--- title: About author: nek0 --- Hi there! You found your way to my little spot in the internet and you want to know more. So be it! ## Who am I? My name is nek0. This is of course a nickname. In my free time I like to code, draw, play piano, sing and read books. I have a very broad taste in music and a great deal of understanding. ## What is This? This is the blog section of my internet presence. Here I post about my endeavours in programming, especially game development in Haskell, some tutorials on system administration, a little bit of creative writing and also more general musings on a lot of different topics. This blog is generated with the static site generator [Hakyll][hakyll], which is written in Haskell, my favourite programming language so far. ## You like what I do? I feel flattered. If you want to support me and my projects, please consider giving me a tip at one or more of these platforms: * [Ko-Fi][ko-fi] * [LiberaPay][liberapay] * [Tipeee][tipeee] You may also drop me a few kind words at any of the receptacles listed on my [contact page][contact]. ## What is behind this? * Webserver: [nginx](https://www.nginx.com/) * Certificate authority: [letsencrypt](https://letsencrypt.org/) * Reverse-Proxy: [haproxy](http://www.haproxy.org/) * Static site generator: [hakyll][hakyll] * Version control system: [git](https://git-scm.com/) * Operating System: [NixOS][nixos] * Driven by: Boredom and insanity [hakyll]: http://jaspervdj.be/hakyll [nixos]: https://nixos.org [ko-fi]: https://ko-fi.com/ostrovid [liberapay]: https://liberapay.com/nek0/donate [tipeee]: https://en.tipeee.com/nek0 [contact]: /contact.html