# haskelloids A small game written in Haskell using my own game engine "Affection". ![How it looks](screenshot.png) ## Build instructions I recommend highly to use cabal sandboxes for building this project. ### Dependencies to build this you need a working Haskell build environment and following development libraries: * sdl2 * libglew You will also need the engine package itself, which can be obtained at [its own repo](https://github.com/nek0/affection). You cann add it to your by invoking `cabal sandbox add-source `. To install all haskell package dependencies, invoke `cabal install --only-dependencies`. This will take quite some time. Be patient. ### Building If all is well, you can invoke `cabal build` and watch everything come together. ## Running To run the game, just execute the binary `dist/build/haskelloids/haskelloids` in your build location. ### Controls use `W`, `A`, `S` and `D` to move your ship, use `Space` to shoot. use `O` to togle fullscreen mode.