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2019-01-29 22:55:45 +00:00
{ nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}, compiler ? "default", doBenchmark ? false }:
sdl2 = with haskellPackages; callPackage (
{ mkDerivation, base, bytestring, deepseq, exceptions, linear, SDL2
, StateVar, stdenv, text, transformers, vector, weigh
mkDerivation {
pname = "sdl2";
version = "";
sha256 = "21a569c0c19f8ff2bbe1cf1d3eb32f65e8143806de353cedd240df5e9d088b5c";
isLibrary = true;
isExecutable = true;
enableSeparateDataOutput = true;
libraryHaskellDepends = [
base bytestring exceptions linear StateVar text transformers vector
librarySystemDepends = [ SDL2 ];
libraryPkgconfigDepends = [ SDL2 ];
testHaskellDepends = [ base deepseq linear vector weigh ];
doCheck = false;
description = "Both high- and low-level bindings to the SDL library (version 2.0.4+).";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.bsd3;
2019-01-31 21:00:29 +00:00
enableLibraryProfiling = true;
enableExecutableProfiling = true;
2019-01-29 22:55:45 +00:00
}) {};
inherit (nixpkgs) pkgs;
2019-02-02 21:45:57 +00:00
f = { mkDerivation, base, bytestring, containers, linear, magic, monad-loops,
optparse-applicative, OpenGL, GLUtil, poppler, split, stdenv, text, time
2019-01-30 22:10:00 +00:00
2019-01-29 22:55:45 +00:00
mkDerivation {
pname = "ibis";
version = "";
src = ./.;
isLibrary = false;
isExecutable = true;
2019-02-02 21:45:57 +00:00
executableHaskellDepends = [ base bytestring containers linear sdl2 magic
monad-loops OpenGL GLUtil optparse-applicative poppler split text
2019-01-29 22:55:45 +00:00
description = "A pdf presenter";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
haskellPackages = if compiler == "default"
then pkgs.haskellPackages
else pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler};
variant = if doBenchmark then pkgs.haskell.lib.doBenchmark else pkgs.lib.id;
drv = variant (haskellPackages.callPackage f {});
if pkgs.lib.inNixShell then drv.env else drv