Sandro Jäckel 33a395f195
yacc: deprecate alias
and add a new line after the alphabetically sorting to please my inner monk
2021-04-04 03:18:58 +02:00

79 lines
2.5 KiB

{ lib, fetchFromGitHub, fetchpatch, mkDerivation
, qtbase, qtsvg, qtserialport, qtwebengine, qtmultimedia, qttools
, qtconnectivity, qtcharts, libusb-compat-0_1
, bison, flex, zlib, qmake, makeDesktopItem, makeWrapper
desktopItem = makeDesktopItem {
name = "goldencheetah";
exec = "GoldenCheetah";
icon = "goldencheetah";
desktopName = "GoldenCheetah";
genericName = "GoldenCheetah";
comment = "Performance software for cyclists, runners and triathletes";
categories = "Utility;";
in mkDerivation rec {
pname = "golden-cheetah";
version = "3.5";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "GoldenCheetah";
repo = "GoldenCheetah";
rev = "V${version}";
sha256 = "1lyd0b2s3s9c2ppj7l4hf3s4gfzscaaam2pbiaby714bi9nr0ka7";
buildInputs = [
qtbase qtsvg qtserialport qtwebengine qtmultimedia qttools zlib
qtconnectivity qtcharts libusb-compat-0_1
nativeBuildInputs = [ flex makeWrapper qmake bison ];
patches = [
# allow building with bison 3.7
# PR at
(fetchpatch {
url = "";
sha256 = "1h0y9vfji5jngqcpzxna5nnawxs77i1lrj44w8a72j0ah0sznivb";
NIX_LDFLAGS = "-lz";
qtWrapperArgs = [ "--set LD_LIBRARY_PATH ${zlib.out}/lib" ];
preConfigure = ''
cp src/ src/gcconfig.pri
cp qwt/ qwt/qwtconfig.pri
echo 'QMAKE_LRELEASE = ${}/bin/lrelease' >> src/gcconfig.pri
echo 'LIBUSB_INSTALL = ${libusb-compat-0_1}' >> src/gcconfig.pri
echo 'LIBUSB_INCLUDE = ${}/include' >> src/gcconfig.pri
echo 'LIBUSB_LIBS = -L${libusb-compat-0_1}/lib -lusb' >> src/gcconfig.pri
sed -i -e '21,23d' qwt/qwtconfig.pri # Removed forced installation to /usr/local
# Use qtwebengine instead of qtwebkit
substituteInPlace src/gcconfig.pri \
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/bin
cp src/GoldenCheetah $out/bin
install -Dm644 "${desktopItem}/share/applications/"* -t $out/share/applications/
install -Dm644 src/Resources/images/gc.png $out/share/pixmaps/goldencheetah.png
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
description = "Performance software for cyclists, runners and triathletes";
platforms = platforms.linux;
maintainers = [ ];
license = licenses.gpl3;