let project = import ./default.nix; in project.shellFor { # ALL of these arguments are optional. # List of packages from the project you want to work on in # the shell (default is all the projects local packages). #packages = ps: with ps; [ #]; # Builds a Hoogle documentation index of all dependencies, # and provides a "hoogle" command to search the index. withHoogle = true; # Some common tools can be added with the `tools` argument tools = { cabal = "latest"; # Selects the latest version in the hackage.nix snapshot hlint = "latest"; # Selects the latest version in the hackage.nix snapshot haskell-language-server = "latest"; hspec-discover = "latest"; }; # See overlays/tools.nix for more details # Some you may need to get some other way. buildInputs = [ (import {}).git ]; # Sellect cross compilers to include. crossPlatforms = ps: with ps; [ #ghcjs # Adds support for `js-unknown-ghcjs-cabal build` in the shell # mingwW64 # Adds support for `x86_64-W64-mingw32-cabal build` in the shell ]; # Prevents cabal from choosing alternate plans, so that # *all* dependencies are provided by Nix. exactDeps = false; }