2014-09-07 09:23:12 +02:00

155 lines
5.9 KiB

module Handler.AlbumSettings where
import Import
import qualified Data.Text as T
import System.Directory
import System.FilePath
getAlbumSettingsR :: AlbumId -> Handler Html
getAlbumSettingsR albumId = do
tempAlbum <- runDB $ get albumId
case tempAlbum of
Just album -> do
ownerId <- return $ albumOwner album
owner <- runDB $ getJust ownerId
ownerName <- return $ userName owner
msu <- lookupSession "userId"
case msu of
Just tempUserId -> do
userId <- return $ getUserIdFromText tempUserId
presence <- return (userId == ownerId)
case presence of
True -> do
(albumSettingsWidget, enctype) <- generateFormPost $ albumSettingsForm album albumId
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "albumSettings")
False -> do
setMessage "You must own this album to change its settings"
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
Nothing -> do
setMessage "You must be logged in to change settings"
redirect $ LoginR
Nothing -> do
setMessage "This album does not exist"
redirect $ HomeR
postAlbumSettingsR :: AlbumId -> Handler Html
postAlbumSettingsR albumId = do
tempAlbum <- runDB $ get albumId
case tempAlbum of
Just album -> do
ownerId <- return $ albumOwner album
owner <- runDB $ getJust ownerId
ownerName <- return $ userName owner
msu <- lookupSession "userId"
case msu of
Just tempUserId -> do
userId <- return $ getUserIdFromText tempUserId
presence <- return (userId == ownerId)
case presence of
True -> do
((result, albumSettingsWidget), enctype) <- runFormPost $ albumSettingsForm album albumId
case result of
FormSuccess temp -> do
aId <- runDB $ update albumId
[ AlbumTitle =. albumTitle temp
, AlbumOwner =. albumOwner temp
, AlbumContent =. albumContent temp
, AlbumSamplePic =. albumSamplePic temp
setMessage "Album settings changed succesfully"
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
_ -> do
setMessage "There was an error changing the settings"
redirect $ AlbumSettingsR albumId
False -> do
setMessage "You must own this album to change its settings"
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
Nothing -> do
setMessage "You must be logged in to change settings"
redirect $ LoginR
Nothing -> do
setMessage "This album does not exist"
redirect $ HomeR
albumSettingsForm :: Album -> AlbumId -> Form Album
albumSettingsForm album albumId = renderDivs $ Album
<$> areq textField "Title" (Just $ albumTitle album)
<*> pure (albumOwner album)
<*> pure (albumContent album)
<*> aopt (selectField media) "Sample picture" (Just $ albumSamplePic album)
media = do
entities <- runDB $ selectList [MediumAlbum ==. albumId] [Desc MediumTitle]
optionsPairs $ map (\med -> (mediumTitle $ entityVal med, mediumPath (entityVal med))) entities
getAlbumDeleteR :: AlbumId -> Handler Html
getAlbumDeleteR albumId = do
tempAlbum <- runDB $ get albumId
case tempAlbum of
Just album -> do
ownerId <- return $ albumOwner album
owner <- runDB $ getJust ownerId
ownerName <- return $ userName owner
msu <- lookupSession "userId"
case msu of
Just tempUserId -> do
userId <- return $ getUserIdFromText tempUserId
presence <- return (userId == ownerId)
case presence of
True -> do
defaultLayout $ do
$(widgetFile "albumDelete")
False -> do
setMessage "You must own this album to delete it"
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
Nothing -> do
setMessage "You must be logged in to delete albums"
redirect $ LoginR
Nothing -> do
setMessage "This album does not exist"
redirect $ HomeR
postAlbumDeleteR :: AlbumId -> Handler Html
postAlbumDeleteR albumId = do
tempAlbum <- runDB $ get albumId
case tempAlbum of
Just album -> do
ownerId <- return $ albumOwner album
owner <- runDB $ getJust ownerId
ownerName <- return $ userName owner
msu <- lookupSession "userId"
case msu of
Just tempUserId -> do
userId <- return $ getUserIdFromText tempUserId
presence <- return (userId == ownerId)
case presence of
True -> do
confirm <- lookupPostParam "confirm"
case confirm of
Just "confirm" -> do
-- remove album reference from user
albumList <- return $ userAlbums owner
newAlbumList <- return $ removeItem albumId albumList
runDB $ update ownerId [UserAlbums =. newAlbumList]
-- delete album content
mapM (\a -> runDB $ delete a) (albumContent album)
-- delete album
runDB $ delete albumId
-- delete files
liftIO $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ "static" </> "data" </> (T.unpack $ extractKey userId) </> (T.unpack $ extractKey albumId)
-- outro
setMessage "Album deleted succesfully"
redirect $ HomeR
_ -> do
setMessage "You must confirm the deletion"
redirect $ AlbumSettingsR albumId
_ -> do
setMessage "You must own this album to delete it"
redirect $ AlbumR albumId
Nothing -> do
setMessage "You must be logged in to delete albums"
redirect $ LoginR
Nothing -> do
setMessage "This album does not exist"
redirect $ HomeR