Jonathan Ringer 0bc275e634
Revert "lib: Clean up how linux and gcc config is specified"
This is a stdenv-rebuild, and should not be merged
into master

This reverts commit 8929989614.
2021-01-22 14:07:06 -08:00

46 lines
1.5 KiB

{ stdenv, lib, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, kernel }:
# Upstream build for kernel 4.1 is broken, 3.12 and below seems to be working
assert lib.versionAtLeast kernel.version "4.2" || lib.versionOlder kernel.version "4.0";
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
# linux kernel above 5.7 comes with its own exfat implementation
# Assertion moved here due to some tests unintenionally triggering it,
# e.g. nixosTests.kernel-latest; it's unclear how/why so far.
assertion = assert lib.versionOlder kernel.version "5.8"; null;
name = "exfat-nofuse-${version}-${kernel.version}";
version = "2020-04-15";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "barrybingo";
repo = "exfat-nofuse";
rev = "297a5739cd4a942a1d814d05a9cd9b542e7b8fc8";
sha256 = "14jahy7n6pr482fjfrlf9ck3f2rkr5ds0n5r85xdfsla37ria26d";
hardeningDisable = [ "pic" ];
nativeBuildInputs = kernel.moduleBuildDependencies;
makeFlags = [
] ++ lib.optional (stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform) [
installPhase = ''
install -m644 -b -D exfat.ko $out/lib/modules/${kernel.modDirVersion}/kernel/fs/exfat/exfat.ko
meta = {
description = "exfat kernel module";
inherit (src.meta) homepage;
license = lib.licenses.gpl2;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ makefu ];
platforms = lib.platforms.linux;