args @ { fetchurl, ... }: rec { baseName = ''hunchentoot''; version = ''1.2.35''; description = ''Hunchentoot is a HTTP server based on USOCKET and BORDEAUX-THREADS. It supports HTTP 1.1, serves static files, has a simple framework for user-defined handlers and can be extended through subclassing.''; deps = [ args."bordeaux-threads" args."chunga" args."cl+ssl" args."cl-base64" args."cl-fad" args."cl-ppcre" args."flexi-streams" args."md5" args."rfc2388" args."trivial-backtrace" args."usocket" ]; src = fetchurl { url = ''''; sha256 = ''0gp2rgndkijjydb1x3p8414ii1z372gzdy945jy0491bcbhygj74''; }; packageName = "hunchentoot"; overrides = x: { postInstall = '' find "$out/lib/common-lisp/" -name '*.asd' | grep -iv '/hunchentoot[.]asd${"$"}' | while read f; do env -i \ NIX_LISP="$NIX_LISP" \ NIX_LISP_PRELAUNCH_HOOK="nix_lisp_run_single_form '(progn (asdf:load-system :$(basename "$f" .asd)) (asdf:perform (quote asdf:compile-bundle-op) :$(basename "$f" .asd)) (ignore-errors (asdf:perform (quote asdf:deliver-asd-op) :$(basename "$f" .asd))) )'" \ "$out"/bin/* || mv "$f"{,.sibling}; done || true ''; }; } /* (SYSTEM hunchentoot DESCRIPTION Hunchentoot is a HTTP server based on USOCKET and BORDEAUX-THREADS. It supports HTTP 1.1, serves static files, has a simple framework for user-defined handlers and can be extended through subclassing. SHA256 0gp2rgndkijjydb1x3p8414ii1z372gzdy945jy0491bcbhygj74 URL MD5 d1ce17dec454cab119c0f263e8a176d1 NAME hunchentoot TESTNAME NIL FILENAME hunchentoot DEPS ((NAME bordeaux-threads FILENAME bordeaux-threads) (NAME chunga FILENAME chunga) (NAME cl+ssl FILENAME cl+ssl) (NAME cl-base64 FILENAME cl-base64) (NAME cl-fad FILENAME cl-fad) (NAME cl-ppcre FILENAME cl-ppcre) (NAME flexi-streams FILENAME flexi-streams) (NAME md5 FILENAME md5) (NAME rfc2388 FILENAME rfc2388) (NAME trivial-backtrace FILENAME trivial-backtrace) (NAME usocket FILENAME usocket)) DEPENDENCIES (bordeaux-threads chunga cl+ssl cl-base64 cl-fad cl-ppcre flexi-streams md5 rfc2388 trivial-backtrace usocket) VERSION 1.2.35 SIBLINGS NIL) */