2021-06-25 09:53:21 -07:00

113 lines
3.3 KiB

{ lib, fetchFromGitHub, buildGoModule, go, removeReferencesTo, buildEnv }:
package = buildGoModule rec {
pname = "nomad-autoscaler";
version = "0.3.3";
outputs = [
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "hashicorp";
repo = "nomad-autoscaler";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-bN/U6aCf33B88ouQwTGG8CqARzWmIvXNr5JPr3l8cVI=";
vendorSha256 = "sha256-Ls8gkfLyxfQD8krvxjAPnZhf1r1s2MhtQfMMfp8hJII=";
subPackages = [ "." ];
nativeBuildInputs = [ removeReferencesTo ];
# buildGoModule overrides normal buildPhase, can't use makeTargets
postBuild = ''
make build plugins
# tries to pull tests from network, and fails silently anyway
doCheck = false;
postInstall = ''
mkdir -p $bin/bin
mv $out/bin/nomad-autoscaler $bin/bin/nomad-autoscaler
ln -s $bin/bin/nomad-autoscaler $out/bin/nomad-autoscaler
for d in $outputs; do
mkdir -p ''${!d}/share
rmdir $bin/share
# have out contain all of the plugins
for plugin in bin/plugins/*; do
remove-references-to -t ${go} "$plugin"
cp "$plugin" $out/share/
# populate the outputs as individual plugins
# can't think of a more generic way to handle this
# bash doesn't allow for dashes '-' to be in a variable name
# this means that the output names will need to differ slightly from the binary
mv bin/plugins/aws-asg $aws_asg/share/
mv bin/plugins/azure-vmss $azure_vmss/share/
mv bin/plugins/datadog $datadog/share/
mv bin/plugins/fixed-value $fixed_value/share/
mv bin/plugins/gce-mig $gce_mig/share/
mv bin/plugins/nomad-apm $nomad_apm/share/
mv bin/plugins/nomad-target $nomad_target/share/
mv bin/plugins/pass-through $pass_through/share/
mv bin/plugins/prometheus $prometheus/share/
mv bin/plugins/target-value $target_value/share/
mv bin/plugins/threshold $threshold/share/
# make toggle-able, so that overrided versions can disable this check if
# they want newer versions of the plugins without having to modify
# the output logic
doInstallCheck = true;
installCheckPhase = ''
rmdir bin/plugins || {
echo "Not all plugins were extracted"
echo "Please move the following to their related output: $(ls bin/plugins)"
exit 1
passthru = {
inherit plugins withPlugins;
meta = with lib; {
description = "Autoscaling daemon for Nomad";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.mpl20;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ jonringer ];
plugins = let
plugins = builtins.filter (n: !(lib.elem n [ "out" "bin" ])) package.outputs;
in lib.genAttrs plugins (output: package.${output});
# Intended to be used as: (nomad-autoscaler.withPlugins (ps: [ ps.aws_asg ps.nomad_target ])
withPlugins = f: buildEnv {
name = "nomad-autoscaler-env";
paths = [ package.bin ] ++ f plugins;