pkgs: with pkgs.lib; { # Check whenever fileSystem is needed for boot fsNeededForBoot = fs: fs.neededForBoot || elem fs.mountPoint [ "/" "/nix" "/nix/store" "/var" "/var/log" "/var/lib" "/etc" ]; # Check whenever `b` depends on `a` as a fileSystem fsBefore = a: b: a.mountPoint == b.device || hasPrefix "${a.mountPoint}${optionalString (!(hasSuffix "/" a.mountPoint)) "/"}" b.mountPoint; # Escape a path according to the systemd rules, e.g. /dev/xyzzy # becomes dev-xyzzy. FIXME: slow. escapeSystemdPath = s: replaceChars ["/" "-" " "] ["-" "\\x2d" "\\x20"] (if hasPrefix "/" s then substring 1 (stringLength s) s else s); # Returns a system path for a given shell package toShellPath = shell: if types.shellPackage.check shell then "/run/current-system/sw${shell.shellPath}" else if types.package.check shell then throw "${shell} is not a shell package" else shell; }