Sandro 448e3c4d85
Merge pull request #97657 from IvarWithoutBones/sm64ex-update
sm64ex: unstable-2020-06-19 -> unstable-2020-10-09
2021-04-05 21:40:30 +02:00

70 lines
2.2 KiB

{ lib, stdenv
, fetchFromGitHub
, python3
, pkg-config
, audiofile
, SDL2
, hexdump
, requireFile
, compileFlags ? [ ]
, region ? "us"
, baseRom ? requireFile {
name = "baserom.${region}.z64";
message = ''
This nix expression requires that baserom.${region}.z64 is
already part of the store. To get this file you can dump your Super Mario 64 cartridge's contents
and add it to the nix store with nix-store --add-fixed sha256 <FILE>.
Note that if you are not using a US baserom, you must overwrite the "region" attribute with either "eu" or "jp".
sha256 = {
"us" = "17ce077343c6133f8c9f2d6d6d9a4ab62c8cd2aa57c40aea1f490b4c8bb21d91";
"eu" = "c792e5ebcba34c8d98c0c44cf29747c8ee67e7b907fcc77887f9ff2523f80572";
"jp" = "9cf7a80db321b07a8d461fe536c02c87b7412433953891cdec9191bfad2db317";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "sm64ex";
version = "unstable-2020-10-09";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "sm64pc";
repo = "sm64ex";
rev = "57c203465b2b3eee03dcb796ed1fad07d8283a2c";
sha256 = "0k6a3r9f4spa7y2v1lyqs9lwa05lw8xgywllb7w828nal8y33cs6";
nativeBuildInputs = [ python3 pkg-config ];
buildInputs = [ audiofile SDL2 hexdump ];
makeFlags = [ "VERSION=${region}" ] ++ compileFlags
++ lib.optionals stdenv.isDarwin [ "OSX_BUILD=1" ];
inherit baseRom;
preBuild = ''
cp $baseRom ./baserom.${region}.z64
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp build/${region}_pc/sm64.${region}.f3dex2e $out/bin/sm64ex
meta = with lib; {
homepage = "";
description = "Super Mario 64 port based off of decompilation";
longDescription = ''
Super Mario 64 port based off of decompilation.
Note that you must supply a baserom yourself to extract assets from.
If you are not using an US baserom, you must overwrite the "region" attribute with either "eu" or "jp".
If you would like to use patches sm64ex distributes as makeflags, add them to the "compileFlags" attribute.
license = licenses.unfree;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ ivar ];
platforms = platforms.unix;