Claudio Bley 0f6b8b7964 fritzing: 0.9.3b -> 0.9.4

* fritzing still needs an older version of libgit2
* releases no longer directly correspond to tags in the git repository, they are
  using build numbers instead
* the fritzing-parts repository is no longer versioned at all, the master branch
  contains the latest stable release
* a `parts.db` file needs to be generated from the fritzing-parts files during
  the build
2020-10-11 16:51:59 -07:00

87 lines
2.8 KiB

{ mkDerivation, stdenv, fetchpatch, fetchFromGitHub, qmake, pkgconfig
, qtbase, qtsvg, qttools, qtserialport, boost, libgit2
# build number corresponding to a release, has no further relation
# see
fritzingBuild = "498";
# SHA256 of the fritzing-parts HEAD on the master branch,
# which contains the latest stable parts definitions
partsSha = "e79a69765026f3fda8aab1b3e7a4952c28047a62";
mkDerivation rec {
pname = "fritzing";
version = "0.9.4-${fritzingBuild}";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "fritzing";
repo = "fritzing-app";
rev = "CD-${fritzingBuild}";
sha256 = "0aljj2wbmm1vd64nhj6lh9qy856pd5avlgydsznya2vylyz20p34";
parts = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "fritzing";
repo = "fritzing-parts";
name = "fritzing-parts";
rev = partsSha;
sha256 = "0spka33a5qq34aq79j01arw1aly4vh0hzv7mahryhdlcdk22qqvc";
buildInputs = [ qtbase qtsvg qtserialport boost libgit2 ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ qmake pkgconfig qttools ];
patches = [(fetchpatch {
name = "fix-libgit2-version.patch";
url = "";
sha256 = "0v1zi609cjnqac80xgnk23n54z08g1lia37hbzfl8jcq9sn9adak";
postPatch = ''
substituteInPlace \
--replace 'LIBGIT_STATIC = true' 'LIBGIT_STATIC = false'
substituteInPlace tools/linux_release_script/ \
--replace 'git status' 'echo >/dev/null' \
--replace 'git clean' 'echo >/dev/null' \
--replace 'git clone' 'echo >/dev/null' \
--replace 'release_folder="' 'release_folder="$out" #' \
--replace './Fritzing -db' '# run after fixup'
substituteInPlace src/fapplication.cpp \
--replace 'PartsChecker::getSha(dir.absolutePath());' '"${partsSha}";'
buildPhase = ''
bash tools/linux_release_script/ ${version}
installPhase = ''
rm "$out/Fritzing" # remove script file
mkdir "$out/bin"
mv "$out/lib/Fritzing" "$out/bin/Fritzing"
mkdir --parents "$out/share/applications" "$out/share/metainfo"
mv --target-directory="$out/share/applications" "$out/org.fritzing.Fritzing.desktop"
mv --target-directory="$out/share/metainfo" "$out/org.fritzing.Fritzing.appdata.xml"
cp --recursive --no-target-directory "$parts" "$out/fritzing-parts"
postFixup = ''
# generate the parts.db file
QT_QPA_PLATFORM=offscreen "$out/bin/Fritzing" -db "$out/fritzing-parts/parts.db" -pp "$out/fritzing-parts" -folder "$out"
qmakeFlags = [ "" ];
meta = {
description = "An open source prototyping tool for Arduino-based projects";
homepage = "";
license = stdenv.lib.licenses.gpl3;
maintainers = [ stdenv.lib.maintainers.robberer ];
platforms = stdenv.lib.platforms.linux;