{ stdenv, protobuf, nanopb }: stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "nanopb-test-message-with-options"; meta.timeout = 60; src = ./.; # protoc requires any .proto file to be compiled to reside within it's # proto_path. By default the current directory is automatically added to the # proto_path. I tried using --proto_path ${./.} ${./simple.proto} and it did # not work because they end up in the store at different locations. dontInstall = true; buildPhase = '' mkdir $out ${protobuf}/bin/protoc --plugin=protoc-gen-nanopb=${nanopb}/bin/protoc-gen-nanopb --nanopb_out=$out withoptions.proto ''; doCheck = true; checkPhase = '' grep -q WithOptions $out/withoptions.pb.c || (echo "error: WithOptions not found in $out/withoptions.pb.c"; exit 1) grep -q WithOptions $out/withoptions.pb.h || (echo "error: WithOptions not found in $out/withoptions.pb.h"; exit 1) grep -q "pb_byte_t uuid\[16\]" $out/withoptions.pb.h || (echo "error: uuid is not of type pb_byte_t and of size 16 in $out/withoptions.pb.h"; exit 1) grep -q "FIXED_LENGTH_BYTES, uuid" $out/withoptions.pb.h || (echo "error: uuid is not of fixed lenght bytes in $out/withoptions.pb.h"; exit 1) grep -q "#define WithOptions_size" $out/withoptions.pb.h || (echo "error: the size of WithOptions is not known in $out/withoptions.pb.h"; exit 1) ''; }