remove description string from journal entries

This commit is contained in:
nek0 2020-05-10 11:29:07 +02:00
parent 173eecf811
commit 4629910b4c
4 changed files with 53 additions and 34 deletions

View file

@ -52,7 +52,8 @@ buy auth pds = do
Nothing -> do
void $ insertNewJournalEntry
("Cash purchase")

View file

@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ userRecharge (Just (auid, _)) (UserRecharge amount) = do
ud <- userDetailsSelect auid conn
void $ insertNewJournalEntry
("User \"" <> userDetailsIdent ud <> "\" recharged " <>
T.pack (show (fromIntegral amount / 100 :: Double)))
(Just $ userDetailsId ud)

View file

@ -30,9 +30,10 @@ initJournal = mconcat
[ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"journal\" ("
, "journal_id SERIAL NOT NULL,"
, "journal_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL,"
, "journal_description TEXT NOT NULL,"
, "journal_user INTEGER,"
, "journal_action INTEGER NOT NULL,"
, "journal_total_amount INTEGER NOT NULL,"
, "journal_entry_is_check BOOLEAN NOT NULL,"
-- , "journal_entry_is_check BOOLEAN NOT NULL,"
, "PRIMARY KEY (journal_id)"
, ")"
@ -40,23 +41,26 @@ initJournal = mconcat
journalTable :: Table
( Maybe (Field SqlInt4)
, Field SqlTimestamptz
, Field SqlText
, FieldNullable SqlInt4
, Field SqlInt4
, Field SqlBool
, Field SqlInt4
-- , Field SqlBool
( Field SqlInt4
, Field SqlTimestamptz
, Field SqlText
, FieldNullable SqlInt4
, Field SqlInt4
, Field SqlBool
, Field SqlInt4
-- , Field SqlBool
journalTable = table "journal" (
( tableField "journal_id"
, tableField "journal_timestamp"
, tableField "journal_description"
, tableField "journal_user"
, tableField "journal_action"
, tableField "journal_total_amount"
, tableField "journal_entry_is_check"
-- , tableField "journal_entry_is_check"
@ -81,14 +85,14 @@ selectJournalEntries mlimit moffset conn = liftIO $ do
) :: IO
[ ( Int
, UTCTime
, T.Text
, Maybe Int
, Int
, Int
, Bool
return $ fst $ foldr
(\(id_, ts, descr, tot, check) (fin, before)->
(JournalEntry id_ descr ts (tot - before) tot check : fin, tot)
(\(id_, ts, user, action, tot) (fin, before)->
(JournalEntry id_ ts user (toEnum action) (tot - before) tot : fin, tot)
( []
, if isJust mlimit && length entries > fromJust mlimit
@ -112,16 +116,16 @@ selectLatestJournalEntry conn = liftIO $ do
) :: IO
[ ( Int
, UTCTime
, T.Text
, Maybe Int
, Int
, Int
, Bool
if not (null lastTwoEntries)
then do
let diff = foldl (\acc (_, _, _, tot, _) -> tot - acc) 0 lastTwoEntries
(jid, ts, descr, total, check) = head lastTwoEntries
return $ Just $ JournalEntry jid descr ts diff total check
let diff = foldl (\acc (_, _, _, _, tot) -> tot - acc) 0 lastTwoEntries
(jid, ts, user, action, total) = head lastTwoEntries
return $ Just $ JournalEntry jid ts user (toEnum action) diff total
return Nothing
@ -130,7 +134,7 @@ insertNewJournalEntry
:: JournalSubmit
-> PGS.Connection
-> MateHandler Int
insertNewJournalEntry (JournalSubmit descr amount) conn = do
insertNewJournalEntry (JournalSubmit user action amount) conn = do
lastTotal <- (\case
Just j -> journalEntryTotalAmount j
Nothing -> 0
@ -143,9 +147,9 @@ insertNewJournalEntry (JournalSubmit descr amount) conn = do
( C.constant (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
, C.constant now
, C.constant descr
, C.constant user
, C.constant (fromEnum action)
, C.constant (lastTotal + amount)
, C.constant False
, iReturning = rReturning (\(id_, _, _, _, _) -> id_)
@ -156,7 +160,7 @@ insertNewCashCheck
:: JournalCashCheck
-> PGS.Connection
-> MateHandler Int
insertNewCashCheck (JournalCashCheck amount) conn =
insertNewCashCheck (JournalCashCheck user amount) conn =
-- lastTotal <- (\case
-- Just j -> journalEntryTotalAmount j
-- Nothing -> 0
@ -169,9 +173,9 @@ insertNewCashCheck (JournalCashCheck amount) conn =
( C.constant (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
, C.constant now
, C.constant ("Cash check" :: String)
, C.constant (Just user)
, C.constant (fromEnum CashCheck)
, C.constant amount
, C.constant True
, iReturning = rReturning (\(id_, _, _, _, _) -> id_)

View file

@ -4,19 +4,18 @@ module Types.Journal where
import GHC.Generics
import qualified Data.Text as T (Text)
import Data.Aeson
import Data.Time (UTCTime)
data JournalEntry = JournalEntry
{ journalEntryId :: Int
, journalEntryDescription :: T.Text
, journalEntryTimestamp :: UTCTime
, journalEntryUser :: Maybe Int
, journalEntryAction :: JournalAction
, journalEntryAmount :: Int
, journalEntryTotalAmount :: Int
, journalEntryIsCheck :: Bool
-- , journalEntryIsCheck :: Bool
deriving (Generic, Show)
@ -27,7 +26,8 @@ instance FromJSON JournalEntry
data JournalSubmit = JournalSubmit
{ journalSubmitDescription :: T.Text
{ journalSubmitUser :: Maybe Int
, journalSubmitAction :: JournalAction
, journalSubmitAmount :: Int
deriving (Generic, Show)
@ -38,8 +38,9 @@ instance ToJSON JournalSubmit where
instance FromJSON JournalSubmit
newtype JournalCashCheck = JournalCashCheck
{ journalCashCheckTotalAmount :: Int
data JournalCashCheck = JournalCashCheck
{ journalCashCheckUser :: Int
, journalCashCheckTotalAmount :: Int
deriving (Generic, Show)
@ -47,3 +48,16 @@ instance ToJSON JournalCashCheck where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON JournalCashCheck
data JournalAction
= CashCheck
| Recharge
| BuyCash
| PayBill
| PayOut
deriving (Generic, Show, Enum, Eq)
instance ToJSON JournalAction where
toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions
instance FromJSON JournalAction