2022-07-26 20:25:55 +02:00

78 lines
2 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Model.Settings where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Monad (void)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO)
import Data.Profunctor.Product (p3)
import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.Simple as PGS
import Opaleye as O
-- internal imports
import Types
import Classes
-- | This function does (as opposed to all other init functions) create just the table,
-- but also creates a first settings object with default values.
initSettings :: PGS.Query
initSettings = mconcat
[ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS \"settings\" ("
, "settings_signup_blocked BOOLEAN NOT NULL DEFAULT false,"
, "settings_imprint TEXT DEFAULT \'\'"
, "settings_idle_time INTEGER NOT NULL DEFAULT 30"
, ");"
settingsTable :: Table
( Field SqlBool
, FieldNullable SqlText
, Field SqlInt4
( Field SqlBool
, FieldNullable SqlText
, Field SqlInt4
settingsTable = table "settings" (
( tableField "settings_signup_blocked"
, tableField "settings_imprint"
, tableField "settings_idle_time"
selectSettings :: PGS.Connection -> MateHandler Settings
selectSettings conn = liftIO $ do
head . map fromDatabase <$> runSelect conn
( proc () -> do
ret <- limit 1 $ selectTable settingsTable -< ()
returnA -< ret
) :: IO Settings
selectIdleTime :: PGS.Connection -> MateHandler Int
selectIdleTime conn = settingsIdleTime <$> selectSettings conn
selectSignupBlocked :: PGS.Connection -> MateHandler Bool
selectSignupBlocked conn = settingsBlockRegistration <$> selectSettings conn
updateSettings :: Settings -> PGS.Connection -> MateHandler ()
updateSettings (Settings block imprint idleTime) conn = do
void $ liftIO $ runUpdate_ conn $ Update
{ uTable = settingsTable
, uUpdateWith = updateEasy (\(_, _, _) ->
( toFields block
, toFields imprint
, toFields idleTime
, uWhere = const (sqlBool True)
, uReturning = rCount