{ pkgs, lib, stdenv, buildPlatform, targetPlatform }: let # These are attributes in compiler and packages that don't support integer-simple. integerSimpleExcludes = [ "ghc6102Binary" "ghc704Binary" "ghc742Binary" "ghc6104" "ghc6123" "ghc704" "ghc763" "ghcjs" "ghcjsHEAD" "ghcCross" "jhc" "uhc" "integer-simple" ]; haskellLib = import ../development/haskell-modules/lib.nix { inherit (pkgs) lib; inherit pkgs; }; callPackage = lib.callPackageWith (pkgs // { inherit haskellLib; }); callPackageWithOutput = lib.customisation.callPackageWithOutputWith (pkgs // { inherit haskellLib; }); in rec { lib = haskellLib; compiler = { ghc6102Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/6.10.2-binary.nix { gmp = pkgs.gmp4; }; ghc704Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.0.4-binary.nix { gmp = pkgs.gmp4; }; ghc742Binary = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.4.2-binary.nix { gmp = pkgs.gmp4; }; ghc6104 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/6.10.4.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc6102Binary; }; ghc6123 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/6.12.3.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc6102Binary; }; ghc704 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.0.4.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; }; ghc722 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.2.2.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; }; ghc742 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.4.2.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; }; ghc763 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.6.3.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc704Binary; }; ghc783 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.8.3.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc742Binary; }; ghc784 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.8.4.nix { ghc = compiler.ghc742Binary; }; ghc7102 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.10.2.nix rec { bootPkgs = packages.ghc784; inherit (bootPkgs) hscolour; }; ghc7103 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/7.10.3.nix rec { bootPkgs = packages.ghc784; inherit (bootPkgs) hscolour; }; ghc802 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.0.2.nix rec { bootPkgs = packages.ghc7103; inherit (bootPkgs) hscolour; sphinx = pkgs.python27Packages.sphinx; }; ghc821 = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/8.2.1.nix rec { bootPkgs = packages.ghc802; inherit (bootPkgs) hscolour alex happy; inherit buildPlatform targetPlatform; sphinx = pkgs.python3Packages.sphinx; selfPkgs = packages.ghc821; }; ghcHEAD = callPackage ../development/compilers/ghc/head.nix rec { bootPkgs = packages.ghc802; inherit (bootPkgs) alex happy; inherit buildPlatform targetPlatform; selfPkgs = packages.ghcHEAD; }; ghcjs = packages.ghc7103.callPackage ../development/compilers/ghcjs { bootPkgs = packages.ghc7103; }; ghcjsHEAD = packages.ghc802.callPackage ../development/compilers/ghcjs/head.nix { bootPkgs = packages.ghc802; }; ghcHaLVM240 = callPackage ../development/compilers/halvm/2.4.0.nix rec { bootPkgs = packages.ghc802; inherit (bootPkgs) hscolour alex happy; }; jhc = callPackage ../development/compilers/jhc { inherit (packages.ghc763) ghcWithPackages; }; uhc = callPackage ../development/compilers/uhc/default.nix ({ stdenv = pkgs.clangStdenv; inherit (pkgs.haskellPackages) ghcWithPackages; }); # The integer-simple attribute set contains all the GHC compilers # build with integer-simple instead of integer-gmp. integer-simple = let integerSimpleGhcNames = pkgs.lib.filter (name: ! builtins.elem name integerSimpleExcludes) (pkgs.lib.attrNames compiler); integerSimpleGhcs = pkgs.lib.genAttrs integerSimpleGhcNames (name: compiler."${name}".override { enableIntegerSimple = true; }); in pkgs.recurseIntoAttrs (integerSimpleGhcs // { ghcHEAD = integerSimpleGhcs.ghcHEAD.override { selfPkgs = packages.integer-simple.ghcHEAD; }; }); }; packages = { # Support for this compiler is broken, because it can't deal with directory-based package databases. # ghc6104 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc6104; }; ghc6123 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc6123; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-6.12.x.nix { }; }; ghc704 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc704; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.0.x.nix { }; }; ghc722 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc722; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.2.x.nix { }; }; ghc742 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc742; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.4.x.nix { }; }; ghc763 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc763; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.6.x.nix { }; }; ghc783 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc783; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix { }; }; ghc784 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc784; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.8.x.nix { }; }; ghc7102 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc7102; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.10.x.nix { }; }; ghc7103 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc7103; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.10.x.nix { }; }; ghc802 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc802; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.0.x.nix { }; }; ghc821 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc821; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix { }; }; ghcHEAD = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghcHEAD; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-head.nix { }; }; # TODO Support for multiple variants here ghcCross = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghcHEAD.crossCompiler; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-head.nix { }; }; ghcCross821 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghc821.crossCompiler; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.2.x.nix { }; }; ghcjs = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghcjs; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-7.10.x.nix { }; packageSetConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix { }; }; ghcjsHEAD = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghcjsHEAD; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghc-8.0.x.nix { }; packageSetConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-ghcjs.nix { }; }; ghcHaLVM240 = callPackageWithOutput ../development/haskell-modules { ghc = compiler.ghcHaLVM240; compilerConfig = callPackage ../development/haskell-modules/configuration-halvm-2.4.0.nix { }; }; # The integer-simple attribute set contains package sets for all the GHC compilers # using integer-simple instead of integer-gmp. integer-simple = let integerSimpleGhcNames = pkgs.lib.filter (name: ! builtins.elem name integerSimpleExcludes) (pkgs.lib.attrNames packages); in pkgs.lib.genAttrs integerSimpleGhcNames (name: packages."${name}".override { ghc = compiler.integer-simple."${name}"; overrides = _self : _super : { integer-simple = null; integer-gmp = null; }; }); }; }