let aliceIp6 = "200:3b91:b2d8:e708:fbf3:f06:fdd5:90d0"; aliceKeys = { EncryptionPublicKey = "13e23986fe76bc3966b42453f479bc563348b7ff76633b7efcb76e185ec7652f"; EncryptionPrivateKey = "9f86947b15e86f9badac095517a1982e39a2db37ca726357f95987b898d82208"; SigningPublicKey = "e2c43349083bc1e998e4ec4535b4c6a8f44ca9a5a8e07336561267253b2be5f4"; SigningPrivateKey = "fe3add8da35316c05f6d90d3ca79bd2801e6ccab6d37e5339fef4152589398abe2c43349083bc1e998e4ec4535b4c6a8f44ca9a5a8e07336561267253b2be5f4"; }; bobIp6 = "201:ebbd:bde9:f138:c302:4afa:1fb6:a19a"; bobConfig = { InterfacePeers = { eth1 = [ "tcp://" ]; }; MulticastInterfaces = [ "eth1" ]; LinkLocalTCPPort = 54321; EncryptionPublicKey = "c99d6830111e12d1b004c52fe9e5a2eef0f6aefca167aca14589a370b7373279"; EncryptionPrivateKey = "2e698a53d3fdce5962d2ff37de0fe77742a5c8b56cd8259f5da6aa792f6e8ba3"; SigningPublicKey = "de111da0ec781e45bf6c63ecb45a78c24d7d4655abfaeea83b26c36eb5c0fd5b"; SigningPrivateKey = "2a6c21550f3fca0331df50668ffab66b6dce8237bcd5728e571e8033b363e247de111da0ec781e45bf6c63ecb45a78c24d7d4655abfaeea83b26c36eb5c0fd5b"; }; in import ./make-test.nix ({ pkgs, ...} : { name = "yggdrasil"; meta = with pkgs.stdenv.lib.maintainers; { maintainers = [ gazally ]; }; nodes = rec { # Alice is listening for peerings on a specified port, # but has multicast peering disabled. Alice has part of her # yggdrasil config in Nix and part of it in a file. alice = { ... }: { networking = { interfaces.eth1.ipv4.addresses = [{ address = ""; prefixLength = 24; }]; firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 12345 ]; }; services.httpd.enable = true; services.httpd.adminAddr = "foo@example.org"; services.yggdrasil = { enable = true; config = { Listen = ["tcp://"]; MulticastInterfaces = [ ]; }; configFile = toString (pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "yggdrasil-alice-conf"; text = builtins.toJSON aliceKeys; }); }; }; # Bob is set up to peer with Alice, and also to do local multicast # peering. Bob's yggdrasil config is in a file. bob = { ... }: { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 54321 ]; services.yggdrasil = { enable = true; openMulticastPort = true; configFile = toString (pkgs.writeTextFile { name = "yggdrasil-bob-conf"; text = builtins.toJSON bobConfig; }); }; }; # Carol only does local peering. Carol's yggdrasil config is all Nix. carol = { ... }: { networking.firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 43210 ]; services.yggdrasil = { enable = true; denyDhcpcdInterfaces = [ "ygg0" ]; config = { IfTAPMode = true; IfName = "ygg0"; MulticastInterfaces = [ "eth1" ]; LinkLocalTCPPort = 43210; }; }; }; }; testScript = '' # Give Alice a head start so she is ready when Bob calls. $alice->start; $alice->waitForUnit("yggdrasil.service"); $bob->start; $carol->start; $bob->waitForUnit("yggdrasil.service"); $carol->waitForUnit("yggdrasil.service"); $carol->waitUntilSucceeds("[ `ip -o -6 addr show dev ygg0 scope global | grep -v tentative | wc -l` -ge 1 ]"); my $carolIp6 = (split /[ \/]+/, $carol->succeed("ip -o -6 addr show dev ygg0 scope global"))[3]; # If Alice can talk to Carol, then Bob's outbound peering and Carol's # local peering have succeeded and everybody is connected. $alice->waitUntilSucceeds("ping -c 1 $carolIp6"); $alice->succeed("ping -c 1 ${bobIp6}"); $bob->succeed("ping -c 1 ${aliceIp6}"); $bob->succeed("ping -c 1 $carolIp6"); $carol->succeed("ping -c 1 ${aliceIp6}"); $carol->succeed("ping -c 1 ${bobIp6}"); $carol->fail("journalctl -u dhcpcd | grep ygg0"); $alice->waitForUnit("httpd.service"); $carol->succeed("curl --fail -g http://[${aliceIp6}]"); ''; })