{ callPackage, newScope, pkgs, fetchurl }: callPackage ./generic.nix (rec { version = "1.6.1"; src = fetchurl { url = "https://nixos.org/releases/nixops/nixops-${version}/nixops-${version}.tar.bz2"; sha256 = "0lfx5fhyg3z6725ydsk0ibg5qqzp5s0x9nbdww02k8s307axiah3"; }; nixopsAzurePackages = with python2Packages; [ azure-storage azure-mgmt-compute azure-mgmt-network azure-mgmt-resource azure-mgmt-storage ]; # nixops is incompatible with the most recent versions of listed # azure-mgmt-* packages, therefore we are pinning them to # package-private versions, so that they don't get trampled by # updates. # see # https://github.com/NixOS/nixops/issues/1065 python2Packages = pkgs.python2Packages.override { overrides = (self: super: let callPackage = newScope self; in { azure-mgmt-compute = callPackage ./azure-mgmt-compute { }; azure-mgmt-network = callPackage ./azure-mgmt-network { }; azure-mgmt-nspkg = callPackage ./azure-mgmt-nspkg { }; azure-mgmt-resource = callPackage ./azure-mgmt-resource { }; azure-mgmt-storage = callPackage ./azure-mgmt-storage { }; azure-storage = callPackage ./azure-storage { }; }); }; })