
214 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Affection
import SDL (($=))
import qualified SDL
import qualified Graphics.Rendering.OpenGL as GL
import qualified Graphics.GLUtil as GLU
import qualified Graphics.GLUtil.Camera3D as GLU (projectionMatrix)
import Control.Monad (when)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import Codec.Wavefront
import Linear as L
import System.Random (randomRIO)
import Foreign
import Util
import Debug.Trace
main :: IO ()
main =
withAffection AffectionConfig
{ initComponents = All
, windowTitle = "hw"
, windowConfig = SDL.defaultWindow
{ windowInitialSize = SDL.V2 800 600
, windowOpenGL = Just SDL.defaultOpenGL
{ SDL.glProfile = SDL.Core SDL.Normal 3 2
, initScreenMode = SDL.Windowed
, preLoop = return ()
, eventLoop = handle
, updateLoop = update
, drawLoop = draw
, loadState = load
, cleanUp = const (return ())
, canvasSize = Nothing
data StateData = StateData
{ ship :: (GL.VertexArrayObject, Int)
, proj :: M44 Float
, view :: M44 Float
, model :: V3 Float
, program :: GLU.ShaderProgram
, mrot :: Quaternion Float
load :: IO StateData
load = do
GL.depthFunc $= Just GL.Less
eobj <- fromFile "assets/ships/jaeger/jaeger.obj"
let obj = case eobj of
Right o -> o
Left err -> error err
-- (ptr, len) <- objLocsToPtr obj
-- (tptr, tlen) <- objUVsToPtr obj
let lobj = loadObj obj
shipBO <- GL.genObjectName
GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just shipBO
verts <- GL.genObjectName
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Just verts
withArray (loTriangles lobj) $ \ptr ->
GL.bufferData GL.ArrayBuffer $=
( fromIntegral $ length (loTriangles lobj) * 3 * sizeOf (0 :: Double)
, ptr
, GL.StaticDraw
GL.vertexAttribPointer (GL.AttribLocation 0) $=
( GL.ToFloat
, GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 4 GL.Float 0 (plusPtr nullPtr 0)
GL.vertexAttribArray (GL.AttribLocation 0) $= GL.Enabled
texture <- GL.genObjectName
GL.bindBuffer GL.ArrayBuffer $= Just texture
maybe (return ()) (\a -> withArray a $ \ptr ->
GL.bufferData GL.ArrayBuffer $=
( fromIntegral $ length a * 2 * sizeOf (0 :: Double)
, ptr
, GL.StaticDraw
)) (loTexTri lobj)
GL.vertexAttribPointer (GL.AttribLocation 1) $=
( GL.ToFloat
, GL.VertexArrayDescriptor 2 GL.Float 0 (plusPtr nullPtr 0)
GL.vertexAttribArray (GL.AttribLocation 1) $= GL.Enabled
GL.texture GL.Texture2D $= GL.Enabled
GL.activeTexture $= GL.TextureUnit 0
t <- loadTex "assets/ships/jaeger/jaeger.texture.tga"
GL.textureBinding GL.Texture2D $= Just t
let vertexShader = foldl BS.append BS.empty
[ "attribute vec3 coord3d;"
, "attribute vec2 texcoord;"
, "uniform mat4 mvp;"
, "varying vec2 f_texcoord;"
, "void main(void) {"
, " gl_Position = mvp * vec4(coord3d, 1.0);"
, " f_texcoord = texcoord;"
, "}"
fragmentShader = foldl BS.append BS.empty
[ "varying vec2 f_texcoord;"
, "uniform sampler2D texture;"
, "void main(void) {"
-- , " gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 1.0);"
-- , " gl_FragColor = vec4(1.0);"
, " vec2 flip = vec2(f_texcoord.x, 1.0 - f_texcoord.y);"
, " gl_FragColor = texture2D(texture, flip);"
, "}"
p <- GLU.simpleShaderProgramBS vertexShader fragmentShader
return StateData
{ ship = (shipBO, length $ loTriangles lobj)
, proj = GLU.projectionMatrix (pi/2) (800 / 600) 1 (-1)
, view = lookAt (V3 0 2 0) (V3 0 0 (-4)) (V3 0 1 0)
, model = V3 0 0 (-5)
, program = p
, mrot = Quaternion 1 (V3 0 0 0)
loadTex :: FilePath -> IO GL.TextureObject
loadTex f = do
t <- either error id <$> GLU.readTexture f
GL.textureFilter GL.Texture2D $= ((GL.Linear', Nothing), GL.Linear')
GLU.texture2DWrap $= (GL.Repeated, GL.ClampToEdge)
return t
update :: Double -> Affection StateData ()
update _ = return ()
draw :: Affection StateData ()
draw = do
GL.viewport $= (GL.Position 0 0, GL.Size 800 600)
(StateData (shipbo, slen) p v m s rot) <- getAffection
let pvm = p !*! v !*! mkTransformation rot m
liftIO $ GLU.setUniform s "mvp" pvm
GL.currentProgram $= (Just . GLU.program $ s)
GL.bindVertexArrayObject $= Just shipbo
liftIO $ GL.drawArrays GL.Triangles 0 (fromIntegral slen)
handle :: SDL.EventPayload -> Affection StateData ()
handle (SDL.WindowClosedEvent _) = quit
handle (SDL.KeyboardEvent dat) = do
let key = SDL.keysymKeycode (SDL.keyboardEventKeysym dat)
when (SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion dat == SDL.Pressed) $
handleKey key
handle _ = return ()
handleKey :: SDL.Keycode -> Affection StateData ()
handleKey code
| code == SDL.KeycodeR =
GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 1 0 0 1
| code == SDL.KeycodeG =
GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 0 1 0 1
| code == SDL.KeycodeB =
GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 0 0 1 1
| code == SDL.KeycodeP = do
r <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 1)
g <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 1)
b <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 1)
a <- liftIO $ randomRIO (0, 1)
GL.clearColor $= GL.Color4 r g b a
| code == SDL.KeycodeEscape =
| code == SDL.KeycodeF = do
dt <- deltaTime <$> get
liftIO $ putStrLn $ show (1 / dt) ++ " FPS"
| code == SDL.KeycodeT =
| code `elem`
[ SDL.KeycodeW
, SDL.KeycodeS
, SDL.KeycodeA
, SDL.KeycodeD
, SDL.KeycodeQ
, SDL.KeycodeE
= do
sd <- getAffection
let rot = mrot sd
dphi = pi / 2 / 45
nquat = case code of
SDL.KeycodeW -> rot * axisAngle (V3 1 0 0) (-dphi)
SDL.KeycodeS -> rot * axisAngle (V3 1 0 0) dphi
SDL.KeycodeA -> rot * axisAngle (V3 0 1 0) (-dphi)
SDL.KeycodeD -> rot * axisAngle (V3 0 1 0) dphi
SDL.KeycodeE -> rot * axisAngle (V3 0 0 1) (-dphi)
SDL.KeycodeQ -> rot * axisAngle (V3 0 0 1) dphi
_ -> rot
putAffection sd
{ mrot = nquat
| otherwise =
return ()