2017-12-05 21:01:51 +01:00

118 lines
3.7 KiB

{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
self: super: {
# Suitable LLVM version.
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_34;
# Disable GHC 7.4.x core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bin-package-db = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
extensible-exceptions = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-prim = null;
haskell2010 = null;
haskell98 = null;
hoopl = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
old-locale = null;
old-time = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
template-haskell = null;
time = null;
unix = null;
# These packages are core libraries in GHC 7.10.x, but not here.
haskeline = self.haskeline_0_7_3_1;
terminfo = self.terminfo_0_4_0_2;
transformers = self.transformers_0_4_3_0;
xhtml = self.xhtml_3000_2_1;
Cabal_1_22_4_0 = super.Cabal_1_22_4_0.override { binary = dontCheck self.binary_0_8_5_1; };
# Avoid inconsistent 'binary' versions from 'text' and 'Cabal'.
cabal-install = super.cabal-install.overrideScope (self: super: { binary = dontCheck self.binary_0_8_5_1; });
# Requires ghc 8.2
ghc-proofs = dontDistribute super.ghc-proofs;
hashable = dontCheck super.hashable;
jailbreak-cabal = super.jailbreak-cabal.override { Cabal = self.Cabal_1_20_0_4; };
# Haddock chokes on the prologue from the cabal file.
ChasingBottoms = dontHaddock super.ChasingBottoms;
primitive = dontCheck super.primitive;
unordered-containers = dontCheck super.unordered-containers;
# The test suite depends on time >=
cookie = dontCheck super.cookie ;
# Work around bytestring >= requirement.
streaming-commons = addBuildDepend super.streaming-commons self.bytestring-builder;
# Choose appropriate flags for our version of 'bytestring'.
bytestring-builder = disableCabalFlag super.bytestring-builder "bytestring_has_builder";
# Newer versions require a more recent compiler.
control-monad-free = super.control-monad-free_0_5_3;
# Needs hashable on pre 7.10.x compilers.
nats_1 = addBuildDepend super.nats_1 self.hashable;
nats = addBuildDepend super.nats self.hashable;
# Test suite won't compile.
unix-time = dontCheck super.unix-time;
# The test suite depends on mockery, which pulls in logging-facade, which
# doesn't compile with this older version of base:
doctest = dontCheck super.doctest;
# Avoid depending on tasty-golden.
monad-par = dontCheck super.monad-par;
# Newer versions require bytestring >=0.10.
tar = super.tar_0_4_1_0;
# Needs void on pre 7.10.x compilers.
conduit = addBuildDepend super.conduit self.void;
# Needs tagged on pre 7.6.x compilers.
reflection = addBuildDepend super.reflection self.tagged;
# These builds need additional dependencies on old compilers.
semigroups = addBuildDepends super.semigroups (with self; [nats bytestring-builder tagged unordered-containers transformers]);
QuickCheck = addBuildDepends super.QuickCheck (with self; [nats semigroups]);
optparse-applicative = addBuildDepend super.optparse-applicative self.semigroups;
text = addBuildDepend super.text self.bytestring-builder;
vector = addBuildDepend super.vector self.semigroups;
# Newer versions don't compile any longer.
network_2_6_3_1 = dontCheck super.network_2_6_3_1;
network = self.network_2_6_3_1;
# Haddock fails with an internal error.
utf8-string = dontHaddock super.utf8-string;