Marek Fajkus a97986a481 elmPackages.{elm-test,elm-analyse..}: tooling additions and fixes
Extends the number of available tools for Elm language.

1. fix and move "elm-test"
Previously located in nodePackages.elm-test but broken (see binwrap info).
Now fixed and located in elmPackages.elm-test

2. add "elm-verify-examples"
Generate tests from documentation examples

3. add "elm-upgrade"
upgrade assistant using statical analysis

4. add "elm-analyse"
static analysis for elm code (linter)

5. move "elm-doc-preview"
originally located in nodePackages.elm-upgrade - moved for consistency

6. add "elmi-to-json"
transforms elmi files to json - used by other tools like elm-test and

Node.js based dependencies are defined the same way as nodePackages
contaparts but are independent (has it's own packages.json)

patch-binwrap.nix is used to as a replacement for binwrap package
used by some nodejs dependencies that depends on Haskell binaries
(elm-test and elm-verify-examples).

elm-doc-preview (as well as broken elm-test) is now commented
in `node-packages-v10.json` and should be removed once new
nix-expressions for node10 are generated (out of scope of this PR)

There are still 2 outstanding elm related packages in nodePackages

1. elm-oracle - legacy package which is not compatible with elm 0.19
2. elm-live - should be moved in the future I think
2019-06-18 21:29:10 +02:00

155 lines
2.6 KiB

, "asar"
, "azure-functions-core-tools"
, "bash-language-server"
, "bower"
, "bower2nix"
, "browserify"
, "castnow"
, "clean-css"
, "coffee-script"
, "coinmon"
, "configurable-http-proxy"
, "cordova"
, "cpy-cli"
, "create-cycle-app"
, "create-react-app"
, "create-react-native-app"
, "csslint"
, "dat"
, "dhcp"
, "dnschain"
, "elasticdump"
, "elm-live"
, "elm-oracle"
, "emoj"
, "eslint"
, "eslint_d"
, "emojione"
, { "fast-cli": "1.x" }
, "fkill-cli"
, "forever"
, "git-run"
, "git-ssb"
, "git-standup"
, "graphql-cli"
, "grunt-cli"
, "gulp"
, "gulp-cli"
, "htmlhint"
, "html-minifier"
, "http-server"
, "hueadm"
, "ionic"
, "ios-deploy"
, "imapnotify"
, "indium"
, "jake"
, "javascript-typescript-langserver"
, "joplin"
, "jsdoc"
, "jshint"
, "json"
, "js-beautify"
, "jsonlint"
, "json-diff"
, "json-refs"
, "json-server"
, "js-yaml"
, "karma"
, "lcov-result-merger"
, "leetcode-cli"
, "lerna"
, "less"
, "less-plugin-clean-css"
, "live-server"
, "livedown"
, { "lumo-build-deps": "../interpreters/clojurescript/lumo" }
, "madoko"
, "markdown-link-check"
, "mathjax"
, "meat"
, "meguca"
, "mocha"
, "multi-file-swagger"
, "neovim"
, "nijs"
, "node2nix"
, "node-gyp"
, "node-gyp-build"
, "node-inspector"
, "node-pre-gyp"
, "nodemon"
, "node-red"
, "npm"
, { "npm2nix": "git://" }
, "npm-check-updates"
, "ocaml-language-server"
, "peerflix"
, "peerflix-server"
, "pnpm"
, "parcel-bundler"
, "prettier"
, "pulp"
, "react-tools"
, "react-native-cli"
, "reveal.js"
, "s3http"
, "scuttlebot"
, "semver"
, "serve"
, "shout"
, "sloc"
, "smartdc"
, "snyk"
, ""
, "speed-test"
, "stackdriver-statsd-backend"
, "svgo"
, "swagger"
, { "tedicross": "git+" }
, "tern"
, "textlint"
, "textlint-plugin-latex"
, "textlint-rule-abbr-within-parentheses"
, "textlint-rule-alex"
, "textlint-rule-common-misspellings"
, "textlint-rule-diacritics"
, "textlint-rule-en-max-word-count"
, "textlint-rule-max-comma"
, "textlint-rule-no-start-duplicated-conjunction"
, "textlint-rule-period-in-list-item"
, "textlint-rule-stop-words"
, "textlint-rule-terminology"
, "textlint-rule-unexpanded-acronym"
, "textlint-rule-write-good"
, "three"
, "tiddlywiki"
, "triton"
, "tsun"
, "ttf2eot"
, "typescript"
, "typescript-language-server"
, "uglify-js"
, "ungit"
, "vscode-css-languageserver-bin"
, "vscode-html-languageserver-bin"
, "vue-cli"
, "@vue/cli"
, "vue-language-server"
, "@webassemblyjs/cli"
, "@webassemblyjs/repl"
, "@webassemblyjs/wasm-strip"
, "@webassemblyjs/wasm-text-gen"
, "@webassemblyjs/wast-refmt"
, "webpack"
, "webpack-cli"
, "webtorrent-cli"
, "web-ext"
, "wring"
, "write-good"
, "yarn"
, "yo"