sort users by ident

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nek0 2019-11-01 00:00:41 +01:00
parent 99bf138a92
commit e0212febfc
1 changed files with 19 additions and 17 deletions

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@ -68,23 +68,25 @@ userSelect
-> MateHandler [UserSummary]
userSelect ref conn = do
today <- utctDay <$> liftIO getCurrentTime
users <- liftIO $ runSelect conn (case ref of
AllUsers -> selectTable userTable
ActiveUsers -> keepWhen (\(_, _, _, ts, _, _) ->
ts .>= C.constant (addDays (-30) today)
) <<< queryTable userTable
OldUsers -> keepWhen (\(_, _, _, ts, _, _) ->
ts .<= C.constant (addDays (-30) today)
) <<< queryTable userTable
) :: MateHandler
[ ( Int
, Text
, Int
, Day
, Maybe Text
, Maybe Int
users <- liftIO $ runSelect conn (
orderBy (asc (\(_, ident, _, _, _, _) -> ident)) (
keepWhen (\(_, _, _, ts, _, _) -> case ref of
AllUsers ->
C.constant True
ActiveUsers ->
ts .>= C.constant (addDays (-30) today)
OldUsers ->
ts .< C.constant (addDays (-30) today)
) <<< selectTable userTable)
) :: MateHandler
[ ( Int
, Text
, Int
, Day
, Maybe Text
, Maybe Int
(\(i1, i2, _, _, _, i6) -> return $
UserSummary i1 i2 i6