQL dbString
-- comment next two lines, if eidolon has been run after the update
-- _ <- run conn "alter table medium add column preview varchar not null default 'fill_me!'" []
-- _ <- run conn "alter table medium add column preview_width int8 not null default 0" []
stmt1 <- prepare conn "select * from medium"
_ <- execute stmt1 []
rows <- fetchAllRowsAL stmt1
-- mapM_ (putStrLn . show) rows
tups <- mapM (\entry ->
case entry of
[("id", theId), _, ("path", SqlByteString bPath), _, _, _, ("owner", SqlInteger owner), _, _, ("album", SqlInteger album), _] -> do
let path = tail $ B.unpack bPath
eimg <- readImage path
orig <- case eimg of
Left err -> do -- This branch contains svg and other data formats. to be extended for pdf et al.
magic <- magicOpen [MagicMime]
magicLoadDefault magic
putStrLn path
mime <- head <$> splitOn ";" <$> magicFile magic path
putStrLn mime
case mime of
"image/svg+xml" -> do
svg <- loadSvgFile path
(img, _) <- renderSvgDocument emptyFontCache Nothing 100 $ fromJust svg
return img
_ -> error err
Right img -> do -- This branch contains "classical" image formats like bmp or png
putStrLn path
return $ convertRGBA8 img
let thumbName = FP.takeBaseName path ++ "_thumb.png"
prevName = FP.takeBaseName path ++ "_preview.png"
oldThumbName = FP.takeBaseName path ++ "_thumb.jpg"
oldPrevName = FP.takeBaseName path ++ "_preview.jpg"
pathPrefix = "static" FP.</> "data" FP.</> show owner FP.</> show album
tPath = pathPrefix FP.</> thumbName
pPath = pathPrefix FP.</> prevName
-- origPix = convertRGBA8 orig
oWidth = P.imageWidth orig :: Int
oHeight = P.imageHeight orig :: Int
tWidth = floor (fromIntegral oWidth / fromIntegral oHeight * fromIntegral tHeight :: Double)
tHeight = 230 :: Int
pHeight = 600 :: Int
pScale = (fromIntegral pHeight :: Double) / (fromIntegral oHeight :: Double)
pWidth = floor (fromIntegral oWidth * pScale)
tPix = scale (tWidth, tHeight) orig
pPix = scale (pWidth, pHeight) orig
savePngImage tPath $ ImageRGBA8 tPix
savePngImage pPath $ ImageRGBA8 pPix
mapM (\x -> do
let fullpath = pathPrefix FP.</> x
dfe <- doesFileExist fullpath
when dfe (removeFile fullpath)) [oldThumbName, oldPrevName]
return [SqlByteString (B.pack $ '/':tPath), SqlByteString (B.pack $ '/':pPath), theId]
_ ->
error "malformed entry"
) rows
stmt2 <- prepare conn "update medium set thumb = ?, preview = ? where id = ?"
executeMany stmt2 tups
commit conn
disconnect conn
putStrLn "Migration successfull!!"
getPasswd :: IO String
getPasswd = do
putStr "Password: "
hFlush stdout
pass <- withEcho False getLine
putChar '\n'
return pass
withEcho :: Bool -> IO a -> IO a
withEcho echo action = do
old <- hGetEcho stdin
bracket_ (hSetEcho stdin echo) (hSetEcho stdin old) action