{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-} module Model.Journal where import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust) import Data.Time (UTCTime) import Data.Time.Clock import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Profunctor.Product (p5) import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS import Control.Arrow import Opaleye as O hiding (null, not) import Opaleye.Constant as C import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO) -- internal imports import Types initJournal :: PGS.Query initJournal = mconcat [ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"journal\" (" , "journal_id SERIAL NOT NULL," , "journal_timestamp TIMESTAMPTZ NOT NULL," , "journal_description TEXT NOT NULL," , "journal_total_amount INTEGER NOT NULL," , "journal_entry_is_check BOOLEAN NOT NULL," , "PRIMARY KEY (journal_id)" , ")" ] journalTable :: Table ( Maybe (Field SqlInt4) , Field SqlTimestamptz , Field SqlText , Field SqlInt4 , Field SqlBool ) ( Field SqlInt4 , Field SqlTimestamptz , Field SqlText , Field SqlInt4 , Field SqlBool ) journalTable = table "journal" ( p5 ( tableField "journal_id" , tableField "journal_timestamp" , tableField "journal_description" , tableField "journal_total_amount" , tableField "journal_entry_is_check" ) ) selectJournalEntries :: Maybe Int -- limit -> Maybe Int -- offset -> PGS.Connection -> MateHandler [JournalEntry] selectJournalEntries mlimit moffset conn = liftIO $ do let lim = case mlimit of Just l -> limit (l + 1) Nothing -> id off = case moffset of Just o -> offset o Nothing -> id entries <- runSelect conn ( proc () -> do ret <- lim $ off $ orderBy (desc (\(id_, _, _, _, _) -> id_)) (queryTable journalTable) -< () returnA -< ret ) :: IO [ ( Int , UTCTime , T.Text , Int , Bool ) ] return $ fst $ foldr (\(id_, ts, descr, tot, check) (fin, before)-> (JournalEntry id_ descr ts (tot - before) tot check : fin, tot) ) ( [] , if isJust mlimit && length entries > fromJust mlimit then (\(_, _, _, x, _) -> x) (last entries) else 0 ) ( if isJust mlimit && length entries > fromJust mlimit then init entries else entries ) selectLatestJournalEntry :: PGS.Connection -> MateHandler (Maybe JournalEntry) selectLatestJournalEntry conn = liftIO $ do lastTwoEntries <- runSelect conn ( proc () -> do ret <- limit 2 (orderBy (desc (\(id_, _, _, _, _) -> id_)) (queryTable journalTable)) -< () returnA -< ret ) :: IO [ ( Int , UTCTime , T.Text , Int , Bool ) ] if not (null lastTwoEntries) then do let diff = foldl (\acc (_, _, _, tot, _) -> tot - acc) 0 lastTwoEntries (jid, ts, descr, total, check) = head lastTwoEntries return $ Just $ JournalEntry jid descr ts diff total check else return Nothing insertNewJournalEntry :: JournalSubmit -> PGS.Connection -> MateHandler Int insertNewJournalEntry (JournalSubmit descr amount) conn = do lastTotal <- (\case Just j -> journalEntryTotalAmount j Nothing -> 0 ) <$> selectLatestJournalEntry conn liftIO $ do now <- getCurrentTime fmap head $ runInsert_ conn $ Insert { iTable = journalTable , iRows = [ ( C.constant (Nothing :: Maybe Int) , C.constant now , C.constant descr , C.constant (lastTotal + amount) , C.constant False ) ] , iReturning = rReturning (\(id_, _, _, _, _) -> id_) , iOnConflict = Nothing } insertNewCashCheck :: JournalCashCheck -> PGS.Connection -> MateHandler Int insertNewCashCheck (JournalCashCheck amount) conn = do -- lastTotal <- (\case -- Just j -> journalEntryTotalAmount j -- Nothing -> 0 -- ) <$> selectLatestJournalEntry conn liftIO $ do now <- getCurrentTime fmap head $ runInsert_ conn $ Insert { iTable = journalTable , iRows = [ ( C.constant (Nothing :: Maybe Int) , C.constant now , C.constant ("Cash check" :: String) , C.constant amount , C.constant True ) ] , iReturning = rReturning (\(id_, _, _, _, _) -> id_) , iOnConflict = Nothing }