2021-07-27 20:37:06 +02:00

35 lines
929 B

{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, boost, gtkmm2, lv2, pkg-config, python2, wafHook }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "lvtk";
version = "1.2.0";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "03nbj2cqcklqwh50zj2gwm07crh5iwqbpxbpzwbg5hvgl4k4rnjd";
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config python2 wafHook ];
buildInputs = [ boost gtkmm2 lv2 ];
enableParallelBuilding = true;
# Fix including the boost libraries during linking
postPatch = ''
sed -i '/target[ ]*= "ttl2c"/ ilib=["boost_system"],' tools/wscript_build
wafConfigureFlags = [
meta = with lib; {
description = "A set C++ wrappers around the LV2 C API";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = [ maintainers.goibhniu ];
platforms = platforms.linux;