xonsh: 0.8.3 -> 0.8.12 (#58824)

This commit is contained in:
Christopher Chin 2019-04-14 18:27:13 +00:00 committed by Timo Kaufmann
parent 0df8ae8bb7
commit aa4af91d50

View file

@ -2,31 +2,36 @@
python3Packages.buildPythonApplication rec {
pname = "xonsh";
version = "0.8.3";
version = "0.8.12";
# fetch from github because the pypi package ships incomplete tests
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "scopatz";
repo = "xonsh";
rev = "refs/tags/${version}";
sha256 = "1qnghqswvqlwv9121r4maibmn2dvqmbr3fhsnngsj3q7plfp7yb2";
sha256 = "1p8slx8nk15vyyzwc9ic50py0amk9p9nggp1973wfas0fxsg1r4f";
LC_ALL = "en_US.UTF-8";
postPatch = ''
sed -ie "s|/bin/ls|${coreutils}/bin/ls|" tests/test_execer.py
sed -ie 's|/usr/bin/env|${coreutils}/bin/env|' scripts/xon.sh
sed -ie "s|SHELL=xonsh|SHELL=$out/bin/xonsh|" tests/test_integrations.py
sed -ie 's|/usr/bin/env|${coreutils}/bin/env|' tests/test_integrations.py
sed -ie 's|/usr/bin/env|${coreutils}/bin/env|' scripts/xon.sh
find -name "*.xsh" | xargs sed -ie 's|/usr/bin/env|${coreutils}/bin/env|'
patchShebangs .
doCheck = !stdenv.isDarwin;
checkPhase = ''
pytest \
-k 'not test_man_completion and not test_indir and not test_xonsh_party and not test_foreign_bash_data and not test_script and not test_single_command_no_windows and not test_redirect_out_to_file and not test_sourcefile and not test_printname and not test_printfile'
HOME=$TMPDIR pytest -k 'not test_repath_backslash and not test_os and not test_man_completion and not test_builtins and not test_main and not test_ptk_highlight'
HOME=$TMPDIR pytest -k 'test_builtins or test_main' --reruns 5
HOME=$TMPDIR pytest -k 'test_ptk_highlight'
checkInputs = [ python3Packages.pytest glibcLocales git ];
checkInputs = [ python3Packages.pytest python3Packages.pytest-rerunfailures glibcLocales git ];
propagatedBuildInputs = with python3Packages; [ ply prompt_toolkit pygments ];