Sandro Jäckel 33a395f195
yacc: deprecate alias
and add a new line after the alphabetically sorting to please my inner monk
2021-04-04 03:18:58 +02:00

55 lines
1.8 KiB

{ config, lib, stdenv, fetchurl
, bison, flex
, sysfsutils, kmod, udev
, firmware ? config.pcmciaUtils.firmware or [] # Special pcmcia cards.
, configOpts ? config.pcmciaUtils.config or null # Special hardware (map memory & port & irq)
}: # used to generate postInstall script.
# FIXME: should add an option to choose between hotplug and udev.
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
name = "pcmciautils-018";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${name}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "0sfm3w2n73kl5w7gb1m6q8gy5k4rgwvzz79n6yhs9w3sag3ix8sk";
buildInputs = [udev bison sysfsutils kmod flex];
patchPhase = ''
sed -i "
" udev/* # fix-color */
sed -i "
" src/{startup.c,pcmcia-check-broken-cis.c} # fix-color */
+ (if firmware == [] then ''sed -i "s,STARTUP = true,STARTUP = false," Makefile'' else "")
+ (if configOpts == null then "" else "ln -sf ${configOpts} ./config/config.opts")
makeFlags = [ "LEX=flex" ];
installFlags = [ "INSTALL=install" "DESTDIR=${placeholder "out"}" ];
postInstall =
lib.concatMapStrings (path: ''
for f in : $(find ${path} -type f); do
test "$f" == ":" && continue;
mkdir -p $(dirname $out/lib/firmware/$\{f#${path}});
ln -s $f $out/lib/firmware/$\{f#${path}};
'') firmware;
meta = {
homepage = "";
longDescription = "
PCMCIAutils contains the initialization tools necessary to allow
the PCMCIA subsystem to behave (almost) as every other
hotpluggable bus system.
license = lib.licenses.gpl2;
platforms = lib.platforms.linux;