--- title: Contact --- If you have any comments on posts, this site or anything else, feel free to contact me at: ****. My PGP-Key has the ID [0x8ADADB98780B5BAF][key]. I will gladly reply to your mails as soon as possible. Additionally I more or less sporadically maintain a presence at following platforms, so check them out or get in touch: * [Mastodon][mastodon] * [Diaspora][geraspora] * [GitHub][github] * [DeviantArt][deviantart] Furthermore You can contact me via [Jabber/XMPP][jabber] at the address **nek0@jabber.nek0.eu**. [key]: /8ADADB98780B5BAF.asc [jabber]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMPP [mastodon]: https://chaos.social/@nek0 [geraspora]: https://pod.geraspora.de/people/d9caf6505e370133bec34860008dbc6c [github]: https://github.com/nek0 [deviantart]: https://www.deviantart.com/rys-ostrovid