
40 lines
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module Main where
import qualified SDL
import Linear
import Options.Applicative
import Control.Monad
-- internal imports
import Util
main :: IO ()
main = do
opts <- execParser $ info (options <**> helper)
( fullDesc
<> progDesc "A simple PDF presenter written in Haskell using poppler and SDL2"
SDL.screenSaverEnabled SDL.$= False
disps <- SDL.getDisplays
putStrLn ("Number of displays detected: " ++ show (length disps))
putStrLn ("Passed command line options: " ++ show opts)
-- set Render quality
SDL.HintrenderScaleQuality SDL.$= SDL.ScaleLinear
-- check render quality
renderQuality <- SDL.get SDL.HintRenderScaleQuality
when (renderQuality /= SDL.SclaeLinear) $
putErrLn "Linear texture filtering not enabled!"
putStrLn "Creating window(s)"
wins = map uncurry SDL.CreateWindow $ if length disps > 1
then zip
[ "Ibis - " ++ optFile options
, "Ibis - " ++ optFile options ++ " - Notes"
( map makeWindowConfig disps