Alvar Penning 0a53c6b565 maintainers: rename geistesk to oxzi
For reasons I have renamed my GitHub account and would like to include
this name change here.
2020-08-15 16:03:46 +02:00

52 lines
1.4 KiB

{ stdenv, fetchurl, jre, unzip, runtimeShell }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
major = "14";
minor = "3";
version = "${major}.${minor}.0";
pname = "umlet";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${major}_${minor}/umlet-standalone-${version}.zip";
sha256 = "0jfyxjxsjx29xhs3fl0f574nyncmk9j5jp8zlgd401mcaznn9c7l";
buildInputs = [ unzip ];
installPhase = ''
mkdir -p "$out/bin"
mkdir -p "$out/lib"
cp -R * "$out/lib"
cat > "$out/bin/umlet" << EOF
cd "\$programDir"
if [ \$# -eq 1 ]
then "${jre}/bin/java" -jar "\$programDir/umlet.jar" -filename="\$1"
else "${jre}/bin/java" -jar "\$programDir/umlet.jar" "\$@"
chmod a+x "$out/bin/umlet"
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "Free, open-source UML tool with a simple user interface";
longDescription = ''
UMLet is a free, open-source UML tool with a simple user interface:
draw UML diagrams fast, produce sequence and activity diagrams from
plain text, export diagrams to eps, pdf, jpg, svg, and clipboard,
share diagrams using Eclipse, and create new, custom UML elements.
UMLet runs stand-alone or as Eclipse plug-in on Windows, macOS and
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ oxzi ];
platforms = platforms.all;