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2017-09-21 05:17:39 +00:00
module Util where
import Codec.Wavefront
import Control.Monad (sequence)
import qualified Data.Vector as V
data LoadedObject = LoadedObject
{ loTriangles :: [Float]
, loLines :: [Float]
, loPoints :: [Float]
, loTexTri :: Maybe [Float]
loadObj :: WavefrontOBJ -> LoadedObject
loadObj obj =
LoadedObject ts ls ps tritex
inter = objLocations obj
interTex = objTexCoords obj
faces = map elValue (V.toList $ objFaces obj)
lns = map elValue (V.toList $ objLines obj)
points = map elValue (V.toList $ objPoints obj)
deface (Face a b c []) =
map (\i -> inter V.! (faceLocIndex i -1)) [a, b, c]
deface _ =
error "loadObj: obj with quads encountered"
deline (Line a b) =
map (\i -> inter V.! (lineLocIndex i -1)) [a, b]
depoint (Point i) = inter V.! (i - 1)
tsLocs = concatMap deface faces
lsLocs = concatMap deline lns
psLocs = map depoint points
deLoc (Location x y z w) = [x, y, z, w]
deTex (TexCoord r s _) = [r, s]
ts = concatMap deLoc tsLocs
ls = concatMap deLoc lsLocs
ps = concatMap deLoc psLocs
defaceTex :: Face -> Maybe [TexCoord]
defaceTex (Face a b c []) =
(fmap (\x -> interTex V.! (x - 1)) . faceTexCoordIndex)
[a, b, c]
defaceTex _ =
error "loadObj: obj with quads encountered"
tritex :: Maybe [Float]
tritex = concatMap deTex <$> mftxs
mftxs :: Maybe [TexCoord]
mftxs = fmap concat (mapM defaceTex faces)
-- objLocsToPtr :: WavefrontOBJ -> IO (Ptr Float, Int)
-- objLocsToPtr obj = do
-- let ivs = objLocations obj
-- faces = map elValue $ V.toList $ objFaces obj
-- vs = concatMap
-- (\(Face a b c []) ->
-- map (\i -> ivs V.! ((faceLocIndex i) - 1)) [a, b, c])
-- faces
-- ptr <- newArray $ concatMap (\(Location x y z w) -> [x, y, z, w]) vs
-- return (ptr, length vs)
-- objUVsToPtr :: WavefrontOBJ -> IO (Ptr Float, Int)
-- objUVsToPtr obj = do
-- let uvs= V.toList $ objTexCoords obj
-- ptr <- newArray $ concatMap (\(TexCoord r s t) -> [r, s, t]) uvs
-- return (ptr, length uvs)