{ lib , buildBazelPackage , fetchFromGitHub , stdenv , cmake , go , ninja , python3 }: let srcVer = { # We need the commit hash, since Bazel stamps the build with it. # However, the version string is more useful for end-users. # These are contained in a attrset of their own to make it obvious that # people should update both. version = "1.16.2"; commit = "e98e41a8e168af7acae8079fc0cd68155f699aa3"; }; in buildBazelPackage rec { pname = "envoy"; version = srcVer.version; src = fetchFromGitHub { owner = "envoyproxy"; repo = "envoy"; rev = srcVer.commit; hash = "sha256-aWVMRKFCZzf9/96NRPCP4jiW38DJhXyi0gEqW7uIpnQ="; extraPostFetch = '' chmod -R +w $out rm $out/.bazelversion echo ${srcVer.commit} > $out/SOURCE_VERSION sed -i 's/GO_VERSION = ".*"/GO_VERSION = "host"/g' $out/bazel/dependency_imports.bzl ''; }; patches = [ # Quiche needs to be updated to compile under newer GCC. # This is a manual backport of http://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/pull/13949. ./0001-quiche-update-QUICHE-tar-13949.patch # upb needs to be updated to compile under newer GCC. # This is a manual backport of https://github.com/protocolbuffers/upb/commit/9bd23dab4240b015321a53c45b3c9e4847fbf020. ./0002-Add-upb-patch-to-make-it-compile-under-GCC10.patch ]; postPatch = '' sed -i 's,#!/usr/bin/env python3,#!${python3}/bin/python,' bazel/foreign_cc/luajit.patch ''; nativeBuildInputs = [ cmake python3 go ninja ]; fetchAttrs = { sha256 = "sha256-mct7anzErY9eSujZyGORfRJqzAO9XuFAv04DS8VRZKM="; dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; preInstall = '' # Strip out the path to the build location (by deleting the comment line). find $bazelOut/external -name requirements.bzl | while read requirements; do sed -i '/# Generated from /d' "$requirements" done # Remove references to paths in the Nix store. sed -i \ -e 's,${python3},__NIXPYTHON__,' \ -e 's,${stdenv.shellPackage},__NIXSHELL__,' \ $bazelOut/external/com_github_luajit_luajit/build.py \ $bazelOut/external/local_config_sh/BUILD rm -r $bazelOut/external/go_sdk # Replace some wheels which are only used for tests with empty files; # they're nondeterministically built and packed. >$bazelOut/external/config_validation_pip3/PyYAML-5.3.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl >$bazelOut/external/protodoc_pip3/PyYAML-5.3.1-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl >$bazelOut/external/thrift_pip3/thrift-0.13.0-cp38-cp38-linux_x86_64.whl ''; }; buildAttrs = { dontUseCmakeConfigure = true; dontUseNinjaInstall = true; preConfigure = '' sed -i 's,#!/usr/bin/env bash,#!${stdenv.shell},' $bazelOut/external/rules_foreign_cc/tools/build_defs/framework.bzl # Add paths to Nix store back. sed -i \ -e 's,__NIXPYTHON__,${python3},' \ -e 's,__NIXSHELL__,${stdenv.shellPackage},' \ $bazelOut/external/com_github_luajit_luajit/build.py \ $bazelOut/external/local_config_sh/BUILD ''; installPhase = '' install -Dm0755 bazel-bin/source/exe/envoy-static $out/bin/envoy ''; }; fetchConfigured = true; removeRulesCC = false; removeLocalConfigCc = true; removeLocal = false; bazelTarget = "//source/exe:envoy-static"; bazelBuildFlags = [ "-c opt" "--spawn_strategy=standalone" "--noexperimental_strict_action_env" "--cxxopt=-Wno-maybe-uninitialized" "--cxxopt=-Wno-uninitialized" ]; meta = with lib; { homepage = "https://envoyproxy.io"; description = "Cloud-native edge and service proxy"; license = licenses.asl20; maintainers = with maintainers; [ lukegb ]; platforms = [ "x86_64-linux" ]; # Other platforms will generate different fetch hashes. }; }