jali-clarke cc582f1f59 nixos/kubernetes: import all platforms for seeded images
This fixes a class of errors seen on aarch64 during coredns import where content was seen to be missing ("digest xxx not found") or "failed to get reader from content store" depending on which coredns version was being imported.
2021-03-15 09:03:40 -04:00

388 lines
12 KiB

{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }:
with lib;
top =;
cfg = top.kubelet;
cniConfig =
if cfg.cni.config != [] && cfg.cni.configDir != null then
throw "Verbatim CNI-config and CNI configDir cannot both be set."
else if cfg.cni.configDir != null then
(pkgs.buildEnv {
name = "kubernetes-cni-config";
paths = imap (i: entry:
pkgs.writeTextDir "${toString (10+i)}-${entry.type}.conf" (builtins.toJSON entry)
) cfg.cni.config;
infraContainer = pkgs.dockerTools.buildImage {
name = "pause";
tag = "latest";
contents = top.package.pause;
config.Cmd = ["/bin/pause"];
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfig "kubelet" cfg.kubeconfig;
manifestPath = "kubernetes/manifests";
taintOptions = with lib.types; { name, ... }: {
options = {
key = mkOption {
description = "Key of taint.";
default = name;
type = str;
value = mkOption {
description = "Value of taint.";
type = str;
effect = mkOption {
description = "Effect of taint.";
example = "NoSchedule";
type = enum ["NoSchedule" "PreferNoSchedule" "NoExecute"];
taints = concatMapStringsSep "," (v: "${v.key}=${v.value}:${v.effect}") (mapAttrsToList (n: v: v) cfg.taints);
imports = [
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "kubelet" "applyManifests" ] "")
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "kubelet" "cadvisorPort" ] "")
(mkRemovedOptionModule [ "services" "kubernetes" "kubelet" "allowPrivileged" ] "")
###### interface = with lib.types; {
address = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet info server listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
clusterDns = mkOption {
description = "Use alternative DNS.";
default = "";
type = str;
clusterDomain = mkOption {
description = "Use alternative domain.";
default =;
type = str;
clientCaFile = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes apiserver CA file for client authentication.";
default = top.caFile;
type = nullOr path;
cni = {
packages = mkOption {
description = "List of network plugin packages to install.";
type = listOf package;
default = [];
config = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes CNI configuration.";
type = listOf attrs;
default = [];
example = literalExample ''
"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
"name": "mynet",
"type": "bridge",
"bridge": "cni0",
"isGateway": true,
"ipMasq": true,
"ipam": {
"type": "host-local",
"subnet": "",
"routes": [
{ "dst": "" }
} {
"cniVersion": "0.3.1",
"type": "loopback"
configDir = mkOption {
description = "Path to Kubernetes CNI configuration directory.";
type = nullOr path;
default = null;
containerRuntime = mkOption {
description = "Which container runtime type to use";
type = enum ["docker" "remote"];
default = "remote";
containerRuntimeEndpoint = mkOption {
description = "Endpoint at which to find the container runtime api interface/socket";
type = str;
default = "unix:///var/run/containerd/containerd.sock";
enable = mkEnableOption "Kubernetes kubelet.";
extraOpts = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet extra command line options.";
default = "";
type = str;
featureGates = mkOption {
description = "List set of feature gates";
default = top.featureGates;
type = listOf str;
healthz = {
bind = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet healthz listening address.";
default = "";
type = str;
port = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet healthz port.";
default = 10248;
type = int;
hostname = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet hostname override.";
default = config.networking.hostName;
type = str;
kubeconfig = top.lib.mkKubeConfigOptions "Kubelet";
manifests = mkOption {
description = "List of manifests to bootstrap with kubelet (only pods can be created as manifest entry)";
type = attrsOf attrs;
default = {};
networkPlugin = mkOption {
description = "Network plugin to use by Kubernetes.";
type = nullOr (enum ["cni" "kubenet"]);
default = "kubenet";
nodeIp = mkOption {
description = "IP address of the node. If set, kubelet will use this IP address for the node.";
default = null;
type = nullOr str;
registerNode = mkOption {
description = "Whether to auto register kubelet with API server.";
default = true;
type = bool;
port = mkOption {
description = "Kubernetes kubelet info server listening port.";
default = 10250;
type = int;
seedDockerImages = mkOption {
description = "List of docker images to preload on system";
default = [];
type = listOf package;
taints = mkOption {
description = "Node taints (";
default = {};
type = attrsOf (submodule [ taintOptions ]);
tlsCertFile = mkOption {
description = "File containing x509 Certificate for HTTPS.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
tlsKeyFile = mkOption {
description = "File containing x509 private key matching tlsCertFile.";
default = null;
type = nullOr path;
unschedulable = mkOption {
description = "Whether to set node taint to unschedulable=true as it is the case of node that has only master role.";
default = false;
type = bool;
verbosity = mkOption {
description = ''
Optional glog verbosity level for logging statements. See
<link xlink:href=""/>
default = null;
type = nullOr int;
###### implementation
config = mkMerge [
(mkIf cfg.enable {
environment.etc."cni/net.d".source = cniConfig;
services.kubernetes.kubelet.seedDockerImages = [infraContainer];
boot.kernel.sysctl = {
"net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables" = 1;
"net.ipv4.ip_forward" = 1;
"net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables" = 1;
}; = {
description = "Kubernetes Kubelet Service";
wantedBy = [ "" ];
after = [ "containerd.service" "" "kube-apiserver.service" ];
path = with pkgs; [
] ++ lib.optional config.boot.zfs.enabled config.boot.zfs.package ++ top.path;
preStart = ''
${concatMapStrings (img: ''
echo "Seeding container image: ${img}"
${if (lib.hasSuffix "gz" img) then
''${pkgs.gzip}/bin/zcat "${img}" | ${pkgs.containerd}/bin/ctr -n image import --all-platforms -''
''${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/cat "${img}" | ${pkgs.containerd}/bin/ctr -n image import --all-platforms -''
'') cfg.seedDockerImages}
rm /opt/cni/bin/* || true
${concatMapStrings (package: ''
echo "Linking cni package: ${package}"
ln -fs ${package}/bin/* /opt/cni/bin
'') cfg.cni.packages}
serviceConfig = {
Slice = "kubernetes.slice";
CPUAccounting = true;
MemoryAccounting = true;
Restart = "on-failure";
RestartSec = "1000ms";
ExecStart = ''${top.package}/bin/kubelet \
--address=${cfg.address} \
--authentication-token-webhook \
--authentication-token-webhook-cache-ttl="10s" \
--authorization-mode=Webhook \
${optionalString (cfg.clientCaFile != null)
"--client-ca-file=${cfg.clientCaFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.clusterDns != "")
"--cluster-dns=${cfg.clusterDns}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.clusterDomain != "")
"--cluster-domain=${cfg.clusterDomain}"} \
--cni-conf-dir=${cniConfig} \
${optionalString (cfg.featureGates != [])
"--feature-gates=${concatMapStringsSep "," (feature: "${feature}=true") cfg.featureGates}"} \
--hairpin-mode=hairpin-veth \
--healthz-bind-address=${cfg.healthz.bind} \
--healthz-port=${toString cfg.healthz.port} \
--hostname-override=${cfg.hostname} \
--kubeconfig=${kubeconfig} \
${optionalString (cfg.networkPlugin != null)
"--network-plugin=${cfg.networkPlugin}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.nodeIp != null)
"--node-ip=${cfg.nodeIp}"} \
--pod-infra-container-image=pause \
${optionalString (cfg.manifests != {})
"--pod-manifest-path=/etc/${manifestPath}"} \
--port=${toString cfg.port} \
--register-node=${boolToString cfg.registerNode} \
${optionalString (taints != "")
"--register-with-taints=${taints}"} \
--root-dir=${top.dataDir} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsCertFile != null)
"--tls-cert-file=${cfg.tlsCertFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.tlsKeyFile != null)
"--tls-private-key-file=${cfg.tlsKeyFile}"} \
${optionalString (cfg.verbosity != null) "--v=${toString cfg.verbosity}"} \
--container-runtime=${cfg.containerRuntime} \
--container-runtime-endpoint=${cfg.containerRuntimeEndpoint} \
--cgroup-driver=systemd \
WorkingDirectory = top.dataDir;
# Allways include cni plugins
services.kubernetes.kubelet.cni.packages = [pkgs.cni-plugins];
boot.kernelModules = ["br_netfilter" "overlay"];
services.kubernetes.kubelet.hostname = with config.networking;
mkDefault (hostName + optionalString (domain != null) ".${domain}");
services.kubernetes.pki.certs = with top.lib; {
kubelet = mkCert {
name = "kubelet";
CN = top.kubelet.hostname;
action = "systemctl restart kubelet.service";
kubeletClient = mkCert {
name = "kubelet-client";
CN = "system:node:${top.kubelet.hostname}";
fields = {
O = "system:nodes";
action = "systemctl restart kubelet.service";
services.kubernetes.kubelet.kubeconfig.server = mkDefault top.apiserverAddress;
(mkIf (cfg.enable && cfg.manifests != {}) {
environment.etc = mapAttrs' (name: manifest:
nameValuePair "${manifestPath}/${name}.json" {
text = builtins.toJSON manifest;
mode = "0755";
) cfg.manifests;
(mkIf (cfg.unschedulable && cfg.enable) {
services.kubernetes.kubelet.taints.unschedulable = {
value = "true";
effect = "NoSchedule";