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<section xmlns=""
<title>Warnings and Assertions</title>
When configuration problems are detectable in a module, it is a good idea to
write an assertion or warning. Doing so provides clear feedback to the user
and can prevent errors before the build.
Although Nix has the <literal>abort</literal> and
<link xlink:href="">functions</link>
to perform such tasks, they are not ideally suited for NixOS modules. Instead
of these functions, you can declare your warnings and assertions using the
NixOS module system.
<section xml:id="sec-assertions-define">
<title>Defining Warnings and Assertions</title>
Both warnings and assertions can be defined using the <xref linkend="opt-_module.assertions"/> option. Each assertion needs an attribute name, under which you have to define an enable condition using <xref linkend="opt-_module.assertions._name_.enable"/> and a message using <xref linkend="opt-_module.assertions._name_.message"/>. Note that the enable condition is <emphasis>inverse</emphasis> of what an assertion would be: To assert a value being true, the enable condition should be false in that case, so that it isn't triggered. For the assertion message, you can add <literal>options</literal> to the module arguments and use <literal>${}</literal> to print a context-aware string representation of the option path. Here is an example showing how this can be done.
{ config, options, ... }: {
_module.assertions.gpgSshAgent = {
enable = config.programs.gnupg.agent.enableSSHSupport &amp;&amp; config.programs.ssh.startAgent;
message = "You can't enable both ${options.programs.ssh.startAgent}"
+ " and ${options.programs.gnupg.agent.enableSSHSupport}!";
_module.assertions.grafanaPassword = {
enable = != "";
message = "The grafana password defined with ${}"
+ " will be stored as plaintext in the Nix store!";
# This is a non-fatal warning
type = "warning";
<section xml:id="sec-assertions-ignoring">
<title>Ignoring Warnings and Assertions</title>
Sometimes you can get warnings or assertions that don't apply to your specific case and you wish to ignore them, or at least make assertions non-fatal. You can do so for all assertions defined using <xref linkend="opt-_module.assertions"/> by using the attribute name of the definition, which is conveniently printed using <literal>[...]</literal> when the assertion is triggered. For above example, the evaluation output when the assertions are triggered looks as follows:
trace: warning: [grafanaPassword] The grafana password defined with
services.grafana.database.password will be stored as plaintext in the Nix store!
error: Failed assertions:
- [gpgSshAgent] You can't enable both programs.ssh.startAgent and
The <literal>[grafanaPassword]</literal> and <literal>[gpgSshAgent]</literal> strings tell you that these were defined under the <literal>grafanaPassword</literal> and <literal>gpgSshAgent</literal> attributes of <xref linkend="opt-_module.assertions"/> respectively. With this knowledge you can adjust them to your liking:
{ lib, ... }: {
# Change the assertion into a non-fatal warning
_module.assertions.gpgSshAgent.type = "warning";
# We don't care about this warning, disable it
_module.assertions.grafanaPassword.enable = lib.mkForce false;
<section xml:id="sec-assertions-submodules">
<title>Warnings and Assertions in Submodules</title>
Warnings and assertions can be defined within submodules in the same way. Here is an example:
{ lib, ... }: {
options.myServices = lib.mkOption {
type = lib.types.attrsOf (lib.types.submodule ({ config, options, ... }: {
options.port = lib.mkOption {};
config._module.assertions.portConflict = {
enable = config.port == 80;
message = "Port ${toString config.port} defined using"
+ " ${options.port} is usually used for HTTP";
type = "warning";
When this assertion is triggered, it shows both the submodule path along with the assertion attribute within that submodule, joined by a <literal>/</literal>. Note also how <literal>${options.port}</literal> correctly shows the context of the option.
trace: warning: [] Port 80 defined using is usually used for HTTP
Therefore to disable such an assertion, you can do so by changing the <xref linkend="opt-_module.assertions"/> option within the <literal></literal> submodule:
{ lib, ... }: { = lib.mkForce false;
Assertions defined in submodules under <literal>types.listOf</literal> can't be ignored, since there's no way to change previously defined list items.