{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Control.User where import Servant import Control.Monad (void, when) import Control.Monad.Reader (asks) import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) import Data.Time (getCurrentTime, utctDay) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe) import qualified Data.Text as T import Text.Printf (printf) -- internal imports import Types import Model import Util userNew :: UserSubmit -> MateHandler Int userNew (UserSubmit ident email passhash) = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime conn <- asks rsConnection uid <- insertUser ident email (utctDay now) conn void $ putUserAuthInfo uid PrimaryPass "Initial password" passhash conn baseRoleId <- queryRoleIdByCapabilities (False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False) conn void $ associateUserToRole uid baseRoleId conn return uid userGet :: Maybe (Int, AuthMethod) -> MateHandler UserDetails userGet Nothing = throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." } userGet (Just (uid, _)) = do conn <- asks rsConnection userDetailsSelect uid conn userUpdate :: Maybe (Int, AuthMethod) -> UserDetailsSubmit -> MateHandler () userUpdate Nothing _ = throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." } userUpdate (Just (aid, method)) uds = if method `elem` [PrimaryPass, ChallengeResponse] then do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime conn <- asks rsConnection void $ updateUserDetails aid uds (utctDay now) conn else throwError $ err401 { errBody = "Wrong Authentication present." } userUpdateTimestamp :: Maybe (Int, AuthMethod) -> MateHandler () userUpdateTimestamp (Just (aid, _)) = do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime conn <- asks rsConnection void $ updateUserTimestamp aid (utctDay now) conn userUpdateTimestamp Nothing = throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." } userList :: Maybe UserRefine -> MateHandler [UserSummary] userList ref = do conn <- asks rsConnection userSelect (fromMaybe ActiveUsers ref) conn userRecharge :: Maybe (Int, AuthMethod) -> UserRecharge -> MateHandler () userRecharge (Just (auid, _)) (UserRecharge amount) = do when (amount < 0) $ throwError $ err400 { errBody = "Amounts less or equal zero are not acceptable." } conn <- asks rsConnection ud <- userDetailsSelect auid conn void $ insertNewJournalEntry (JournalSubmit (Just $ userDetailsId ud) Recharge amount ) conn void $ addToUserBalance auid amount conn userRecharge Nothing _ = throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." } userTransfer :: Maybe (Int, AuthMethod) -> UserTransfer -> MateHandler () userTransfer (Just (auid, method)) (UserTransfer target amount) = do when (amount < 0) $ throwError $ err400 { errBody = "Amounts less or equal zero are not acceptable." } when (auid == target) $ throwError $ err400 { errBody = "You can not transfer yourself money." } when (method `notElem` [PrimaryPass, ChallengeResponse]) $ throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." } conn <- asks rsConnection user <- userDetailsSelect auid conn when (amount > userDetailsBalance user) $ throwError $ err400 { errBody = "Not enough credit balance." } mtarget <- filter (\u -> userSummaryId u == target) <$> userSelect AllUsers conn when (null mtarget) $ throwError $ err400 { errBody = "Target user not found." } void $ addToUserBalance auid (-amount) conn void $ addToUserBalance target amount conn userTransfer Nothing _ = throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." } userNotify :: Maybe (Int, AuthMethod) -> [PurchaseDetail] -> PurchaseResult -> MateHandler () userNotify (Just (auid, _)) boughtItems (PurchaseResult flag _) = do conn <- asks rsConnection authOV <- selectAuthOverviewById auid conn userDetails <- userDetailsSelect (authOverviewUser authOV) conn digestedDetails <- mapM (\pd -> do overview <- productOverviewSelectSingle (purchaseDetailProduct pd) conn return ( purchaseDetailAmount pd , productOverviewIdent overview , productOverviewPrice overview ) ) boughtItems currencyFrac <- asks rsCurrencyFraction currencySymb <- asks rsCurrencySymbol let messageText = T.pack $ mconcat $ map (<> "\n") $ [ printf (__ "Hello %s,") (userDetailsIdent userDetails) , "" , printf (__ "Your authentication key with the comment \"%s\"\ \ Just made following purchase:") (authOverviewComment authOV) , "" ] ++ map (\(amount, ident, price) -> printf ("%dx %s " <> __ "for the price of" <> "%d %f." <> printf "%d" currencyFrac <> printf "%s" currencySymb ) amount ident price ) digestedDetails ++ [ "" , printf (__ "For a total price of %s%s") <> printf ("%f." <> (printf "%d" currencyFrac :: String)) (fromIntegral ( foldl (\acc (_, _, p) -> acc + p) 0 digestedDetails ) / fromIntegral (10 ^ currencyFrac :: Int) :: Float ) currencySymb , "" , __ "Enjoy your purchased items!\n\nSincerely,\nMateamt" ] ++ [ __ "P.S.: You are now in debt. Please recharge your credit." | flag == PurchaseDebtful ] case userDetailsEmail userDetails of Just _ -> do sendUserNotification userDetails (__ "Purchase notification") messageText Nothing -> return () userNotify Nothing _ _ = throwError $ err401 { errBody = "No Authentication present." }