2021-06-19 05:39:58 +03:00

50 lines
1.6 KiB

{ lib, stdenv, fetchurl, gtk-engine-murrine }:
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "sweet";
version = "2.0";
srcs = [
(fetchurl {
url = "${version}/Sweet-Ambar-Blue.tar.xz";
sha256 = "028pk07im7pab8a2vh3bvjm8jg37dpvn4c1mwn6vhb6wcr9v5c75";
(fetchurl {
url = "${version}/Sweet-Ambar.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0zmdmqndj65kr43g3z57blrmv0y856zlfprm6y45zbf4xz3ybkg6";
(fetchurl {
url = "${version}/Sweet-Dark.tar.xz";
sha256 = "02sw664fkrfpsygspq8fn4zgk8rxs9rd29nnx6nyvkji68mb51s6";
(fetchurl {
url = "${version}/Sweet-mars.tar.xz";
sha256 = "14rl3il61jyqwiqlpgbh397q3rcs7jcf2pvr2763ar5a9czmy8h6";
(fetchurl {
url = "${version}/Sweet.tar.xz";
sha256 = "0rza3yxwj256ibqimymjhd6lpjzr7fkhggq0ijdg1wab3q91x66q";
propagatedUserEnvPkgs = [ gtk-engine-murrine ];
sourceRoot = ".";
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
mkdir -p $out/share/themes/
cp -a Sweet* $out/share/themes/
rm $out/share/themes/*/{LICENSE,README*}
runHook postInstall
meta = with lib; {
description = "Light and dark colorful Gtk3.20+ theme";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.gpl3Only;
maintainers = with maintainers; [ fuzen ];
platforms = platforms.linux;