Jonathan Ringer 9bb3fccb5b treewide: pkgs.pkgconfig -> pkgs.pkg-config, move pkgconfig to alias.nix
continuation of #109595

pkgconfig was aliased in 2018, however, it remained in
all-packages.nix due to its wide usage. This cleans
up the remaining references to pkgs.pkgsconfig and
moves the entry to aliases.nix.

python3Packages.pkgconfig remained unchanged because
it's the canonical name of the upstream package
on pypi.
2021-01-19 01:16:25 -08:00

47 lines
1.2 KiB

{ lib, stdenv, fetchgit, boost, ganv, glibmm, gtkmm2, libjack2, lilv
, lv2, makeWrapper, pkg-config, python, raul, rdflib, serd, sord, sratom
, wafHook
, suil
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "ingen";
version = "unstable-2019-12-09";
name = "${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchgit {
url = "";
rev = "e32f32a360f2bf8f017ea347b6d1e568c0beaf68";
sha256 = "0wjn2i3j7jb0bmxymg079xpk4iplb91q0xqqnvnpvyldrr7gawlb";
deepClone = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ pkg-config wafHook ];
buildInputs = [
boost ganv glibmm gtkmm2 libjack2 lilv lv2 makeWrapper
python raul serd sord sratom suil
preConfigure = ''
sed -e "s@{PYTHONDIR}/'@out/'@" -i wscript
propagatedBuildInputs = [ rdflib ];
postInstall = ''
for program in ingenams ingenish
wrapProgram $out/bin/$program \
--prefix PYTHONPATH : $out/${python.sitePackages}:$PYTHONPATH
meta = with lib; {
description = "A modular audio processing system using JACK and LV2 or LADSPA plugins";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.agpl3Plus;
maintainers = [ maintainers.goibhniu ];
platforms = platforms.linux;