# The following was taken from github.com/crohr/syslogger and is BSD # licensed. require 'syslog' require 'logger' require 'thread' class Syslogger VERSION = "1.6.0" attr_reader :level, :ident, :options, :facility, :max_octets attr_accessor :formatter MAPPING = { Logger::DEBUG => Syslog::LOG_DEBUG, Logger::INFO => Syslog::LOG_INFO, Logger::WARN => Syslog::LOG_WARNING, Logger::ERROR => Syslog::LOG_ERR, Logger::FATAL => Syslog::LOG_CRIT, Logger::UNKNOWN => Syslog::LOG_ALERT } # # Initializes default options for the logger # ident:: the name of your program [default=$0]. # options:: syslog options [default=Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_CONS]. # Correct values are: # LOG_CONS : writes the message on the console if an error occurs when sending the message; # LOG_NDELAY : no delay before sending the message; # LOG_PERROR : messages will also be written on STDERR; # LOG_PID : adds the process number to the message (just after the program name) # facility:: the syslog facility [default=nil] Correct values include: # Syslog::LOG_DAEMON # Syslog::LOG_USER # Syslog::LOG_SYSLOG # Syslog::LOG_LOCAL2 # Syslog::LOG_NEWS # etc. # # Usage: # logger = Syslogger.new("my_app", Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_CONS, Syslog::LOG_LOCAL0) # logger.level = Logger::INFO # use Logger levels # logger.warn "warning message" # logger.debug "debug message" # def initialize(ident = $0, options = Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_CONS, facility = nil) @ident = ident @options = options || (Syslog::LOG_PID | Syslog::LOG_CONS) @facility = facility @level = Logger::INFO @mutex = Mutex.new @formatter = Logger::Formatter.new end %w{debug info warn error fatal unknown}.each do |logger_method| # Accepting *args as message could be nil. # Default params not supported in ruby 1.8.7 define_method logger_method.to_sym do |*args, &block| return true if @level > Logger.const_get(logger_method.upcase) message = args.first || block && block.call add(Logger.const_get(logger_method.upcase), message) end unless logger_method == 'unknown' define_method "#{logger_method}?".to_sym do @level <= Logger.const_get(logger_method.upcase) end end end # Log a message at the Logger::INFO level. Useful for use with Rack::CommonLogger def write(msg) add(Logger::INFO, msg) end # Logs a message at the Logger::INFO level. def <<(msg) add(Logger::INFO, msg) end # Low level method to add a message. # +severity+:: the level of the message. One of Logger::DEBUG, Logger::INFO, Logger::WARN, Logger::ERROR, Logger::FATAL, Logger::UNKNOWN # +message+:: the message string. # If nil, the method will call the block and use the result as the message string. # If both are nil or no block is given, it will use the progname as per the behaviour of both the standard Ruby logger, and the Rails BufferedLogger. # +progname+:: optionally, overwrite the program name that appears in the log message. def add(severity, message = nil, progname = nil, &block) if message.nil? && block.nil? && !progname.nil? message, progname = progname, nil end progname ||= @ident @mutex.synchronize do Syslog.open(progname, @options, @facility) do |s| s.mask = Syslog::LOG_UPTO(MAPPING[@level]) communication = clean(message || block && block.call) if self.max_octets buffer = "#{tags_text}" communication.bytes do |byte| buffer.concat(byte) # if the last byte we added is potentially part of an escape, we'll go ahead and add another byte if buffer.bytesize >= self.max_octets && !['%'.ord,'\\'.ord].include?(byte) s.log(MAPPING[severity],buffer) buffer = "" end end s.log(MAPPING[severity],buffer) unless buffer.empty? else s.log(MAPPING[severity],"#{tags_text}#{communication}") end end end end # Set the max octets of the messages written to the log def max_octets=(max_octets) @max_octets = max_octets end # Sets the minimum level for messages to be written in the log. # +level+:: one of Logger::DEBUG, Logger::INFO, Logger::WARN, Logger::ERROR, Logger::FATAL, Logger::UNKNOWN def level=(level) level = Logger.const_get(level.to_s.upcase) if level.is_a?(Symbol) unless level.is_a?(Fixnum) raise ArgumentError.new("Invalid logger level `#{level.inspect}`") end @level = level end # Sets the ident string passed along to Syslog def ident=(ident) @ident = ident end # Tagging code borrowed from ActiveSupport gem def tagged(*tags) new_tags = push_tags(*tags) yield self ensure pop_tags(new_tags.size) end def push_tags(*tags) tags.flatten.reject{ |i| i.respond_to?(:empty?) ? i.empty? : !i }.tap do |new_tags| current_tags.concat new_tags end end def pop_tags(size = 1) current_tags.pop size end def clear_tags! current_tags.clear end protected # Borrowed from SyslogLogger. def clean(message) message = message.to_s.dup message.strip! # remove whitespace message.gsub!(/\n/, '\\n') # escape newlines message.gsub!(/%/, '%%') # syslog(3) freaks on % (printf) message.gsub!(/\e\[[^m]*m/, '') # remove useless ansi color codes message end private def tags_text tags = current_tags if tags.any? tags.collect { |tag| "[#{tag}] " }.join end end def current_tags Thread.current[:syslogger_tagged_logging_tags] ||= [] end end worker_processes 2 working_directory ENV["GITLAB_PATH"] pid ENV["UNICORN_PATH"] + "/tmp/pids/unicorn.pid" listen ENV["UNICORN_PATH"] + "/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket", :backlog => 1024 timeout 60 logger Syslogger.new preload_app true GC.respond_to?(:copy_on_write_friendly=) and GC.copy_on_write_friendly = true check_client_connection false after_fork do |server, worker| defined?(ActiveRecord::Base) and ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection end